Except that once you built a Gladiator with Warrior Might and fed him with Shuccaneers with hits to chase, there wasn't much reason to build anything else. The math is just too good.the bucaneer, the prince, the Wildling, etc, cool jobs that were actually fun to use.
EOIII blows EOIV out of the water regarding classes.
everyone was awesome and useful.
the bucaneer, the prince, the Wildling, etc, cool jobs that were actually fun to use.
Except that once you built a Gladiator with Warrior Might and fed him with Shuccaneers with hits to chase, there wasn't much reason to build anything else. The math is just too good.
IV's classes may be more bland, but it's a much better balanced game with a lot more viable party strategies.
The whole point is that EOIV has more than one viable strategy to make a party that obliterates everything, because there's a lot of different setups that work well together. Check out the "no chemicals" runs of the postgame boss and you'll see several approaches that all get the job done. It's a well-balanced game.you can do that in EOIV with the nightseeker and the poison or the Imperial and any of the drives. Upgrade those and you can casually cruse through the game.
Can't run, nooooooo. the skills are set up as a list and not branching. kinda a pain. I can move around using the analog tho feels so good.
it's too bad I'm broke. My farmer team is weak and shit. Can't handle like 3 mobs before bowing out. I unlocked B2, yeah man I stopped when I saw the FOE. Iunno what is but it'll probably kill me
I had 10 Farmers, 5 of them were leveling with the passive skill while the other 5 were only useful for the first levels(I deleted them afterwards), I just ran to a gathering spot and and one of them had the skill to get out of the dungeon.
About the Skill list stuff, that was way better in IV but that was how the series worked before.
Farmers have the ignore encounters skill, which is very important for farming runs. You can wait until you get to the Deep City before you start farming runs, in the meantime just let them get xp in the guild hall.
naw, the Princess is my buffer, she attacks after she puts down attack/defense boosts. Gladiator is my main damage dealer, Hoplite is my provoke tank person, Zodiac well I save her TP for her spells because I never know when I might get screwed over by mobs she does pitiful melee damage but it is what it is, Monk is my healer with no points in her attack skills, she does some good work with her mace but it misses more often than I'd like.
I didn't think this party through lols. Tents are like 100 bucks. Can't afford that luxury; that's like me using 100 dollar bills as toilet paper
I'd like to farm but I can't do Safe Stroll yet. I need 5 points into Keen Eye and another point into SS. My Farmer has to be lvl 4 for that :x
ahh okay. I want to retire my Princess and Zodiac but they're lvl 25
I'm not looking forward to grinding them back to par though.
Killing all available FOEs isn't very fun tbh. Maybe I'll get better exp when I progress more out at sea and do the latest sea quests. I'm at the 3rd town. I think I should be at the 4th town already since this dude at the tavern keeps mentioning a cannon and Tortuga.
Since the topic right now is EO3, what do you think of my party:
Front Line:
Hoplite - Buccaneer
Back Line:
Princess - Monk - Zodiac.
Princess mostly has those healing skills and Monk is focused on healing and reviving (especially since many monsters one hit kill someone from my party).
Have 5 farmers and the other classes on the Explorer's House gaining experience.
You don't have enough damage output. I recommend you switch either the monk or princess out for a damage class and then sub the class you switched out to the remaining one later. M/P or P/M is the best healer/support combinations in the game, but having 2 is too much.
Go unlock Scylla and you can exploit her for XP.
Probably gonna kick the princess for the Arbalist. Gonna do some grinding.
I'd kick the Monk out instead of the Princess, an Arbalist would do your team pretty good no matter who you take out.
Don't think I'll use the new class.
so the choices do matter? Very cool.
New class designs are so slick. Ponytail vs snowflake hair accessory HNNNNNG. And a badass old guy
I'm too lazy to experiment in battle tho that's the thing
oh yeah the innkeeper. This happened when I was still in the 1st statum. I thought she was the cutest thing I've seen in a video game. Found out through she's a boy when I did that bottle quest. A really cute boy. Dreams dashed. Well whatever cutest video game boy I've ever laid eyes on.
I'm still on trackHopefully you can still get the best ending, some of the choices you made as you discover the deep city can block you from this.
lol at the innkeeper. That was totally on purpose.
I'm still on track
I broke my promise with Olympia right after making one with her. It's morally wrong hahah but I did it anyway.
I also got items from the red dude and Olympia after reaching B14F.
I know, right? A smile so cute and his clothes are girly. How could I think otherwise?
After getting to the 5th stratum in Untold Story Mode, I find interesting that (EO III post game, related to EOU story mode, not big but gonna tag it anyways)one of the npc cameos is a forest girl in a robe, you didnt take Kupala with you after defeating the 4th stratum boss in classic mode, so having her at the mansion wearing a robe in story mode.. its like a reference to the reference lol.
You need a community for that
I think we need a Etrian Odyssey community thread LOL.
You need a community for that
woohoo 4th stratum boss down.
endgame spoilers
did the true ending thing too with the little alien kid
All set. This game is so good. So good.
3 is probably the best EO game overall, even if I liked 4's class balance.
I forgot, in the true ending, do they explain who or what is the leader of the deep city (same for the princess)? or that only happens in the other 2 endings and you have to put 2 and 2 together in the true ending.
You know after finishing my first playthrough, I actually didnt feel bad about killing the princess, yeah she wanted to see her brother but she became one of them in the process. So siding with amroad in my second playthrough didnt feel right.
re: community, we need more people =/