Caster Illya got a strengthening quest in JP.
Was it enough to make her descent?
It's up to you I guess, you can either punch the enemy into a mountain or you can blast them with your magical girl stick. The choice is yours.
Do you guys think they will announce the new area/ event/etc during the panel this weekend? The next rate up would probably be the one with Francis Drake?
You jest, but if any one character actually warrants a redesign, it's bloody Jack the (loli) Ripper. Speaking of, saw this floating around:
Hm-hm. Hm!
The rate-up we missed would be the FSN one yeah?I'm expecting at most something like the rate up we missed or 4M downloads. They need to pace themselves since we have nearly a 2 month gap until Halloween going by JP dates. Maybe we'll get a comment that helps us figure out what they're doing with the schedule, but I expect no real announcement for new areas/events.
Finally, after what seems like weeks after everyone else, I've joined the lvl 100 club.
Looks like I'll max the starting mystic code between lvl 101 & 102. Not sure if I want to bother with the other one we got. It's skills seem kinda bad.
If you don't really need the original Mystic Code in order to win battles you might as well level the new one.
The rate-up we missed would be the FSN one yeah?
The 4M download event seems nice since its login bonus + Kintoki Rate-Up + 1/2AP.
Still would be disappointed if there is no new area, Its like...2 months after release now. I know the gap between areas was much larger in JP, but NA has the benefit of all the content already being pre-created.
How many hours until the Crunchyroll thing?
The sheet in the OP is (kinda) outdated since some of us rerolled for better accounts. What's your friend code?
I believe it starts at 5:45 PT, so 3 hours and 40ish minutes. No idea if it is being streamed or anything though.
Nah, I heard Netflix got the rights. Expect the panel to be released in about 6 months with a dub.Maybe it will be streamed on.........Crunchyroll?
Maybe it will be streamed on.........Crunchyroll?
I mean they don't seem to be streaming any part of the expo that I've seen, but I also haven't looked very hard. No idea why they'd stream FGO and not the rest of it.
EDIT: Looks like I got the time zones fucked up. Here is an Okeanos teaser from it.
I mean they don't seem to be streaming any part of the expo that I've seen, but I also haven't looked very hard. No idea why they'd stream FGO and not the rest of it.
EDIT: Looks like I got the time zones fucked up. Here is an Okeanos teaser from it.
I'm not sure what I'm looking at. Also, on the Twitter post, that's this fail MC they're talking about?
Welp, looks like I'll be rolling on Drake first instead of Tamamo.
Admit it, you're rolling on every upcoming banner.
Not a fan of Drake. Maybe I'll use some tickets.
But I really need a Rider
I believe I've already said that :3
Sent you a requestMy code is 397,723,496. I don't have much as I haven't been able to do many summons yet. Still, I appreciate those with great characters since I've been able to do some things I wouldn't have been able to do.
The way you phrased your post made it sound like you were saving up for Tamamo Caster.
The only rider I want is IslandarI'm not super fond of her either, but we have limited choices for good Riders. She's the third best SSR rider, and one of the better farming characters in the game. Her NP and 3rd skill, along with the Rider class's inherently high star weight, make her a great candidate for crit teams as well.
Same, I'd legit whale to get him.Just saw the Prisma Illya movie. Now I really wantto be in this game. What a badass. Would buy quartz for him.Installed Emiya Shirou
Do what I did. I skipped the first two seasons and just read a summary and then picked it back up at the latest one which cuts a lot of the weird shit out. Creepy loli shit got me to nope out of the series, but GAR brought me back.I sort of want to watch the movie just to see the characters that would appear in FGO down the line but I never really watched the Prisma series.But I've seen gifs and clips of some of the action scenes and they looked well done. It's quite a complicated dilemma.I saw a gif of tan Illya making out with a magical girl and decided against it.
Do what I did. I skipped the first two seasons and just read a summary and then picked it back up at the latest one which cuts a lot of the weird shit out. Creepy loli shit got me to nope out of the series, but GAR brought me back.
I wish there was an edit available with the creepy stuff cut out.You would miss best girl Bazett though, since she only is relevant in the second season.
Yeah, a lot of the gifs of stuff in Prisma Illya kinda creeped me out so I never bothered watching it.
However, I hear the movie that just came out is pretty good.It's pretty much Shirou the Movie and Illya doesn't appear in it outside the short epilogue.
RIP Okita
And y'all have terrible taste. Hating on the artistic masterpiece that is Prisma Illya, and all the while talking up the shittiest MC in all of anime (Shirou).