most of the MCU is built off Hickman.
I can’t comment on certain character/runs, but:
Avengers 1 having Loki as the villain seems inspired from the very first Avengers issue ever as he was also the villain there.
Avengers 2 draws from Ultron Unlimited (despite ironically there being an Age of Ultron comic, but the movie has nothing in common with the comic despite the same name) by Kurt Busiek.
Winter Soldier is mostly Ed Brubaker inspired.
Civil War does change almost everything from the comic, but still the comic is Mark Millar.
Infinity War/Endgame obviously changes a ton as well, but draws primarily from Infinity Gauntlet by Jim Starlin (yes, I know Hickman’s Infinity was relevant as well, but Thanos successfully wiping out half the universe is all Infinity Gauntlet).
Hawkeye is heavily based on the Matt Fraction run.
Thor 4 draws mostly from Jason Aaron to my knowledge.
And then even with Hickman’s Avengers run, I can’t imagine the films of Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-man, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Shang-Chi, etc. and the shows of WandaVison, Falcon, Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel, etc. were influenced by Hickman’s work much, especially since outside of Avengers, he’s mostly done Fantastic Four and X-men whose films were all written as non-MCU films (so I’m not counting them being retconned in, talking about how they were originally written) until Deadpool and Wolverine.
And while the MCU FF films may draw from Hickman’s runs (but I’d be very shocked if they don’t take plenty from other beloved runs like John Byrne’s and Mark Waid’s), I feel it’s unlikely the X-men films will draw from Hickman anytime soon. I feel Krakoa is a concept that works best if mutants have been around for a long time in a continuity like the comic stories obviously did, but for a whole new cast of X-men in the MCU films, rushing into Krakoa would be confusing and could easily alienate viewers from the new cast (as the concept in the comics did alienate some readers and that was in spite of there being decades of stories of mutant persecution in the comics that would logically lead the X-men to finally carry out a plan like this, so a new MCU X-men cast pulling a Krakoa would feel massively unearned).
And now Hickman in terms of Marvel seems mostly interested in working in the new Ultimate Marvel universe, and given its vastly different status quo due to the specific nature of its creation and how its timeline played out, I highly doubt it will influence the MCU much for the foreseeable future.