If you want Mana Prisms do the 30AP Exp Daily and burn the Silver Exp Cards (3*s) for Mana Prisms.
Right - that's seems much more efficient than a single mana prism from the 10 AP daily.
If you want Mana Prisms do the 30AP Exp Daily and burn the Silver Exp Cards (3*s) for Mana Prisms.
Seriously, don't bother upgrading any skill yet just to see it go from level 1 to level 2. The improvement for one level is miniscule, and it will take piles of rare materials and over a million QP just to get your first concrete benefit (1 turn shaved off the cooldown time) at level 6.
Play a while until you know the skill and the servant are one of your MVPs.
Thanks! I'm gonna level Martha i think since I really like her designI recommend either Marie or Martha (or both!)
Martha: Her skill after ascending is a debuff removal. So you can use it after Jeanne's NP to remove her self stun. Like Jean, she has 3 arts cards, so you'll be getting arts chains like crazy, meaning you can spam both their NP. Martha's own NP is pretty good, the raw damage is decent but the highlight is the DEF debuff which will improve the rest of your attacks.
Marie: Her NP has a debuff removal attached and a heal attached to it. Paired with Jean's you can restore a few thousand HP to your whole party.
The 3 of them will make a really tanky team, esp good for farming QP and the 40 AP Caster daily. It may take a few turns, but you'll grind it out since you are mostly unkillable unless totally outleveled (just make sure to save a Jeanne NP for a enemy NP turn)
On the other note, I cleared Orleans. The fights with the servants were fun, but there were too many with just trash mobs. Some were pretty hard too esp. I was having fun using low tier characters through it all, such as Mash, Saber Lily and Sasaki Kojirou, with a 60 Altera as the last hero just to play it safe, and she actually had to save the day twice. Really want a Jeanne of my own now (but will probably never get her unless I reroll). If Altera makes an appearance in Rome, I hope she's as great as Jeanne and MarieCarmilla and Jeanne Alter
Thanks, appreciate the advice from both. For curiosity, here's my servants, anyone I should be prioritizing?
- 5-star Jeanne d'Arc
- 4-star Altria Pendragon (Lily)
- 4-star Emiya
- 4-star Carmilla
- 3-star Lu Bu Fengxian
- 3-star Robin Hood
- 3-star Romulus
- 3-star Boudica
So far I've been using Jeanne and Emiya with Carmilla and Lily in reserve
If you have Vlad is there much point taking Herc when the 4* free pick rolls around?
Yes it was, thanks.
I found a release schedule for gatcha/characters on Reddit, of when characters were added in the Japanese version. It should give us an idea on when to expect certain characters or, at least, the order in which we'll get them.
It looks like I'll spend my hoarded SQ for Gilgamesh when he arrivs (just because my account is new, and could use more Servants as well as CE), and then save until Halloween hits.
I'm rather happy with my Tamamo Cat as a Berserker now. Should I take Herc when he's given away for free?
Does Mash has a story driven upgrade that I should level her? I saw there is 4* version of Mash.
I found a release schedule for gatcha/characters on Reddit, of when characters were added in the Japanese version. It should give us an idea on when to expect certain characters or, at least, the order in which we'll get them.
It looks like I'll spend my hoarded SQ for Gilgamesh when he arrivs (just because my account is new, and could use more Servants as well as CE), and then save until Halloween hits.
So I rolled a 4* Berserker Lancelot and leveled him up a bit. I have a 3* Lancer Cu Chulainn and he is a pretty damn good beast that plays well alongside my 4* ascended Archer Emiya. I know the star system doesn't mean much in this game, but is Lancelot worth leveling? As is, Chulainn seems so far ahead in atk damage and HP when compared to him, that it seems almost pointless to spend my EXP on him
So I rolled a 4* Berserker Lancelot and leveled him up a bit. I have a 3* Lancer Cu Chulainn and he is a pretty damn good beast that plays well alongside my 4* ascended Archer Emiya. I know the star system doesn't mean much in this game, but is Lancelot worth leveling? As is, Chulainn seems so far ahead in atk damage and HP when compared to him, that it seems almost pointless to spend my EXP on him
Emiya with Kaleidoscope is the best thing ever tho. A quick UBW simply cleans a whole bunch of enemies in 1 to 2 rounds no matter whether they are higher level than him or not.I´d bench Emiya.
Yeah I have also read his crit hits pretty damn hard. His HP is kind of on the low side though, specially compared to Chullain.I have no idea how he fares compared to Lancer, but I'm currently playing with Lancelot on my team (with Emiya) and he hits pretty damn hard with those red cards.
For the free 4* I'm tempted to go for Archer (Emiya) instead of Heracles since I already have the cat and I like the character.
Best reason to keep Emiya right now is that his combat animations are some of the coolest in the game.
A lot of characters have some generic ass attacks, but they did a great job of giving Emiya most of his full moveset.
So I rolled a 4* Berserker Lancelot and leveled him up a bit. I have a 3* Lancer Cu Chulainn and he is a pretty damn good beast that plays well alongside my 4* ascended Archer Emiya. I know the star system doesn't mean much in this game, but is Lancelot worth leveling? As is, Chulainn seems so far ahead in atk damage and HP when compared to him, that it seems almost pointless to spend my EXP on him
I was under the impression that we got the animation improvements already in this version, is that not true?
Most of them are in, but some are missing. Saber Alter and Cu Cuchulainn off the top of my head
For the free 4* I'm tempted to go for Archer (Emiya) instead of Heracles since I already have the cat and I like the character.
I don't know how your Cu does more damage than your Lancelot. My Lancelot has an attack that is thousands of points higher than Cu. Cu is all about surviving and not damage.
I have Lancelot and the Cat as my beserkers but people are saying Herk is still the right choice. He's just that good with his single target DPS.
Where are we getting free 4* ?
I have Tamamo Cat at level 50 and still plan on getting Herc. From what I understand Emiya won't truly be worth it until a while later. And for myself, I already have Robin Hood at lvl 40, and then Gilgamesh is going to be an archer option as well who I hope to pick up, so I think I'm fine for the Archer spot. If there were better 4* choices for Rider or Caster I may have gone for one of those, otherwise Herc is the default pick for me.
current best guess is after their 'countdown' ends on facebook/twitter. They are posting servants one by one each day. So maybe around the 6th?
they haven't said anything specific at all, though.
damn, that's nicegodbless
Thar she blows.
Wonder how much that costs.
Enough to keep the servers up another month.