Neo Member
Played about 5 hours and sent it back to Gamefly. Think I'm about done with the Fable franchise.
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Blueblur1 said:I just got hit by the silent Jasper glitch. Anyway, to fix it or does it go away if I reload my save?
Benjamin1981 said:So i just became King. someone please help me with my problem.
what is the Best Way to get 8 Million Albion bucks before the darkness attacks?
Dead said:Shoulda got a prenup!
elwes said:...should have just kept that cheating wench in the Old Quarter.
Name an RPG that isn't.Kintaro said:- Buggy as shit.
Or you can hit Start and go to the right and press A on the cogs like you're supposed to.Kritz said:While this has probably already been said,
You can access the start menu by pulling the battery out of your controller.
cjelly said:Or you can hit Start and go to the right and press A on the cogs like you're supposed to.
razgriz417 said:
Anyone have an extra of the "Long Hairstyle". I've been searching all over for and still no diceWilling to trade for gold, rare jems or some stock legendary weapons.
I don't even know what that is! I guess I might have the old man yapping again afterward. I'll let you all know.7echnicolor said:Where are you in the game right now? This happened to me as well (when my Hero became Queen), but after IJasper is back to normal.defeated The Crawler
goat said:Yeah, I'm still trying to get that and the Bob style. Apparently, both of those styles are random chest/dig rewards. I'll let you know if someone gets them to me.
All 3 jobs are always very close together.timkunedo said:Where exactly is the blacksmithing? I'm having a blast playing the lute and making pies, but for the life of me can't find the blacksmithing. Oh and is off the charts hilarious. There is just no comparison to the fable universe.
Final Fantasy XIII.cjelly said:Name an RPG that isn't.
Fable III Industrial Knight Outfit (160 MSP)
Always wanted to be an industrial age cyborg? Well, now you can at least look like one. The outfit comprises a helmet, gloves, boots, gauntlets and armour. These items will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and will be available when clothes are unlocked in the storyline.
Fable III Hair Pack (160 MSP)
Some people like to express themselves through speech, others through song, and yet others find that their hair-style does all the talking. Here are three brand new hairstyles to give your Hero a truly unique look: cornrows, afro and asymmetrical bob. These items will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and will be available when clothes are unlocked in the storyline.
Fable III Dye Pack (80 MSP)
Breathe new life into your hair and clothes with this collection of dyes, including the long-awaited black dye. Those preferring lighter colours will make good use of the cream, hot pink and turquoise dyes. These items will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and will be available when dyes are unlocked in the storyline.
Fable III Understone Quest Pack (400 MSP)
Discover a whole new town built beneath the streets of Bowerstone. This full size region contains new houses and stalls to own, new creatures to fight and a major mystery to solve. As a special bonus, you will also receive two extra quests for free: the Mercenary Shooting Range, where you can earn prizes by hitting a variety of targets, and the Wheel of Misfortune, which gives you a chance to return to Reaver's manor and participate in his insane combat arena.
Fable III Five Star Dog Potion (80 MSP)
Teaching your dog to be a better fighter, treasure hunter and trick performer can be hard laborious work. So why not cheat and bypass all that fancy book-learning by giving him a swig of this potion? He will immediately maximise all his abilities. To use it press up on the D-Pad while facing your furry little friend. This item will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and will be available when it's unlocked in the storyline.
Fable III Dog Outfit (160 MSP)
Your dog is your best friend, always there for you when you need him. Isn't it time you gave something back? Now you can dress up as a dog yourself and turn Fable III into an all-canine adventure. The outfit compromises a head piece, body peace and front and back pawns. This item will be added to your gift queue in the Sanctuary, and will be available when clothes are unlocked in the storyline.
Some Fable updates
I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend, be it because you're celebrating Halloween (PUMPKIN TIME!!) or because you've locked yourself indoor with your videogames and bought the supplies to last you. I'm playing Fable III (obviously) but also some Medieval Total War II and Game Dev Studio on my iPhone. Yesterday I made an amazing vanilla custard pudding. Anyway, I'm drifting off...
So Fable III has been out a week / couple of days now (depending on where you live) and hopefully you're having a blast with it! Our forums have been on fire since the last week; the posting of reviews, reactions and impressions, other folk are looking for hints and tips (I've spend the whole day searching for gold keys today, already have 3!) and of course as with any videogame there are some people with technical issues. That's bound to happen of course with a game the size of Fable, our poor testers worked flat out but if something slips through the nets, then don't panic!
We've set up this reporting page where you can fill out a short form with a description of your problem. Please be aware we are monitoring this on a daily basis and the test, development and community teams meet on a regular basis to try and repro issues that come up, so the development team can fix it for the next update we'll release. There is no ETA on this, seeing as the process of game development is a slow, long and lonely one, so please bear with us. I hope to be able to update you in the near future. If you do experience a corrupt save game and there is no work around, then all I can personally recommend you do is start a new game and apologize for any stress this might cause. We really do feel for you if this happens!
Please don't spam the forums with issues you've encountered, if you fill in a form it will get looked at! Also some things aren't "bugs" or "glitches" so don't presume automatically something is wrong.
Other people have been asking about Kingmaker gold (or why they currently can't log in to their Kingmaker account), so some tips and updates on that as well.
* First of all, were aware that the Kingmaker App is currently not allowing players to log-in. This SHOULD NOT affect your ability to transfer any Gold you have previously earned in Kingmaker. We are working feverishly on this issue and it should be fixed soon.
* Ensure you have linked your Xbox LIVE account to your Kingmaker account. Go to, log in with your Kingmaker username and password, then click the Profile link on the left hand side (under your coat of arms). Then select Link my Fable III: Kingmaker account to my Windows LIVE account.
* Once youre sure your accounts are linked, start playing Fable III. You will not receive your Kingmaker Gold until you have played a little while into the main game specifically (mild spoiler warning), you will need to have defeated Saker in the Mercenary camp and returned to Brightwall, then met up with Sir Walter in the pub again.
* At this point Jasper will call you back to the Sanctuary to explain how you can help villagers. Its at this point that you should see a gift waiting for you on the gift pedestal (to the left of the Sanctuary, right next to your dogs basket).
* Approach the gift (which should say that its from Lionhead) and press A to receive it the Gold will then transfer into your in-game account!
* If you do not see the gift at this point try continuing until you are back in Brightwall, then press Start agai to return to the Sanctuary and look for the gift again.
* Next - get out there and spend all your lovely Gold!
* Once we have the Kingmaker app allowing log-ins again you will be able to continue earning Gold in Kingmaker until January 1st and it will transfer to your Fable III game every Monday. Again, you will see the Gold appear as a gift in the Sanctuary.
We truly hope that helps you get your hard-earned Gold. Were working hard to get the Kingmaker App up and running again and once it is you will be able to continue earning Gold by planting flags and finding treasure.
Thanks for your patience and for supporting Fable III and Kingmaker!
Posted 10-31-2010 11:49 by Sam
cjelly said:All 3 jobs are always very close together.
Eg, in Bowerstone Market, 2 are in the square and the third is under the bridge.
timkunedo said:still looking. that's what i thought as well, but in Brightwall i see 2 places to play the lute, 2 places to make pies and that's it.
Same here.NZNova said:Quite enjoying this so far. It's a lot more fun than Fable 2 for me.
razgriz417 said:There is no blacksmithing in Brightwall, you have to progress to Mourningwood first
DualShadow said:I'm hoping it's possible to get any chests you couldn't afford on the Road to Rule on your next visit?
DualShadow said:I'm hoping it's possible to get any chests you couldn't afford on the Road to Rule on your next visit?
atomsk said:you can always access the RTR from the Sanctuary
you'll probably finish the game without getting all the chests, the max level ones cost180 seals
JayDubya said:I noticed something else I wanted to ask, though... if you weren't gunning for that cheevo, can you completely skip the chest for say, Lute Hero Rank 3 and just go buy Lute Hero Rank 5? I wouldn't know since I've been opening everything...
I did notice that if you had, say, the Dog Fighting Rank 3 book, the Dog Fighting Rank 2 book just became useless... does the RtR work differently? I hope?
atomsk said:you can always access the RTR from the Sanctuary
you'll probably finish the game without getting all the chests, the max level ones cost180 seals
JayDubya said:You can go to the RtR at anytime you want and nothing stops you from running backwards.
DualShadow said:Thanks, I must have missed the option to return to the RtR, I've only been twice so perhaps I don't have that option yet. Enjoying the game thus far regardless.
JayDubya said:Just for expediency - enter game, press start, turn camera around 180 degrees. Big glowing seal on the ground.
Also, when you've spent all the seals you possibly can, and then regain enough to buy anything, the D-pad prompt will appear in the bottom left, like it does during combat. Press "up" to go to RtR if you want when that happens.
Really? would you like to trade? My GT is Razgriz417cjelly said:Why does my Hero look like Prince? Not very masculine.
I found the long hair in Brightwall stylist, for those looking for their 5G.
Lol. Same thing happened to me.Dizzy said:My character is white. My wife is white. My son grew up to be black....
Needless to say, my wife is now dead.
Turns out he's not completely black, but his skin is much too dark for him to be my genetic son.cjelly said:Lol. Same thing happened to me.