Carnival Phantasm already answered this question.

and this is how i imagine gaf during rerolls

Carnival Phantasm already answered this question.
Wow, I would have thought someone would have PM'd you by now.haha, zero so far. but yeah it's probably a combination of not knowing the franchise (i gave up on the story halfway through the prologue) and the fact that it's tough to split time between this and FE:H for me. at least someone will benefit from me rerolls
Any of the 5* Servants are nice, but Waver is more future-proof of them (he's still top-tier in Japan). It depends on how persistent you want to be, haha.If I'm going to do a few re-rolls, any specific units I should be aiming for?
Carnival Phantasm already answered this question.
HeraclesGot jeane and EMYIA who should I get for that free 4*later I was contemplating another EMYIA to lvl up his NP
I've been using him as a friend and he tears through missions like no ones business but he is a bit squishyis there a way to offset that or just abuse evade?Heracles
I've been using him as a friend and he tears through missions like no ones business but he is a bit squishyis there a way to offset that or just abuse evade?
That makes sense thanks for the advice!he gets his own evade on his 2nd ascension and his final skill gives him guts so when he dies he revives with 1k or more hp depending on the level
use Mashu to keep him alive with her invuln or someone else who can heal
For the recommended levels listed on missions, I'm assuming that refers to servant levels and not master level right?
I got it this afternoonanyone got the day2 quartz yet? not me
I hope this version has Jeanne's 2nd interlude so it can get rid of her NPs self stun
anyone got the day2 quartz yet? not me
Me too. I was like "why is she not considered broken af tier when she has this broken af defensive thioh god she's stunned for two turns"
it honestly depends on the event, most are doable with anything but 1 or 2 events you really need some power that only good servants haveTo whoever replied to me late last night about accounts, sorry, I went to bed right after my post and didn't check back to the forum until just now, and burned all the quartz on that account for fun (and got nothing of real interest).
Actually, I usually hate going into super-popular gacha game threads because there's lots of people boasting over their luck then I went and did the same thing... will probably come back to bite me later as karma.
I hate to be yet another person asking, but exactly how fine is the difference between "you can clear story even with only good/great characters" and "you won't be able to beat events unless you have OP characters"?
Jeanne Herc and Emiya all 40
my FC is 874,596,699 if anyone needs needs a good tank or bruiser
Advise, should I be rolling another round of gacha once I've got enough saint quartz or should I be hoarding it for future?
My rolls only got me TamaCat and Liz, so I went ahead even without a 5* since I got sick of rerolls.
depends if you're happy with what you got, the starter 5 star servants are all good so you can't go wrong if you wanted to pick one up but you don't need them to complete the story
the best servant Jeanne Alter is limited but who knows when she'll pop up so I'm just gonna hoard for her
Best because of personal opinion/design or best tier based?
Also, she's not already in the game,?even through she's the main antagonist of Orleans
Friend code: 065,543,340 Tired of re-rolling for the elusive "something better". Feel free to add me, running Waver in the friend slot. Which reminds me, is there any way to select which Servant shows up for friends or is it just whoever is in party 1 slot 1?
If you ever decide to reroll can I have your account? I'm aiming for a cat and Liz team purely for waifu reasons.Advise, should I be rolling another round of gacha once I've got enough saint quartz or should I be hoarding it for future?
My rolls only got me TamaCat and Liz, so I went ahead even without a 5* since I got sick of rerolls.
Go to Menu, Formation, and then Support Setup. It'll allow you to pick/choose any one type of that specific type of Servant to show up on your Friend List (if they search by specific type), as well as an "All" option that sets your leader when your Friend searches for the All type (it's the default option when you search, yours is currently set to Mash).Friend code: 065,543,340 Tired of re-rolling for the elusive "something better". Feel free to add me, running Waver in the friend slot. Which reminds me, is there any way to select which Servant shows up for friends or is it just whoever is in party 1 slot 1?
Go to Menu, Formation, and then Support Setup. It'll allow you to pick/choose any one type of that specific type of Servant to show up on your Friend List (if they search by specific type), as well as an "All" option that sets your leader when your Friend searches for the All type (it's the default option when you search, yours is currently set to Mash).
Anyway, I've added you! Speaking of, anyone feel free to add me (currently leading with a Level 41 Waver that should hopefully be Level 50 by the end of the night, assuming my stamina lasts).
At max level she has the highest attack power in the game I think.Best because of personal opinion/design or best tier based?
Also, she's not already in the game,?even through she's the main antagonist of Orleans
How did you guys manage to level up your characters so fast?
The 30 and 40 AP missions that can be grinded for XP are easy with the right setup (target all NPs and class counters), and at low levels you can level up your Master every 1-2 successes.How did you guys manage to level up your characters so fast?
Advise, should I be rolling another round of gacha once I've got enough saint quartz or should I be hoarding it for future?
My rolls only got me TamaCat and Liz, so I went ahead even without a 5* since I got sick of rerolls.
If you ever decide to reroll can I have your account? I'm aiming for a cat and Liz team purely for waifu reasons.
Pm'dI have a LizCat account if you want it.
With all of you guys talking about keeping your quartz for a specific character/banner, i'm wondering ; what kind of update schedule are we looking at for this game? every 2 weeks? every month?
Already answered, but:How did you guys manage to level up your characters so fast?
That.The 30 and 40 AP missions that can be grinded for XP are easy with the right setup (target all NPs and class counters), and at low levels you can level up your Master every 1-2 successes.
The downside to this is once you do level up it'll take a while to get through the story content cause you sure as heck won't get any free refills with the little XP you get there.
With all of you guys talking about keeping your quartz for a specific character/banner, i'm wondering ; what kind of update schedule are we looking at for this game? every 2 weeks? every month?
I am on the same boat.
I already saved 40 stars and kinda want to get Jeanne but I already have Mash in the party (I am not going to move her out because of waifu reasons) and Archer to attack.
Is it worth do a 10-roll?
Is there any way to play without having to use a friends servant?
Secondary servants only are usefull to come when one of your sevants die, right?
They're among the best yeah, especially Heracles.Man, I give up on rolling a 5* character. Just going to roll with Heracles and Emiya. Those are very good 4* characters right?