We get Orlandeau this week, right? I got Mustadio and Agrias already and don't really care about Ramza. Might just hold off on the discounted dailies and wait for Orlandeau to drop, then blow all the tickets and lapis I have chasing him.
I'd also like a bit of guidance from the more serious players here; I've fallen behind considerably and don't have any of the nicer equipment. Best weapons are the sword you get from the silver dragon and the mace from the mooncake event. I see people on my list with upwards of 400 attack, so clearly I've gotta get my ass in gear if I want to keep progressing through this content.
What do you guys recommend I do? I have (I think) a pretty good party comprised of Chiz, Leo, Kefka, CoD, Fina, and Golbez. I' m working on Agrias, and have Zidane, Vaan, Lenna, Tellah, Shantoto, and Locke to work on. I saw that Lenna is a good healer, so I'll probably work on her next. I've completely ignored the 6* dungeon because I have no 6* units as far as I'm aware. I've also ignored the side-quests, so I still only have the first two espers and they're woefully under-leveled. I do run Phantom Forest from time to time and don't seem to be getting the windfall of Magicite people mentioned before, but maybe they gimped it or I've just been getting Magicite for other espers.
Trust farmers: How easy is this to set up in Nox or whatever emulator is preferred among macro'ers?
Oh, okay. Well, I'll save up for the new banner anyway.
I tried Memu first and the performance left much to be desired, but if I have it running in the background it's not really a big deal anyway.
But I don't really understand how the TM grind approach works; I know with normal gameplay you can get a 0.1% bump every now and then for a character. What's the preferred mode/method? What happens when you run out of energy, which is inevitable? Wait and repeat, or does the macro handle that? Should I focus on building rank for more attempts?
Since noone has answered to your questions, here are some thoughts of mine:
I suggest in the future you do those event dungeons (atleast some runs & go to check what prizes Mog King has) even you dont have any of those 6*. They give much more, there was 10 Summon tickets to grab, really nice Katana (for Chiz for example) & ok Shield and 10 Star Quarz. Obviously to get them all you needed to grind event (good - exceptional rank exp btw). But yeah so much more in prices than only those awakening mats to 6*. Also those mats can be used to future 6* units (like CoD, Chiz).
Thing you should do:
- Level Lenna asap and kick Fina from party. Lenna is Fina in steroids

Party suggestion (story):
- Chiz, Leo, Vaan, CoD , Lenna
* Chiz dps
* Leo / Agrias tank role
* CoD dps
* Vaan Full Break, back up healer (slap Cura to Vaan) if needed
* Lenna Cheer + healing (Curaja)
- If Leo is max 5* leveled, focus getting Lenna to 5* max level after that focus to Agrias
- In order to get full use from Cheer (Lenna has cheer too) go with 4x dps
Mageish (Orbonne monastery event for example)
- Vaan, Kefka, Golbez, Tellah, Lenna
* Vaan
- 1st turn Focus, 2nd turn Full Break (depending fight, this is how I do it in ADV Colosseum)
* Kefka, Golbez, Tellah
- After Vaan has cast focus, these 3 cast element chain (Blizzaga or Thundaga).
* Lenna
- Healing, status cleaning
** Shantotto
- IF healer is not needed and you dont have better mage, use Shantotto to take part to Element chaining
Tankish (ADV colosseum)
- Vaan, Lenna, Kefka, Tellah / Golbez Leo/Agrias (or both)
1st turn in this order
- Vaan Focus
- Lenna Cheer
- Golbez Binding Cold (paralyzing aoe), other mage does GA spell (or some debuff)
- Leo / Agrias defend
Phantom Forest - Exploration gives only "Green Magicites / Megacites", use them to level your Espers (don't level Siren at this point).
I farm trust heavily, but cant say anything about emulators sorry :/.
- I do TM farming manually, I run Earth Shrine - Entrance (2 battles), its fastest to clear and I dont plan to get Limit Break skills in those runs (Using LB takes more time and you need to run Earth Shrine - Exit, 3 battles, thus its longer).
- It takes average of 10000 Earth Shrine runs to get TM from 0% to 100%, it varies, some do it 9000 runs and some take much more runs than 10000, its all about rng.
- Average is 0.1% TM raise for every 10 nrg you use.
- TM farming is slow, when I had 50-55 nrg max, it took around 40 - 46 days to get TMs to 100%.
Not sure how high daily TM% you get if you run TM with emulator and do cheapest daily quests every day. My guess is around 3-5% depending nrg max.
Edit: Nice avatar