Spoiler Thread
Digital Foundry Faceoff Thread
Far Cry 3 PC performance thread
Welcome to the Rook Islands. Filled with secrets, dangers, and wonder.
A lush playground of jungles, mountain ranges, swamps, and beautiful beaches.
But this ain't no vacation. You shouldn't have come here! Far away from civilization,
You are stranded in a land where there is no law, no rules, and caught in the middle
of a long running fight between the indigenous inhabitants and psycho warlords.
You are a simple man, out of your element, with a lack of skills in the most
unforgiving of places. You better learn quick, as the island will devour
you if you don't.
Explore and survive a large area filled with exotic, and predatory animals,
old war time bunkers, ancient temples, abandoned compounds, caves, and shipwrecks.
A look at some of the PC graphics options.
You came to the wrong island, BOY. You are Jason Brody, looking for thrills
with your friends. It seemed like a good idea at the time, coming to the Rook
Islands for a nice vacation. After an evening of partying with your buddies,
it all goes blank. When you awaken, you find yourself in captivity, face to face
with Vaas. One of the many insane men that run this island. He gives a speech
of insanity and control, and is suddenly called off by another man that seems
to be his boss. You and your friend figure out how to escape the cage. Vaas
finds out, and orders a man hunt. He wants your head. Find your friends,
avenge the ones he's killed, and LEAVE THIS PLACE!
Far Cry 3 is an open world shooter same as Far Cry 2. Far Cry 2 would arguably be called
a cult favorite that you either did, or didn't like. Mainly because it was a game (while
great in concept and scope) that was held back by some tough design choices such as malaria,
gun jamming, irritating checkpoints with re-spawning soldiers, etc. Far Cry 3 seems to
address all of this, and has either made the feature better, or removed it completely.
Some features of note:
No more re-spawning check points:
-Checkpoints are now areas that you can clear out and capture to make your own. Once captured
your friendly forces move in and it STAYS yours. The compromise is that soldiers will always
be patrolling with vehicles around the island, and will engage you. Be careful while clearing out
checkpoints though, because if the alarm is activated, enemy reinforcements will make things
Stealth is now more realistic:
-In Far Cry 2, enemies can see you from miles away, through foliage even. Far Cry 3 dials this
back and makes stealth a lot more usable. Sneaking up behind enemies, take-downs, silenced weapons
and throwing rocks to distract enemies are all part of the stealth game-play now.
Assassins Creed-like map discovery:
-The Rook Islands are huge. But in order to discover objectives, locations, etc, you need
to climb radio towers to survey the land. Sadly, the great Far Cry 2 map system where you brought
up the map in your hands in real time is gone.
Crafting and Hunting:
-These two go hand in hand. Want a bigger wallet? Want to have more holsters to carry weapons?
You'll need to go hunting. Hunting for animal skins will allow you to craft these, and more items.
This feature is mandatory, as you don't seem to be able to simply purchase skins.
Weapon Degradation is out, XP is in:
-Weapons and XP are about as you would expect them. Completing objectives, and killing baddies
will net you XP that will lead to unlocking abilities via the games new Skill Tree-like
character progression.
-6 Handguns, 5 SMGs, 3 RPG types, 3 Shotguns, 6 Assault Rifles, 3 Snipers, 5 LMGs, 4 Knifes,
and 4 Misc like Bows. Each customizable with tons of mods, skins, etc.
-Drinking games, Poker games, Races, Shooting Galleries, etc.
Buddy system is out
-This system from Far Cry 2 allowed you to recruit a character that acted as your "buddy", helping you
escape certain death when your health reached zero. Your vision would fade to black, but you would wake
up, supported by your buddy shouting encouraging words and carrying you out of danger's way. This system
is removed in Far Cry 3.
Minimalistic HUD is out, busy HUD is in
-In Far Cry 2, there were comparatively few visible HUD elements, and the map was represented by a real map
that you had to bring out and look at while your character held it in their hands. In Far Cry 3, this has been
replaced by a regular minimap, and the rest of the UI has XP and mission pop-ups, enemy and objective markers etc.
The Captain of the cruise ship you're on just screwed you over, and ran off with the ship's
safe full of valuables! Chase him down, and take your revenge!
-4 Player Co-Op
-2 Player Split screen
-Six Chapters
-Your co-op and multiplayer unlocks will be shared in one unified profile. You'll be able
to manage your customized loadouts, skills, and weapons anytime in-game and through the web.
Four Multiplayer Modes:
-Team Death Match- Standard mode of kill every one on the other team.
-Domination- 3 Points placed in the map to capture and hold. The more points for the most time wins
-Firestorm-Burn the enemy supply depots to create a FireStorm. Then capture the radio to
fuel the fire
-Transmission- Capture and hold the active transmitters, A transmitter that is overheating scores
more points.
-Earn XP to unlock more guns, skills, team support, and equipment.
-Gain XP by killing, capturing objectives, tagging enemies, healing team mates, and using
Battle Cry.
Battle Cry:
-By simply pressing both sticks in simultaneously, all team mates within close proximity
will be endowed with special abilities like Higher maximum health, health regen, faster run speed,
less recoil and more.
Team Support (ScoreStreaks):
-Earning XP in matches can total up to earn these ScoreStreak-like Team Support attacks.
-There are 3 tiers of Team Support:
Team Support Tier 1:
Scouts – Sends a group of fighters in a helicopter to mark down enemy positions on the minimap
Decoy Scouts – Gets the airborne scout team to clutter the enemy’s map with false information
Team Support – Tier 2:
Poison Gas – Creates a gas cloud that poisons and soon kills anyone stupid enough to walk into it
Smoke Blast – Creates a thick cloud of smoke that obscures vision
Psyche Gas – Drops psychedelic gas that confuses the enemy so he can’t tell friend from foe
Team Support – Tier 3:
Barrel Bomb – Dumps oil barrels and a lighter from a plane, causing one hell of an explosion
Propane Dive - Drops propane tanks from a helicopter for a quick and dirty explosion
Bombshell – Deploys a big bomb with an even bigger explosion
Kill Camera:
This displays where you were killed, you see which angle the player was at and their location
and how you died, you can move the camera around and look from different views, it also displays
how close you were to killing the player if you landed any shots - Kill Cam can be turned on or off.
Tattoo Editor:
You can unlock tattoos by playing Single Player, and then apply these tattoos to your multiplayer
A basic editor for multiplayer maps. Create, Upload, Share, and host your maps with the community.
Maps are also rated by those that play it, so that you have physical feedback on your creation.
If your map is good, it may also be featured by Ubisoft themselves in the Ubi Recommended list.
(this is unconfirmed, but was in Far Cry 2) You will actually be able to see how many times your map
has been downloaded, and how many times it has been played.
Map Editor Features:
-Mold and shape terrain, give it textures such as sand, grass, gravel, etc.
-Use the collection system to easily place groups of trees, rocks, and bushes.
-Place over 1,000 different types item in your map, Move, and rotate on any axis.
-Place custom lighting
-Place Waterfalls, and bodies of water on different level of the terrain. You can even place
waterfalls and bodies of water that are filled with BLOOD! Also, you are able to change the
color of the water.
-Place spawn points, weapons, emplacements, and ammo dumps for all game modes.
-Place AI and Vehicles (these are DISABLED for Multiplayer and WILL NOT VALIDATE for
sharing with the community. Perhaps these will be patched in, or introduced in a
new game mode with DLC?)
-Take a snapshot of your map before uploading it, so that the community can get a
glimpse of it prior to download.
A visual list of all the Map Editor items
Here is a deep list of the resources listed on the Ubi Forum by one of the mods
Review Thread: 8's, 9's, and 10's everywhere.

E3 2011 Ubi Conference Reveal: Introducing Vaas
Multiplayer Trailer
Stranded Trailer (WUB WUB WUB)
Meet Vaas and Buck
Top of the food chain
Meet Hoyt
E3 2012 Stage Demo (NSFW
ainted boobies)
Weapons Trailer
Story Trailer
Tactics, Weapons, and Skills
The Far Cry Experience Starring McLovin!!
Wingsuit Gameplay (warning: awesome)
Multiplayer Interview: Firestorm footage
Map Editor Trailer
This has been a legacyzero joint. Special thanks to Ironcreed and Messofanego for the OT title, and Radec for the OT advice, and Messofanego for the gifs.
Digital Foundry Faceoff Thread
Far Cry 3 PC performance thread

Welcome to the Rook Islands. Filled with secrets, dangers, and wonder.
A lush playground of jungles, mountain ranges, swamps, and beautiful beaches.
But this ain't no vacation. You shouldn't have come here! Far away from civilization,
You are stranded in a land where there is no law, no rules, and caught in the middle
of a long running fight between the indigenous inhabitants and psycho warlords.
You are a simple man, out of your element, with a lack of skills in the most
unforgiving of places. You better learn quick, as the island will devour
you if you don't.
Explore and survive a large area filled with exotic, and predatory animals,
old war time bunkers, ancient temples, abandoned compounds, caves, and shipwrecks.

A look at some of the PC graphics options.

You came to the wrong island, BOY. You are Jason Brody, looking for thrills
with your friends. It seemed like a good idea at the time, coming to the Rook
Islands for a nice vacation. After an evening of partying with your buddies,
it all goes blank. When you awaken, you find yourself in captivity, face to face
with Vaas. One of the many insane men that run this island. He gives a speech
of insanity and control, and is suddenly called off by another man that seems
to be his boss. You and your friend figure out how to escape the cage. Vaas
finds out, and orders a man hunt. He wants your head. Find your friends,
avenge the ones he's killed, and LEAVE THIS PLACE!

Far Cry 3 is an open world shooter same as Far Cry 2. Far Cry 2 would arguably be called
a cult favorite that you either did, or didn't like. Mainly because it was a game (while
great in concept and scope) that was held back by some tough design choices such as malaria,
gun jamming, irritating checkpoints with re-spawning soldiers, etc. Far Cry 3 seems to
address all of this, and has either made the feature better, or removed it completely.
Some features of note:
No more re-spawning check points:
-Checkpoints are now areas that you can clear out and capture to make your own. Once captured
your friendly forces move in and it STAYS yours. The compromise is that soldiers will always
be patrolling with vehicles around the island, and will engage you. Be careful while clearing out
checkpoints though, because if the alarm is activated, enemy reinforcements will make things
Stealth is now more realistic:
-In Far Cry 2, enemies can see you from miles away, through foliage even. Far Cry 3 dials this
back and makes stealth a lot more usable. Sneaking up behind enemies, take-downs, silenced weapons
and throwing rocks to distract enemies are all part of the stealth game-play now.
Assassins Creed-like map discovery:
-The Rook Islands are huge. But in order to discover objectives, locations, etc, you need
to climb radio towers to survey the land. Sadly, the great Far Cry 2 map system where you brought
up the map in your hands in real time is gone.
Crafting and Hunting:
-These two go hand in hand. Want a bigger wallet? Want to have more holsters to carry weapons?
You'll need to go hunting. Hunting for animal skins will allow you to craft these, and more items.
This feature is mandatory, as you don't seem to be able to simply purchase skins.
Weapon Degradation is out, XP is in:
-Weapons and XP are about as you would expect them. Completing objectives, and killing baddies
will net you XP that will lead to unlocking abilities via the games new Skill Tree-like
character progression.
-6 Handguns, 5 SMGs, 3 RPG types, 3 Shotguns, 6 Assault Rifles, 3 Snipers, 5 LMGs, 4 Knifes,
and 4 Misc like Bows. Each customizable with tons of mods, skins, etc.
-Drinking games, Poker games, Races, Shooting Galleries, etc.
Buddy system is out
-This system from Far Cry 2 allowed you to recruit a character that acted as your "buddy", helping you
escape certain death when your health reached zero. Your vision would fade to black, but you would wake
up, supported by your buddy shouting encouraging words and carrying you out of danger's way. This system
is removed in Far Cry 3.
Minimalistic HUD is out, busy HUD is in
-In Far Cry 2, there were comparatively few visible HUD elements, and the map was represented by a real map
that you had to bring out and look at while your character held it in their hands. In Far Cry 3, this has been
replaced by a regular minimap, and the rest of the UI has XP and mission pop-ups, enemy and objective markers etc.

The Captain of the cruise ship you're on just screwed you over, and ran off with the ship's
safe full of valuables! Chase him down, and take your revenge!
-4 Player Co-Op
-2 Player Split screen
-Six Chapters
-Your co-op and multiplayer unlocks will be shared in one unified profile. You'll be able
to manage your customized loadouts, skills, and weapons anytime in-game and through the web.

Four Multiplayer Modes:
-Team Death Match- Standard mode of kill every one on the other team.
-Domination- 3 Points placed in the map to capture and hold. The more points for the most time wins
-Firestorm-Burn the enemy supply depots to create a FireStorm. Then capture the radio to
fuel the fire
-Transmission- Capture and hold the active transmitters, A transmitter that is overheating scores
more points.
-Earn XP to unlock more guns, skills, team support, and equipment.
-Gain XP by killing, capturing objectives, tagging enemies, healing team mates, and using
Battle Cry.
Battle Cry:
-By simply pressing both sticks in simultaneously, all team mates within close proximity
will be endowed with special abilities like Higher maximum health, health regen, faster run speed,
less recoil and more.
Team Support (ScoreStreaks):
-Earning XP in matches can total up to earn these ScoreStreak-like Team Support attacks.
-There are 3 tiers of Team Support:
Team Support Tier 1:
Scouts – Sends a group of fighters in a helicopter to mark down enemy positions on the minimap
Decoy Scouts – Gets the airborne scout team to clutter the enemy’s map with false information
Team Support – Tier 2:
Poison Gas – Creates a gas cloud that poisons and soon kills anyone stupid enough to walk into it
Smoke Blast – Creates a thick cloud of smoke that obscures vision
Psyche Gas – Drops psychedelic gas that confuses the enemy so he can’t tell friend from foe
Team Support – Tier 3:
Barrel Bomb – Dumps oil barrels and a lighter from a plane, causing one hell of an explosion
Propane Dive - Drops propane tanks from a helicopter for a quick and dirty explosion
Bombshell – Deploys a big bomb with an even bigger explosion
Kill Camera:
This displays where you were killed, you see which angle the player was at and their location
and how you died, you can move the camera around and look from different views, it also displays
how close you were to killing the player if you landed any shots - Kill Cam can be turned on or off.
Tattoo Editor:
You can unlock tattoos by playing Single Player, and then apply these tattoos to your multiplayer

A basic editor for multiplayer maps. Create, Upload, Share, and host your maps with the community.
Maps are also rated by those that play it, so that you have physical feedback on your creation.
If your map is good, it may also be featured by Ubisoft themselves in the Ubi Recommended list.
(this is unconfirmed, but was in Far Cry 2) You will actually be able to see how many times your map
has been downloaded, and how many times it has been played.
Map Editor Features:
-Mold and shape terrain, give it textures such as sand, grass, gravel, etc.
-Use the collection system to easily place groups of trees, rocks, and bushes.
-Place over 1,000 different types item in your map, Move, and rotate on any axis.
-Place custom lighting
-Place Waterfalls, and bodies of water on different level of the terrain. You can even place
waterfalls and bodies of water that are filled with BLOOD! Also, you are able to change the
color of the water.
-Place spawn points, weapons, emplacements, and ammo dumps for all game modes.
-Place AI and Vehicles (these are DISABLED for Multiplayer and WILL NOT VALIDATE for
sharing with the community. Perhaps these will be patched in, or introduced in a
new game mode with DLC?)
-Take a snapshot of your map before uploading it, so that the community can get a
glimpse of it prior to download.
A visual list of all the Map Editor items
Here is a deep list of the resources listed on the Ubi Forum by one of the mods

Review Thread: 8's, 9's, and 10's everywhere.

E3 2011 Ubi Conference Reveal: Introducing Vaas
Multiplayer Trailer
Stranded Trailer (WUB WUB WUB)
Meet Vaas and Buck
Top of the food chain
Meet Hoyt
E3 2012 Stage Demo (NSFW
Weapons Trailer
Story Trailer
Tactics, Weapons, and Skills
The Far Cry Experience Starring McLovin!!
Wingsuit Gameplay (warning: awesome)
Multiplayer Interview: Firestorm footage
Map Editor Trailer

This has been a legacyzero joint. Special thanks to Ironcreed and Messofanego for the OT title, and Radec for the OT advice, and Messofanego for the gifs.