Agrias has full break? Guess I'm never pulling her
Never say never! I have a good feeling for this banner with GAF!
Agrias has full break? Guess I'm never pulling her
YESSSS, finally I got a Full Break unit. Used 6 summon tickets and got her!!
Oh... and to go along with that completely scathing review, the site also lists Ramza as the #1 Support in the game.
Those reviews are just plain garbage. Having used a L100 Lightning, her damage output is WAY above a "typical", non-TM'ed 5* unit. I mean, game-breaking damage output. Now a high damage character like Chorizo with the proper TM's would approach and surpass her damage, but seriously. Lightning comes "out of the box" like that. Also, versatile with Magic as well.
And Ramza is the most flexible character out there - you can build him essentially anyway that you want. I'd love to pull him, but it isn't going to happen. I'd rank Agrias and Vaan pretty close to one another. Agrias may be a little better, but Vaan will get an eventual 6* capability. There is that stupid "future-proof" term...
In short, the rankings are BS. I look at skills and such, as opposed to raw numbers
Lyrian - that is EXACTLY what I am going to do. Add Lightning and ExDeath to the group, with Garnet casting Espers and healing, and that is the basis of my party right now.
Mustadio aint the one with Full Break.
I'm going to disagree. The ranks have a very valid purpose. They do break down it to a mathematical formula. The catch is of course, you're own experiences, input, and needs. It does not take into account a non-idealistic situation.
Sorry Whales - was going to give you my alternate, but I drew Agrias, along with a slew of good units. Ramza and Kefka is a pretty damned good start. Any other notable units?
Been resetting like 2-3 times a day for the past few days...
And then today after my first reset I pull a 5 star Ramza, a 3 star kefka and a mustadio.
Yeah, I think this one's fine... Should I seriously try to reset or this is really good enough?
what other units do you have buddy?
And therein lies the flaw in the mathematical model used.
Not saying that the model doesn't serve a purpose, because it does. I'd argue that the model is flawed because even though it is seen and used broadly by everyone, that it is designed for the top 0.01% who can constantly run with TMs in every possible slot on every character at all times in an "ideal situation". That's not really a good representation of the FFBE population as a whole. Still, if a player wants to whale at Moby Dick tier (well beyond anyone in this thread), then the model would be representative of expectations.
The point system is fine. The reviews just need to stop completely trashing new units just because they aren't as good as units that will be released several months down the road after them. That's the definition of power creep and necessary to prevent stagnation in a game like this.
At the very minimum, at least not write that the top rated unit in the game is already "weak" because better units are coming down the road.
Thats it, the others are mustadio, a shadow and a clyne, I think they're not very noteworthy?
All from a daily pull + those 5 free tickets you get at the start. Is there some point in the game where you get more free tickets? Because 2 good chars out of 6 tries seems pretty good for this game![]()
One. His rankings do not take into account JPN. That is an issue with the user base of the title. From what I understand, his take into account skills, stats, specialties, etc. I.E., the reason why Ramza is a so-so character is the middling stats across the board. Has a bit of everything, but doesn't excel at anything. Compared to Lightning who excels in Physical damage. Acknowledging he has this fault isn't "shitting" on the character, but rather an analysis of his potential. Bartz is another character with the same issue(Even though I love him). It's why he's behind Art, CoD, Chizzy, Juggler, and a few others. He is better than Juggler and Art down the line, but not now.
shintoki said:The future potential analysis typical comes from the userbase(Us). Since unlike most titles, we know what we're getting and investing into. This is where personal opinion matters more and also luck. You have to work with what you roll. I think it would be shortsighted and stupid not to take that into account. But I also think it is just as faulty is use it as the bible. There is a good balance between the two. For example, Ramza will be a top character for several months. Agrais and Char will also be very good, but will have the eventual fall off. Acknowledging that is typically well researched, but limiting your choices to only 7 months down the line is a mishap. You need to get to through those 7 months on top. And as you said, rather than looking for the white whale, minimal constant upgrades are a better choice than whaling for the one big one.
The ranking and breakdown of the characters aren't the issue, it's how the typical unskilled player base understands them.
Hmmm okay... I guess i'll reroll some more.
What if I get Vaan? Is that good enough? Because on one of ky dummy accounts I got him but he was the only notable draw
JPN is not the point here. In a roundabout way, you describe the problem at hand.
This is the Reddit Hivemind Logic at work here. Per the Reddit Hivemind Logic, the only units that can possibly be "good" are the ones that are the most specialized possible in a specific attribute. 95% of the time, the only attribute that matters is raw damage output, with the other 5% being some kind of support buff/debuff that specifically enhances damage output (Cheer/Focus, Full Break, etc).
So... as Ramza is not top physical DPS (not Chiz, nor Lightning), nor top magic DPS (not Kefka nor Exdeath), and has subpar buffs because singing is required (yet strangely is #1 on the support ranking), he has no potential at all? Valentus's post on the previous page says otherwise.
Because that's how I read his last place ranking in the 6* chart coupled with the Shadow-tier jabs in his analysis.
As the rankings have always been, and my criticisms of it since Day 1, the rankings only consider pure specialists in a role and everyone else can GTFO.
But, that's the issue here. The average player **will** use the unit rankings as a bible. Most of us here on this forum are generally smart enough to avoid this trap. But, the average player will not. Just look at the weekly "Should You Pull" threads on Reddit, which has pretty much already turned into complete gospel by the community.
The ratings are absolutely already looking at units 7 months down the road. The convenient excuse is that later units can simply be assigned a higher rating number, which is fine and dandy. But the text being associated with each unit is quite definitely biased by precognition of what is coming down the road. Lightning wouldn't be "weak" otherwise, when at the current moment that statement is as far away from the truth as possible.
Hmmm okay... I guess i'll reroll some more.
What if I get Vaan? Is that good enough? Because on one of ky dummy accounts I got him but he was the only notable draw
Happy to see there's been a regular set of people streaming this game recently. I used to always check Twitch and nothing would come up. Really enjoy Claich and scrion streams. Seems to be a few other regular streamers as well. There's never a ton of people watching, but it seems there's a good community that is growing. I love watching other people do pulls for some reason. Not sure if there are other people streaming on YouTube though. I should look into that as well.
Been resetting like 2-3 times a day for the past few days...
And then today after my first reset I pull a 5 star Ramza, a 3 star kefka and a mustadio.
Yeah, I think this one's fine... Should I seriously try to reset or this is really good enough?
1. But the initial comment was from that site on unit rankings which do not take into account JPN, on why Ramza was "Weak". Where people were specifically referring to the JPN version in here being the reason.
2. I admit the fallacy in the Reddit logic, but again, not every place Reddit nor can you protect users from reading it. They do have to determine what information is valuable to them. That's not something you can hold against Reddit, if the user is willing to believe. Nor do I think it's fair to compare the Wiki site ratings to the Reddit. Both are entirely different beasts, meant for a different populace. As I said, I feel like it's more several people in here with their fixation on what reddit thinks, rather than playing the game. There have been banners I'm in complete disagreement with their call. Never once affected how I play and I don't particularly think I've been wrong either.
Which is also the point, it's up to the user. I can sit there and tell people how you should use the information, but in the end. It's up to them. Blaming Reddit for it, is like blaming a fortune cookie for lotte numbers. The reader chooses to accept the information. The average player probably will not even look at Reddit and is playing blindly. Reddit is not the average. Nor is Gaf. We've known this for years. We are defined as the hardcore.
And as I said, I do think the Wiki is more fair to Global, which was where the original remark came from.
3. Nor did I say Ramza is "useless" and I think the Wiki is fair is calling him unremarkable. It doesn't mean bad, but in a game that pushes specialization above jack of all trades. It does mean the character is at a disadvantage with it's heavy advantage(outweighting it's current disadvantage) being one of the first 6* characters. You can't penalize someone reviewing the character towards how the game is played. It would be unwise.
And I will say this, it's very easy to already tell where Lightning's weakness is at and where the comments come from about abilities. She has a very diverse skill set, but for a damage dealer. Lacks that powerful something. In terms of single target Damage. Chizzy and CoD would be a better choice thanks to Barrage. Most bosses have been about either chaining or single target. Having a critique about the character does not mean the character is trash. Nor do people blindly riding it, saying it doesn't matter will not invalidate that critique either. There is a balance.
For what it is, I think Reddit has it's balance and I wouldn't change it. It's a site typically meant for the hardcore fan base of the title, just like Gaf. There data should not be representative else wise, this is what the Wiki is for.
I don't think Ramza is weak at all. He would be my number two want behind Lightning at this point in time. You can turn him into an excellent mage. A base of 307 isn't Kefka, but it's much better than Golbez, Terra, Tellah, etc. You can turn him into a damage dealer that is better than Garland or Firion as well. And when you get "better" units he is as good of a support unit as your typical FB unit is. And his support will become God-like later on...
It is all about the Gear and the skills each character has...
It is all about how you outfit the character, and how you use them as a team. Yes, on my primary I can brute force everything up to the point I'm at now, but I'm starting to hit a wall.
Lots of pulls, fuse them all and get the gun. It's impossible otherwise, yes.How the does someone have Mustadio's TM gun already???? He was just released today! Wtf?!?!?
-- The wiki rankings were originally quite unfair to Global in the beginning. Only after much unrest from the masses did the rankings become fairer in a concession. But now, with the dawn of 6*s, that disparity seems to have come back into play in full force. The Ramza evaluation is an excellent example of this, as his evaluation should have been made only against Delita and Lightning and no one else for the evaluation to be fair.
This, we'll disagree about. You have to rate him against all characters in the game. It would be wrong not too. It's very closed minded to limit it just to 6*, where he does perform worse. But also noting while he doesn't fulfill a single role but can fullfill many. He isn't particularly exceptional at any role. His unit is largely getting by right now by being an early 6*, if you must compare. But even than, you do need to take into account.
Since you did bring Val's unit comparison. He can be suited to a mage, physical, support, or tank. But he doesn't have the skills to particularly to take advantage of any aspect. Ultimate is a very poor move for single target, doesn't have "Aga" spells to chain, etc. He lacks any high physical damage output skills. And his best buff, does require him to be inactivate for 3 turns.
And if you want to critique the review of the units for that reason. Then I would say it's extremely short sighted.
3) There's that tunnel vision again. I shouldn't criticize the reviewer because the reviews are based on how the game is meant to be played?
Ugh.... the core of the argument here that we have been going back and forth on is that the reviews are the based entirely on a narrow mindset of the "most efficient" way to play this game according the ultra-whales. That goes all the way back to my original point that the rankings, reviews, and the Reddit Hivemind Logic are based on the sole question of "Is this unit the best at X role in the game?" If yes, it's good. If not, it's shit. There is no middle ground in this type of system. Hence, the review of Ramza equating to shit because it is not the best unit in any given role.
I've been around quite long enough on this planet to know someone is trying to write "complete shit" in a politically correct manner. That said, that's a fault of the specific review itself, and not of the system as a whole.
3a) I sure hope that there is some sort of flaw or weakness with Lightning. Otherwise, how else would anyone else in the future ever surpass her power levels? If there ever is a perfect unit out there, then there will never be a reason to pull for anything else ever again. Once more, this is a fault with the review (of Lightning in this case) and not of the system itself.
Kungbakpao, but I call him kungpao for short streams. So does this jpn girl. Don't know her name, but their channel is goodgirlsgaming or something like that.
Well ladies and gents here it is, my first 6*!!
Congrats. That was fast Chilly.
Well ladies and gents here it is, my first 6*!!
Congrats, man! I wish I had that kind of luck. Maybe tomorrow.
People keep talking about the FFIII banner. What characters are going to be part of that one?
Wow, that was fast.My Kefka is lordly.
Nope, Lightning's tm is average.Does Lightning's scarf stack with dual wield? I'm guessing no, or it would be a free sword dance every normal attack (4x). In that case though, is this the first instance where a unit can't benefit from the TM it produces?
Edit: Oops, forgot about the units with equip __ materia. Interestingly, the only other instances I could find are Krile and Rydia who can't even equip their own TM, which feels like a strong early hint at their future 5* forms.