I keep getting owned by fire bulbs in the mist forest. Them damn things pack a splosive punch.
Just attack them with everything you got before they explode, if it helps they are weak to ice.
I keep getting owned by fire bulbs in the mist forest. Them damn things pack a splosive punch.
You'll be making a party of your own choosing, mapping a series of labyrinths and defeating the horrors at the end of each one before moving on to the next by traversing a smallish overworld. Each has a light "gimmick" which requires some puzzle solving to figure out, but nothing too crazy.Hey everyone, i am about to start this game up any day now, and i have never played an EO game before! Couple general questions
- What am i in for?
You'll be required to do a little bit of mapping at the start of the game and the game will tell you how to use new features as they become available, but there's not a ton of hand-holding.- Is there a tutorial?
I'm not entirely sure since I didn't check the time. Perhaps 20 hours or so?- About how long is a regular story mode playthrough?
I think the difficulty's a bit overstated, and this game is the most accessible yet. Almost any party is viable, but you'll want to aim for a nice balance to start with. Have someone to inflict physical damage (like a Landshark), someone to inflict elemental damage (Runemaster), someone who can heal (Medic) and someone who can inflict status or binds (Nightseeker or Sniper). Don't worry about getting your party exactly right on the first try; there'll be opportunities to mix in new characters later without a lot of level grinding. The classes are really well balanced this time around so there's nobody that's going to be just dead weight.- Since i heard these games are kinda notorious for their difficulty (and i generally like to play my games on normal diff.) are there a couple things i REALLY should do or not do in order to avoid TOO much frustration? (like some classes i'd really need to not screw myelf too bad etc.?)
Just got stomped by the boss in the second maze. Might have been doable but she just resummons her little helpers. Might have to grind 30 levels real quick.
Just got stomped by the boss in the second maze. Might have been doable but she just resummons her little helpers. Might have to grind 30 levels real quick.
You're definitely supposed to avoid those baboon FOEs at that point in the game. Keep in mind that there's two of them circling that mining spot. They have a preset path, so it's easy to avoid them by ducking into the little nooks on the east and west sides of that room and pacing back and forth until one passes. It doesn't take any turns to circle in place to keep an eye on things in the room if need be.
That sounds like what happened. Although there is a random chance of being ambushed while gathering, that's a different message from the "attacked from behind" one. The number of FOEs on the map is generally fixed - though you may need to keep an eye on the map to watch their paths.Each time you gather from a resource point on the map consumes one "turn" so FOEs get to move while you're doing that, maybe that's what it was?
Actually, looking at other community threads, we might have justification to start one for EO/sister games like Persona Q.
Lunar, Medabots, and now Rhythm Tengoku all have community threads and they haven't seen releases (well...localized releases in some cases) in significantly more time than EO.
and a Raquna page as well, yeah.
Shoot, I'll make one if that's what we're doing.
Superior pink dancer, superior blond princess, and superior Canada, you got it.
Superior pink dancer, superior blond princess, and superior Canada, you got it.
if someone does make it, make sure to give EOIV Dancer (tanned one cuz she's superior) a page just by herself.
and a Raquna page as well, yeah.
I'll just sit here waiting, I guess.
For? Not trying to steal anyone's thunder so if you or someone else have been wanting to make a thread, go for it. I'm just saying I could try putting something together if no one else wants to spend the time on it.
For someone to make the thread of course. I mean why do something yourself when someone else will do it anyways!
Tried the boss again, decimated once again. ;(
I'd help but I can't draw well, write well... can't do anything decently >_>
and oh yeah Mau-chan, I thought you liked the other dancer more? Man, I totally remember you calling me out for liking the tanned one more![]()
Tried the boss again, decimated once again. ;(
I like every Dancer, I just like to mess with you.
post your team to see what we can help you with, head bind is pretty much what you're supposed to do in that battle IIRC.
Ok so im wondering about Quests now, can i take on as many as i want since the older ones apparently disappear after a while or is there a limit to how many i can take on?
Also: just made it to the Lush Woods and... i see some wooden logs there that block the way and apparently have a smell that attracts monsters(presumably FOEs) i guess i am just supposed to ignore these for now right?
Still leveling now so i can return to the old forest mine and kick some Baboon ass
also: what does cooking do while in the airship exactly? I mean it gives you a boon but is that just temporary for THAT trip in the ship or...? should i even bother with it right now or just sell the mats for cash which i am short on...
nice.... so there aren't many enemies that are strong against Electric damage then?
Also: I just hit level 7, so... Better say your prayers, old forest mine Baboon FOEs, cuz i'm comin for yo monkey asses!!! (i'll probably get my ass kicked won't i?)
We still doing a community thread? I'll do it if no one else have the time.