Wallach said:No word about shotguns, man. 5 DLCs with new loot and not one new shotgun? Seems weird that they added all these shotgun ammo types and no new shotguns to use them with.
duckroll said:I hear the new Ballistic Fist plants a mine on the enemy if you score a critical hit. Lolololol. Two-step Goodbye indeed. Sawyer you son of a bitch.![]()
Shortt Sirket said:Anyone grab the GRA DLC yet? I am curious about the new missions and such. I am guessing you will have to complete these challenges in order to get some of the new guns? And are they quests or just challenges like "do x damage" or "kill x things?"
Wallach said:The challenges show up in your Pip-Boy and I don't think they're tied to weapons. The weapons are scattered around at various vendors.
I don't know if you'll be able to do all of the challenges on one character (especially based on one challenge in particular that I saw), and the further you are in the game the less likely you'll be able to complete all of them.
duckroll said:The OP should now be complete.![]()
What exactly are they?duckroll said:Man, the GRA Challenges are kinda... amazing. Lol.
Stallion Free said:What exactly are they?
Wow those are pretty awesome.duckroll said:http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Gun_Runners'_Arsenal#Challenges
Firstly, they're actual cool challenges which enhance replay value if you start a new game. Secondly, there are some amazing references in there.![]()
duckroll said:http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Gun_Runners'_Arsenal#Challenges
Firstly, they're actual cool challenges which enhance replay value if you start a new game. Secondly, there are some amazing references in there.![]()
Wallach said:The challenges show up in your Pip-Boy and I don't think they're tied to weapons. The weapons are scattered around at various vendors.
I don't know if you'll be able to do all of the challenges on one character (especially based on one challenge in particular that I saw), and the further you are in the game the less likely you'll be able to complete all of them.
rainking187 said:I just downloaded the Gun Runners DLC, and I don't see the challenges in my Pip Boy anywhere. Where do I find them?
duckroll said:Did you get the pop-up message yet?
rainking187 said:I just downloaded the Gun Runners DLC, and I don't see the challenges in my Pip Boy anywhere. Where do I find them?
Leckan said:Hit the deck or Heave Ho! for explosive chars. Only one can be chosen and I already have Splash damage.
What do you think?
JimWood27 said:I haven't been able to download GRA yet and I have a few questions. Since several of the challenges require you to kill certain people or creatures, do any areas get repopulated or if I have already cleared certain areas do I have to revert to an old save? I understand that if I have killed House or Caesar already that wont be reversed but I mean more generally. Do challenges stack or do they have to be done with one character? Answers to these will help me decide which of my saves (or a new one) I will use. Thanks.
Also, I wish this DLC had come out during the long gap between Dead Money and Honest Hearts, would have given us all a lot to do while we waited.
Gotcha, thanks for the reply.duckroll said:GRA doesn't change anything with regards to spawns in the main game. If enemies originally repopulate in that area, they will continue to do so. If they don't, then the DLC doesn't change that. I don't think the Challanges are meant to be completed with a single character. Just like the Challenges in the normal game, they're just optional stuff you can try to do with different character builds. The actual achievements tied to the Challenges in the DLC only require you to complete 3 of each tier of Challenges. Those probably require a single character for each achievement to unlock, so you would just pick 3 Challenges of a tier which you can accomplish with your character build, and do them to unlock the achievement.
jim-jam bongs said:My characters are all Logan's Loophole characters these days, being capped at level 30 made Lonesome Road extremely tough which was awesome.
Also, if you feel like being cheap you cantake Logan's Loophole so that you get to enjoy the bonuses to chems, then respec in the Sink when you get to level 30. Because you get the Big-MT perks then, the chem resistance isn't that useful after that anyway.
jim-jam bongs said:My characters are all Logan's Loophole characters these days, being capped at level 30 made Lonesome Road extremely tough which was awesome.
Wallach said:Part of the reason I want to start a new character now is to take that trait. I don't really think it'd make the game harder since there's nothing in the game that will auto-scale beyond level 30 and you'd be able to chem up like crazy without repercussion, but I like the perk restriction since going from 30 -> 50 feels like it added too many.
Lothars said:My one complaint about the Gun Runners pack is that I wish at least some of the items would be found randomly in the world instead of having to buy all of them.
Absolutely, I really like the idea of the pack and glad they released it but It would be a cool treat to have some hidden in the world.Sotha Sil said:Yep. Hiding a few in a cazador/deathclaw area would have the same effect, and would be a lot more interesting.
Lothars said:My one complaint about the Gun Runners pack is that I wish at least some of the items would be found randomly in the world instead of having to buy all of them.
jim-jam bongs said:My characters are all Logan's Loophole characters these days, being capped at level 30 made Lonesome Road extremely tough which was awesome.
jim-jam bongs said:It's a great way to build a character because it requires you to make some sacrifices. You'd be surprised about the difficulty though, my main character before Old World Blues came out had maxed guns, energy weapons and explosives. Having all of those options be not just viable but extremely effective makes things a lot easier than my current character with LL who is basically useless with anything which doesn't spit laser or plasma.
The chem resistance definitely helps though. Some of the more difficult parts of LR would have been nearly impossible without being hepped up on the cocktail that killed River Phoenix.
duckroll said:You know, I think one slightly dick move on Avellone's part is that in OWB he introduced the idea of capping your level at 30 with a trait, without warning anyone that in LR he would be adding special perks for lvl50 characters.
Yeah like I said it's no big deal but just a wish I had but maybe the modders will add that in.duckroll said:Yeah, the initial announcement made it sound like they would be placed on loot tables around the Mojave as well, or hidden in some locations. Oh well.
jim-jam bongs said:Yeah you're telling me. I love Meltdown but it basically forces you to travel alone if you play Hardcore, and you always need a gun in case something gets close enough that you'd get caught in the blast.
jim-jam bongs said:Yeah you're telling me. I love Meltdown but it basically forces you to travel alone if you play Hardcore, and you always need a gun in case something gets close enough that you'd get caught in the blast.
duckroll said:Traveling alone you say? Make sure you get the Lonesome Road challenge perk from the DLC then! Lololol.Poor ED-E.
Wallach said:Yeah, and I don't want to burn a perk on Spray and Pray either, especially since 25% isn't going to stop Meltdown from busting my shit apart. I also don't really want to go solo either because I really enjoy having ED-E with me. I'll probably just skip it.
duckroll said:The OP should now be complete.![]()
lowhighkang_LHK said:Awesome sauce. Are you going to be doing the Skyrim OT as well?
The perfect opinion.jim-jam bongs said:hahahahaha
Duckroll + Obsidian =
Duckroll + Bethesda = D: