WEDNESDAYS 21:30 - 23:00 CEST
SUNDAYS 21:00 - 23:00 CEST
CloudWolf Brandenburg
Colkate Muscovy
Crab Aragon
FACE Timurids
fanboi Ottoman
Haly The Hansa
Kabouter Colonial Nation (start in observe mode)
KingSnake Scotland
Manik Sweden
Mgoblue201 Burgundy
mleugie Poland
Morfeo Vijayanagar
Toma Mamluks
Valhelm Portugal
ZZMitch Venice
mkenyon Bavaria

1. No Kills
Player nations may not be annexed, only vassalized. If it would cost less than 100% war-score to vassalize another player, provinces may no longer be demanded from them.
2. Restricted Exploits
Players may not sell provinces to another player unless the latter has the ability to core that province or already has a core on that province, and has discovered it. Players may not make other players protectorates. Players may not move their capital to an overseas province.
3. Justified Demands
Players may not demand provinces from another player or player’s subject unless they are cores, claims, same culture-group, colonial, same religion-group held by a heathen, same religion held by a heretic, or are otherwise subject to war goal modifiers on aggressive expansion, cost or prestige.
4. Complete Negotiation
Any players involved in a player vs. player war (any war in which both war-leaders are players) must tick the "Allow leader to negotiate" box.
5. Total Concession
In a player vs. player war, the losing side may agree by consent from all participants on the losing side to offer total concession to the winner. If they do, the winning side must name by consent from all participants on the winning side demands which would sum to less than 100% war-score [this may not be precisely possible, if for example the winning side names a province which he has not yet sieged fully and thus does not know the war-score for. Reasonable approximations are accepted], and which have a diplomatic point cost affordable to the winning side. If those demands can be met, they must be met immediately, and the winning side must accept immediately. Alliances and coalitions may not declare separate wars to circumvent this 100% cap.
6. Dictated Concession
In a player vs. player war, if the winning side maximizes the war-goal war-score bonus at +25%, or has a total war-score of +50%, they may dictate by consent demands which would sum to less than the current war-score and may currently be met, and which have a diplomatic cost they can afford. These demands must be met immediately.
7. Limited Alliance
Players may not have more than guarantee, ally, or be guaranteed by more than 1 other player nation prior to 1500, 2 other prior to 1600, or 3 others prior to 1750. A coalition may not have more than 3 player nations prior to 1500, 4 player nations prior to 1600, or 5 player nations prior to 1750.
8. The Sakoku Edict (or: Why Kabouter Got His Tag)
crabhelmet: Players may not declare war on other players whose nation they are capable of forcing to become a protectorate, unless that nation is involved in any sort of diplomatic relationship with a third-party player nation.
Normal Difficulty
No Bonuses
Historical Lucky Nations
Dynamic Province Names On
Locked Ledger
Only Host Can Save
Editable Save
Conquest of Paradise
Wealth of Nations
Res Publica
Sword and Crescent
Purple Phoenix.
SERVER INFO (quote to see):
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