Stop freezes the enemy... no idea how long, because I kill it the next turn with zero issues. The mobs in EXP are EASY to beat with just a good strong attacking friend.
Stop freezes the enemy... no idea how long, because I kill it the next turn with zero issues. The mobs in EXP are EASY to beat with just a good strong attacking friend.
And C-Murph, we need to have a talk about your fencer lol
Was reading reddit when I came upon what one unlucky soul pulled for a 10+1. If I pulled this I would quit:
Was reading reddit when I came upon what one unlucky soul pulled for a 10+1. If I pulled this I would quit:
Was reading reddit when I came upon what one unlucky soul pulled for a 10+1. If I pulled this I would quit:
Hmm... got a Mustadio and I'm ok with this even though I have a max level Vaan. After a week straight of pulling nothing but garbage seeing a usable character feels great. It doesn't hurt that I'm completely new to the game so most characters that aren't terrible feel strong to me.
Garnett is broken. She gets a LB once every 2-3 turns, and automatically fills the gauge every time. I swear I'm getting probably 20 Esper summons or more in the EXP dungeon with her.
Nothing like the exvius wiki to make you feel great about your pulls. On Ramza:
"Completely unremarkable, below average for a 6*"
I had 1 ticket and used it and got agrias so that's pretty cool
I'm guessing she's good?
FFT is my favorite game in the series so I'm happy to have her anyway
So how do you guys feel about the last 3 tickets from this event at 1200 shards each?
If I had to choose between getting those 3 tickets, or grinding the exploration to level up my espers, which would you recommend? I haven't even unlocked diabolos yet and the only one that is 2* is Ifrit.
I can probably do a bit of both since I think there's an entire week left of this event, but I'm not sure. All I have left except that is the mats for the shield which are really cheap.
Yep. That would be an instant quit for me. But that's my luck so I don't tempt fate with a 10+1 pull. LOL
Also, sweet mother of all that is holy, got Bartz on my alt account for my daily pull.
For those of us in the iOS world, what is the best way to TM farm. There has to be something similar to Nox or that other software that was mentioned. Can anyone PM me some info. I have so many TM's i need to start grinding.
Nothing like the exvius wiki to make you feel great about your pulls. On Ramza:
"Completely unremarkable, below average for a 6*"
I'm pretty sure that this basically proves that there is no god. Like if anyone should ask, or want proof that god does not exist; this is irrefutable evidence.
Insane. I'm jealous. Seething with jealousy.Hmmm.
Half price pull:
And another. Congrats to you. My jealousy builds...Grats! So all these Ramza pulls made me decide to do a couple of 11's first one was straight garbage other than 5....5 Mustadios...half the pull lol. The 2nd much for 3 months until my next Rainbow.
Oh man. OH MAN! I WANT HER!!!!Guys I have the WEIRDEST luck. This was the banner I was looking forward to, I love all 3 units, I was hoping to get any of them and I'd be happy. So I do the Daily. It's fucking Shadow.
I think in my head it's unacceptable so I waste a Ticket. Oh look it's Maria, hi Maria.
Alright 3rd ticket. This is too ridiculous just give me one FFT Unit, I'm not asking much. Bedile.
Alright game I'm getting upset, if you don't give me an FFT unit on this 4th ticket I think I'm done for a while. Then out pops a gold crystal (Oh boy, it's gonna be false hope again) and well as it turns out my luck decided I hadn't had enough being messed with because this happened.
I...I don't understand...why...tell me why! Is this a weird curse?
Congrats on the Agrias. I hope I can manage her before the event ends, but I'm only doing daily pulls so it's not likely.First pull orange edgar...3rd time this happens
Next pull orange Agrias finally a fullbreak user!!!!!!!!!
That is one incredible non-Rainbow draw. All amazing units, with differing capacities. Congrats!Alright, was weak and did an 11-pull on my ALT which has been struggling with just Lightning, Shantotto, Celes (x2), Garnett, and Charlotte to date. Along with Ludmille for TMR.
I did not get Ramza ;(
However, I am literally speechless with the draw
2 ExDeath, Locke, CoD, Bartz, CECIL, and AGRIAS!!! Oh, and four Mustadio and a Penello.
However, what do I do now? Have 5K Auracite from the event, and need to level Lightning. Also need the katana and shield, but don't have enough for all of it. I'm thinking the mats, and then we will see if I have enough time for the Katana
Cecil got the half dozen LB pots I've been saving up, LB4
Priority #1 is to level up Agrias for FB
Priority #2 is ExDeath at 4*
Priority #3 is Lightning 6* Awakening
However, still need to level CoD, Bartz, and finally my own Locke as well. Guess I'm on Cactuars for this account the rest of the weekend. Or I could do the ADV EXP to level instead. Thoughts?
TMR team is now
But don't know about last two spots here... Should I put the two Celes in the queue to get her LB faster, or Locke and Kain for their weapons?
This account may just become my primary if this luck continues. Haven't even gotten Shiva yet with this one, and have a long way to go
Congrats on the Agrias!Did four pulls on the banner so far. Daily pull was Penelo of course. Next two tickets where Lani and Maria. Some great luck to start the banner. I tried one more and got me an Agrias. Pretty happy about that and will probably swap out Vaan for her. Probably only going to do daily pulls for the rest of the banner.
Just saw your post Chilly. Sorry, I wasn't trying to rub it in or anything. Two Ramza pulls is pretty damn lucky. You'll get your Agrias I know it!
Fucking troll crystals >_<
I got angry at my pulls and kept using tickets until I was dry.
Blue crystal disappointments were:
Edgar, Clyne, Lani, Russell, Cyan, Charlotte #6.(SIX CHARLOTTES AND NO LUD >_<)
\o/!!Yolo pulled with another ticket. Gold Crystal.....AGRIAS! GFG!
She's great. You did good.I had 1 ticket and used it and got agrias so that's pretty cool
I'm guessing she's good?
FFT is my favorite game in the series so I'm happy to have her anyway
Garnett is broken. She gets a LB once every 2-3 turns, and automatically fills the gauge every time. I swear I'm getting probably 20 Esper summons or more in the EXP dungeon with her.
Nothing like the exvius wiki to make you feel great about your pulls. On Ramza:
"Completely unremarkable, below average for a 6*"
"Learns Ultima, but lacking any gear to use it. It runs in the family"
and i show you:
Stop being fucking slaves of the rankings.
I agree 110% with that last line you stated. Also, please don't take this as an attack, I actually really enjoy seeing the numbers that can be squeezed out of any given character. I must say though, you're showing us that to make a good Ramza you NEED 5 tm's, 100 star quartz, and a piece of gear from an event that the person may not have been a user at the time.
Even if you dont want to use ultima, you can equip a -ga spell (firaga, thundaga, blizzaga) and ramza's MAG would be 464
And if you add a dualcast, his MAG would be 427 MAG.
A wizzard with 427 MAG, dualcast and 256 def is incredible.
each of your's ramza will be strong as long as you know how to build it.
Oh for fucks sake of course I know that Ramza is amazing lol I just meant in general its hysterical to read!!
That's the whole point of all us going off on the review.
The review is so horribly agenda-written that's its laughable to even try to comprehend.
Poor Ramza! If only he had been named Orlandu or Emperor, he might have been given at least 2 or 3 more rating points than the sorry evaluation that he received!
"Learns Ultima, but lacking any gear to use it. It runs in the family"
and i show you:
Stop being fucking slaves of the rankings.
ExDeath with the same F2P equip 6star can get to 358 MAG (because he cant equip circlet and mage robe, and there are no armors that give MAG yet), vs 383 Ramza can get F2P
Those reviews are just plain garbage. Having used a L100 Lightning, her damage output is WAY above a "typical", non-TM'ed 5* unit. I mean, game-breaking damage output. Now a high damage character like Chorizo with the proper TM's would approach and surpass her damage, but seriously. Lightning comes "out of the box" like that. Also, versatile with Magic as well.
And Ramza is the most flexible character out there - you can build him essentially anyway that you want. I'd love to pull him, but it isn't going to happen. I'd rank Agrias and Vaan pretty close to one another. Agrias may be a little better, but Vaan will get an eventual 6* capability. There is that stupid "future-proof" term...
In short, the rankings are BS. I look at skills and such, as opposed to raw numbers