I'm about to drop 5k on this banner myself. If CCIE does it too I completely understand.CCIE don't kill yourself over Ramza, 5k is a lot lapis!
I'm about to drop 5k on this banner myself. If CCIE does it too I completely understand.CCIE don't kill yourself over Ramza, 5k is a lot lapis!
In the the 50s myself. Didn't go hard the rank exp besides events and a little during soft launch.I would say that most who have been in this thread long should be above Rank 60 or so.
I would say that most who have been in this thread long should be above Rank 60 or so.
I'm finally back to TM farming, current party is 2 Chizuru(36,7%/43,4%), 2 Ludmille (11,9%/13,8%) and Lenna (50,6%)
Hoping to get at least one dual cast before Refia hits.
Grats, that was a crazy bet there.I could not bear to continue without Ramza in my ranks so I spent the 5000 lapis I had saved through the new colosseum and several gold trophies:
I won. I no longer regret doing the Cactaur Weekend. Now I save for Refia and Orlandeau.
I could not bear to continue without Ramza in my ranks so I spent the 5000 lapis I had saved through the new colosseum and several gold trophies:
I won. I no longer regret doing the Cactaur Weekend. Now I save for Refia and Orlandeau.
I could not bear to continue without Ramza in my ranks so I spent the 5000 lapis I had saved through the new colosseum and several gold trophies:
I won. I no longer regret doing the Cactaur Weekend. Now I save for Refia and Orlandeau.
Since Delita forsook me, it is done!Gratz. Now ditch your Delita avatar and change it to Ramza XD
Congrats on the Ramza! Still trying for one myself on the daily pulls, but I never seem to have much luck with those pulls. Got a Bedile today.
Grats! Welcome to the Ramza club. I will say that he seems to be pulled far more often than Lightning was ><
Gratz. Now ditch your Delita avatar and change it to Ramza XD
Thanks!Grats, that was a crazy bet there.
I could not bear to continue without Ramza in my ranks so I spent the 5000 lapis I had saved through the new colosseum and several gold trophies:
I won. I no longer regret doing the Cactaur Weekend. Now I save for Refia and Orlandeau.
I wish I could gift you my Lightning<3
Agrias's magic casting pose is so awesome.
Ramza has a good one too but it's super weird because he's like the only character apart from Kefka to have a mouth, and it looks so bizarre
I would say that most who have been in this thread long should be above Rank 60 or so.
Count me in the no banner unit and nothing worthwhile from daily pull. I do however have 9000+ auracites right now and I already have the sword, shield, SC and tickets completed.
My PRI is at L62, and my ALT is at 42. Have put over 20 levels on my ALT over the event. Going to pull for Ramza tomorrow on my PRI. We'll see if the banner is kinder with an 11-pull
Done with ADV S3, now S4. The horror!
Went from Rank 70 to 80 this event. It's been great. I have done my fair share of Rank grinding before though. It was something easy and quick to do to dump energy while at work. Love having tons of energy when I wake up and I really don't waste much energy even during the night when sleeping.
I started at 51 this event and now I'm 70. Just gonna keep going till it ends. Being able to sleep and not lose nrg is awesome.
Probably should just switch to the exploration now since you would really have to grind hard or spend real monies to get enough mats for another complete 6*.
Level up your Espers instead!
Probably should just switch to the exploration now since you would really have to grind hard or spend real monies to get enough mats for another complete 6*.
Level up your Espers instead!
I need more friends if anyone willing to add me. I do not have OP characters yet so don't expect much
TIL Android lapis will transfer between emulators if you use the game google account. I had 250 lapis sitting on a Nox install on my work PC that I thought was gone until they fixed it, but I installed MEmu at home last night and that 250 lapis was sitting there. Feels good to be close enough to done with this event that I can overnight TM farm again!
I still have lots of other work to do though... most of the explorations and quests in the new continent haven't been completed at all. I need to at least do the explorations to grab the stuff in the chests. I'm also behind on some old earth keys so I can't get the gale ones. I also am running low on awakening mats and want to do the Vortex int more.
I almost want a week or 2 of no events actually.
Pull status: still no banner units. Today was Garland which is cool because I didn't already have him.
Sent you a request!
I just started this because I heard that at some point some of my favourite characters might get added. The thing I'm wondering is if I should reroll until I get a 5* unit? I would like Ramza but I'm not really sure what units are good in this game.
I pulled Rydia but she is only 4*.
Thankfully they aren't my favourites though I do like some of them. I like Tactics so I'm going to reroll for Ramza.If you pull a Rydia, Kain, Vivi, Galuf, Krile, Shadow, Sabin, Edgar, Penelo or Fran, and you are happy because you are getting your memorable favorites of past FF games and you will rock with those units here...
You will not. Those units are awful.
I mean VII hasn't been released either in this game and that's obviously not because it isn't popular. I would think they're saving them to bring more people in and since I swear I read somewhere they will at some point be added that's why I'm going to start playing this.BE has made me wonder
if FFVIII was really that popular. It certainly always seemed like the most polarizing of the FF games but I didn't know that directly equated to popularity. VII and VIII are all that's left right?
probably going to stop being f2p when my emo man crush Squall drops
BE has made me wonder if FFVIII was really that popular. It certainly always seemed like the most polarizing of the FF games but I didn't know that directly equated to popularity. VII and VIII are all that's left right?
probably going to stop being f2p when my emo man crush Squall drops
If you pull a Rydia, Kain, Vivi, Galuf, Krile, Shadow, Sabin, Edgar, Penelo or Fran, and you are happy because you are getting your memorable favorites of past FF games and you will rock with those units here...
You will not. Those units are awful.
trying to grind out the rest of the monastery tickets in time for the new banner.
1200 shards per ticket. my oh my
Why did I just read that as F-Zero?
Stupid Nintendo :/
Some people couldn't care less about unit power or the min/max crap some of us do. A lot of people in here talk about having to HAVE TMR's (You don't) and having nothing but top tier units (You don't). Are those units good? No, no they aren't but at least with current content you can clear it with some of them. I actually have a mostly shit tier party in terms of power I use from time to time because it has some of my favorite units in it. Edgar/Vivi/Celes/Freya/Garnet. I have been able to clear everything with them with no issues.
Thankfully they aren't my favourites though I do like some of them. I like Tactics so I'm going to reroll for Ramza.
I mean VII hasn't been released either in this game and that's obviously not because it isn't popular. I would think they're saving them to bring more people in and since I swear I read somewhere they will at some point be added that's why I'm going to start playing this.![]()
How do you fare in ADV Colosseum, ELT Tactics event and Dirnardo continent bossess fights with these units?
I have cleared the final Story boss just to see it was rough but I was able to do it. I haven't tried the newest collo as I am still getting through it just entered the S rank but I have cleared INT S-5 with it. Elite FFT probably not at least not without an OP Light friend which makes it kind of irrelevant anyway as people with even some good units have had to do that. Or I could just give that entire party Blizzara/Ice Rod and probably chain it. Maybe I will try it to see. You missed the point of my post though. Some people just don't care about that stuff and they just want to play the game to have fun and have some nostalgia. It drives me nuts when we all act like you have to have TM's and stuff because you don't. Granted I farm them and I chase powerful units but I am not gonna tell someone that doesn't they are doing it wrong.
I mean VII hasn't been released either in this game and that's obviously not because it isn't popular. I would think they're saving them to bring more people in and since I swear I read somewhere they will at some point be added that's why I'm going to start playing this.![]()
Some people couldn't care less about unit power or the min/max crap some of us do. A lot of people in here talk about having to HAVE TMR's (You don't) and having nothing but top tier units (You don't). Are those units good? No, no they aren't but at least with current content you can clear it with some of them. I actually have a mostly shit tier party in terms of power I use from time to time because it has some of my favorite units in it. Edgar/Vivi/Celes/Freya/Garnet. I have been able to clear everything with them with no issues.
Currently I have 722 Auracite Shards on hand. I haven't got any of the materials yet for the Shield and Katana.
Do I have time to get the remaining Shards (to make 4000 altogether) before the event ends?
Only if you spend lapis I'm afraid. You'd have to start running ELT non-stop from now until the maintenance![]()