lv 80 Merlin
lv 57 saber Lancelot
lv 60 herc
lv 74 Mash
I started 11 days ago, Merlin is already max ascended but I don't think I should farm xp right now.
I'm usually fine if I can use Merlin, Mash and a support.
Challenge quests will be hell to me in jp. I just don't have enough servants. I'll have to look into solo strategies and hope there's the support I need in my friendslist. Most likely I won't get to np5 Liz.
I assume we're talking about Halloween Come Back. IMO, you can probably do it. tl;dr at bottom.
I've only done all of the Maou Challenge needed to strengthen the Combatler V [Brave]'s NP, and honestly speaking, it's easier than that fucking Mad Dragon stage. It doesn't help that my support guy don't use Silver Drop+ on Shuten Douji. ;___;
If you're going to level
Combattler V [Brave], you might as well do it now as she helps a lot.
I've used 3~4 boost items and one reiju at most (which I regret since I mistook it as a Maou level fight ;_

for the challenges.
At Lv70, and only maryoku houshutsu Lv2 (+22%) as the only buff, her Buster moves can deal 15k+ on enemies (no buff/debuff; no resist/weakness either). That's 30k against Lancers/Berserkers or 7k-ish on resistant.
Her hougu can kill priority threats that ain't resistant/protected. Given that Challenge missions only has 150k HP at most, she pretty much OHKO most of them with enough damage buffs.
It gets easier as you power up her hougu (especially reaching Lv2 means + yuusha densetsu + hougu combo). Yuusha densetsu, while not reliable, is still an extremely strong skill and her OC effects is pretty minor anyways so might as well use it on densetsu.
My lineup looks like this:
Lv 60 Saber Extra
Lv 60 Lancer
Lv 70 Combattler V [Brave]
Lv 50 Cat (Lv2 NP but mostly used as a fail safe/cleanup due to being too frail >___>)
Lv 40 Ponpokorin no Yoshitsune
Lv 40 Caster (mainly used her for the Art Cards and Rule Breaker to increase Overcharge)
Lv 30 Mash
and mostly Lv2~3 skills and no power up quests yet lel
I usually just run Brave + Ponpokorin + Support.
Most of the time, half of my roster was restricted out. One that hurt the most was the "New Servants only". Thanks to that, I found out how well Eli-chan Brave + Rin w/ Electric Pig works. And made me cry more about missing Rin. ;_;
It's kinda annoying that Ghost fucking Lantern has blocked all of my mains from progressing. (Saber, Cat, Ponpoko).
tl;dr = yeah, you can. If anything, just get a Lv70~80 宝具5 Brave as support slot and watch her obliterate enemy. Use the boost items if you're too much restricted or feeling too weak (Buster/Arts > Quick > 無敵 >>>>>> hougu buff).
Failing that, you still have 9 days for 9x reiju refresh which equates to 3x Party Revive which equates to auto-win. Enough to cover 3 out of 4 of her cards.