Okay, didnt know if I had to manually obtain them or not. Thanks.You GOT them already, sent directly into your inventory. So Crystals have been added, EXP cards are banked, and characters are stored away.
Okay, didnt know if I had to manually obtain them or not. Thanks.You GOT them already, sent directly into your inventory. So Crystals have been added, EXP cards are banked, and characters are stored away.
Okay, didnt know if I had to manually obtain them or not. Thanks.
Bought out the hearts, going to go for the rest of the quests now.
The new Rider quest is a fair bit harder than previously, Drake can spam Golden Rule twice or so per turn and her NP basically wipes your team. I ran it with Waver, Support Okita + Heracles to kill her quickly.
Anyone know what's the best way to farm for the mats for the event? I'm getting a depressing amount from doing the 40 AP quest and even then the stupid Hells Guardian really likes to kick my ass constantly. I had to refresh last night for the first time since the Guardian killed two of my top damage dealers when fighting him. Need to find a better way of taking him out. Even so, I feel like the trouble I go through with that fight isn't worth what I get out of it. There has to be a better way. I thought the Halloween event paid out better than this. I have no idea how I'm gonna get Nobunaga to 70 at this rate.
Which 40AP are you doing?
Are there multiple ones? I'm doing the berserker one. Damn, that one hurts a lot, but I keep hoping I can get something good out of it.
You should have 4 different 40AP quests available to you by now, berserker, saber, assassin, and rider. Other ones are opening up either today or tomorrow. If you have a particular class you're strong against, maybe it'd be easier than the zerker one for you. Like if you've been leveling Nobu, you can do pretty well on the saber stage with Nobu + friend Nobu + another archer or any neutral class.
I still think berserker one is the easiest though, since they take double damage and I run a mostly evade heavy team of Emiya, Cu, and friend Okita.
I tried the Saber one last night and got thrashed. Had to use a SQ to continue even though I had three archers. That dumb as Dragon is a pain in the ass since it hits everyone and does 1000+ damage per hit. No way any character can hold up against that. Then having to fight Caesar who has 150k HP is crazy. I remember that being easier the first time I did it. Thinking about it, the berserker one is probably the easiest. That silly Hell Guardian can take out one unit in on shot if it crits and that's just a roll of the dice. But still I have a better shot at finishing that on than the others. I can't Ascend Nobunaga because I can't get enough mats to get her past 40. Man, I'm REALLY not feeling this event.
Gotcha. Yea this event is probably unkind to new-ish players a bit. My Cu can probably get close to soloing the berserker one if you use the white master equipment and time your evades/heals/guts usage. I can frequently 1 round the Chimera with him if I get lucky enough for him to have a brave chain in that round and the CE buff still up. Who are your strongest servants right now, and what are the levels?
My highest character is Zhuge and he's level 63. After that I have Emiya at 60 and Artoria Alter at 60. Halloween Elizabeth is at level 50. Everyone else is 40 or lower. I generally get carried by friend units.
You know what sucks. I did a 30 pull yesterday on the banner and got another Zhuge. Ugh. I mean, I don't have any of the other 5* units and I get that one. Man, this game hates me.
Ouch yea, he doesn't even have a damage based NP, so that's kinda a wash in your situation. Still, having your own Waver is a huge bonus so you can grab a strong damage character and pump up their NP. Having all 3 of Waver's skills is really important though, and I think you'd only have 2 at that ascension rank. It might be worth it to spam a few apples to level him up and buy the mats to get that 3rd one. Then your Emiya or Artoria become waveclear units at only 50%NP.
I just ended up merging the new Zhuge with the old one. Getting close to 200 of the bomb things, but man, this whole thing sucks and they even added two more really hard fights today. I wonder who can actually do those.
The good thing is that I'm up to 250,000 points. No way I'm getting over 1 mil before this is over, but if I can get far enough, I'll be fine.
Are the farmable prizes different between the different 40AP quests or are just the enemies different?
Quick reminder - the Lancer and above quests have the potential to drop double of the black landmine looking things than the early quests, so it's smart to farm your lower tier materials first. The Archer one drops up to 24-ish landmine things whenever it comes out, if you can clear it.
I'm personally waiting for the Caster one because you can farm hearts and snake eye orbs from it.
Yeah Nobbu and Okita CEs are exp fodder for other CE.I have a question...what are the Nobbu craft essence cards used for? I have a ton of them, but I'm not sure what they're for. Do I just use them to level up other cards?
Yeah Nobbu and Okita CEs are exp fodder for other CE.
Anyone excited for Thanksgiving event? Aniplex got us good lol
Yeah Nobbu and Okita CEs are exp fodder for other CE.
Anyone excited for Thanksgiving event? Aniplex got us good lol
I managed to get the 5 star Saber from the current servant pull from my 2nd pull using free SQ.
Today's gold mission got me over 100,000 event points!
What items should I focus on in the shop after CE and skulls? I've been farming the 40AP lancer quest so I don't have many of the blue item.
They gave us another 10 SQ and I decided to pull again. Of course, I got a whole lot of nothing. Heh, I don't even know why I bother with this game, honestly.
Oh well, I'm only missing one of the skulls, so my Nobunaga can go to level 70. Trying to get the last one before the event is over, but I don't think I can do it. It would be awesome if I could get her to 80. Pretty cool, though. I wish I wouldn't have screwed up on Elizabeth....
I managed to get the 5 star Saber from the current servant pull from my 2nd pull using free SQ.
Today's gold mission got me over 100,000 event points!
What items should I focus on in the shop after CE and skulls? I've been farming the 40AP lancer quest so I don't have many of the blue item.
Thanks for the info!
Btw, I think the berserker quest gives out the fewest of the landmine things. The lancer 40AP gives out over 10 on a regular basis.
I don't have a good enough saber crew to handle that one. I'll just be going to my death. I might give it a shot later and just not go for the major bonus.
The paid gacha thing is "meh" for me since I have all of the servants anyways, but it'll be nice if I can NP2 one of the damage ones, preferably Okita or Drake. Just hoping not to get Artoria or Waver, honestly.
I think I'll burn my quartz on the Scat/Gil split banner. I don't really want Scat that much so I don't mind the split rates to NP2 my Gil if I get lucky.
Is there anyway to back out of the attack cards to choose skills other than force closing the app?
Not that I've found. Honestly I didn't even know that force closing the app let you. That's good to know.
Skills stay used though I think. You only get kicked out of the card selection.
Bleh, guaranteed 5* gave me Waver NP2, one of the only 2 I didn't want.
2 10 rolls of Free Quartz and some tickets on the Scat banner and I got the 3* and 4* CE's, Diarmud, and Carmilla/Atalanta. I'm out of Quartz for the time being, so I guess that's that.
I got Zhuge Liang so I didn't do much better I think.
Saving my SQ for when Gil drop rate is up. I only have enough for 1 more summon.
Are there any more mystic codes besides the one you start with yet?
With tomorrow's gold quest, I should have 1.5m event points. Just need to stock up on the event items for the shop...
man, I kinda want to roll the pay gacha but it is so expensive, does anybody here knows if there are some black friday deals on google play credits (digital key) :S
Got Attila while pulling for the new lancer.
My first 5 star!
The only deal I saw so far was Family Dollar having Google and PlayStation Credit for 15% off. Other than that, normally, Target puts SOME kinda of credit on sale for Cyber Monday.
Congratulations! People seem to act as if she's a consolation prize, but I really want to get her, especially after playing Fate Extella.
And... they refuse to give her to me, lol. My first 5* was Drake during Okeanos release. And now, after pulling for Okita, Atilla Rate-ups, and on the guaranteed 5 star pull... Drake is now NP3. No other 5*s dare approach... (O.O![]()