There was a reason for all that dancing.
New striker for Police Machine FC.
I quit, going on hiatus for a while
I just spent the last 10 mins being quizzed by my family why whenever I'm on my PC I keep saying well done to foods and drinks.
I was asking wtf they meant
"Well done, Bacon! Nice ball, Cola! Good tackle, Wooden!"
I asked how Wooden was a food but they ignored me.
Anyway they asked what I had against Quiche and I just started laughing. "You're always so angry about quiches!"
Are you still in hospital?
That Lego game you wanted is out on UK Steam store now, not november
Please don't die Elliot
I'll try my best!
Quiche show them my goal instead, way more impressive.
I want the one with your nimble feet in the box, doing a 180 then switching foot to score, all on a 6'7 giant
crazy as it sounds we should still play today
NerdI would play but I think most of today is going to be me sitting in front of my PC watching the giant bomb stream.
I would play but I think most of today is going to be me sitting in front of my PC watching the giant bomb stream.
But he's playing Dark Souls
And he's playing it SO SLOWLY(