Thanks! Although I've seen your posts here forever, I don't think we've added each other. Could I have your friend number?
Cleaned out 4 spots for Gaffers, if they need him.
826 124 838
Thanks! Although I've seen your posts here forever, I don't think we've added each other. Could I have your friend number?
Cleaned out 4 spots for Gaffers, if they need him.
826 124 838
Sent, thanks! My shared unit is Elza. Noticed a friend on my list named Merkyor who is rank 126 quit almost a month ago. His message is, "Bye all!, Too much time/money" That sucks! I'm still using his shared Gilgamesh with about 880 atk.
Cleaned out 4 spots for Gaffers, if they need him.
826 124 838
Added. At least your friend's unit will still be helpful for a good while still and they don't time out just because they haven't logged in for months. So, that's a plus, I suppose.
So if my math is right I should have an 1100+ Olive and 900+ Dark Fina in about a week. Good times. Love me some TMs.
How are you gearing yours? Also, I was just thinking about ideal party composition. I've basically run Noct, Greg, Luneth, Lightning, Refia consistently for the past few months.
I'm wondering who, if anyone, to bench for Olive, Dark Fina, or even Yun.
What TMs would you guys say are "Moogle-worthy"?
Because I have a few and it feels like the "too good to use" type of item.
Good thing I decided to check the thread lol. Don't know how I haven't had you this whole time. Sent you an invite if you have any spaces left.
What TMs would you guys say are "Moogle-worthy"?
Because I have a few and it feels like the "too good to use" type of item.
Used mines on Dual Wield and Dual Cast. Currently hoarding all my TM moogles next time I get another Zidane.
If you don't have DW or DC, use it on a TM with a 120 atk weapon or 30% atk materia if you like.
Yeah i dont have the units maxed in atk (i was using friends) but indeed gilga counting both hits could do more damage. Thats why i want to compare a full atk gilga with a full atk olive
What TMs would you guys say are "Moogle-worthy"?
Because I have a few and it feels like the "too good to use" type of item.
2 spots left, if anyone needs that silly mission achievement that doesn't already have me on their friends list.
Ah dang, looks like you're full up. If you make room again in the future my ID is 576 267 377
Psst... you're the one whose maxed out. I still have both slots open. Can't send you a request, as you are full.
Used a ticket, hoping to pull Shine, got my first Shine!
I was afraid I was gonna miss her but at least I pulled one.
Ill keep pulling while the banner's still up in the hopes of getting more Shines or an Olive!
Already have 4 Sheras so Ive been fusing the ones I pull.
Cant say this banner hasnt been good to me as it gave me my first ever rainbow, and it was Noctis!
I'm about to start collecting and leveling the Espers. Is there an Esper I should prioritize over the others? Odin?
WhoopsSent request
Off topic but If you have a PS4 not getting Horizon Zero Dawn would be a severe disservice. This game is amazing.
Back on topic, back to tm farming and daily pulling for Shines. Gumi pls!
What TMs would you guys say are "Moogle-worthy"?
Because I have a few and it feels like the "too good to use" type of item.
Off topic but If you have a PS4 not getting Horizon Zero Dawn would be a severe disservice. This game is amazing.
Back on topic, back to tm farming and daily pulling for Shines. Gumi pls!
Strangely enough I have no interest in that game at all. I really don't like the look of the main character and I hate stealth stuff. Might pick it up if it becomes cheap at some point.
I was interested in Horizon after the first E3 preview and it's great that it's receiving rave reviews. I'll probably pick it up after I finish Tales of Berseria and it can be my March game while I wait for Yooka-Laylee and probably Persona 5 to come out in April. Story of Seasons Trio of Town comes out on Tuesday too, yeesh!
Cleaned out 4 spots for Gaffers, if they need him.
826 124 838
Hope you don't mind me adding you. Sent a request.
Cleaned out 4 spots for Gaffers, if they need him.
826 124 838
I thought we had added each other ages ago. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Send me an add, if you can. It says you are full again.
176 560 599
If there is anyone else without me on their list, send an invite too!
Heh yeah I tried putting a top 10 list of 2016 together but could really only come up with 5 or so. FFBE, FF Mobius, FF XV, Dragon Quest Builders, Overwatch... I have Tokyo Mirage Sessions and I'm about to start it now that I finished XV, but I think I'll like it.If there were 5 or 6 games I loved from last year I would feel differently about it. Mostly played older games but I loved my time with FF XV and Uncharted 4 was solid. Jury is still out on GoW 4 as I'm waiting for a friend to try it in Co-op.
In FFBE news, it's funny getting an alert about the new story missions after completing them all already haha Knocked out the final exploration from the new content today and all the new side quests I'd piled up. Had to look up how to get the letter to access the vault in Zoldaad though. It turns out I had most of the quest done but had to talk to an npc that didn't have a marker above her head to continue it... I'm back to nada to do with NRG so back to TM farming! If only there could be a macro smart enough to burn all your NRG until the last one and then switch over to zero NRG mode for the rest of the duration. As for the story, there were more areas that I expected there to be which was nice and I like the developments. Finally took out a certain bastard!
This reminds me, it's lame that the story units forced on you take up unit inventory space. They shouldn't count against the cap since you can't get rid of them!
Thanks and accepted!Drudged up one more slot and sent an invite.
Swapped back out to Elza as the friend helper.
Heh yeah I tried putting a top 10 list of 2016 together but could really only come up with 5 or so. FFBE, FF Mobius, FF XV, Dragon Quest Builders, Overwatch... I have Tokyo Mirage Sessions and I'm about to start it now that I finished XV, but I think I'll like it.
I'm digging the story too, hope the next sections get some more reveals! The last part especially in this one was great.
Thanks and accepted!
If I may make one more request, can ya put Nichol back up for a bit? I wanna knock that dumb mission out.
Fire Emblem Fates, Bravely Second, 7th Dragon, Dark Souls 3, that's four more to the list~
I actually found FE Fates and Dark Souls 3 extremely disappointing sadly. FE Awakening was one of my favorite 3DS games, but Fates just didn't do it for me. I was really hyped for Dark Souls 3 as well, since Demon's / Dark / Dark 2/ Bloodborne were all my favorite games of their respective years, and has become one of my all time favorites series. But DS3 just fell completely flat to me, first one I haven't platinum'd and only made it 1/4 of the way through NG+. Not even exactly sure why, just never got super into it like the others.
One day if Demon comes to Ps4 or elsewhere, I'll pick it up, I'm not buying a Ps3 just for it.
You're missing out. One of the best games last gen. I found a brand new ps3 super slim for $99 last year to complete my ps3 collection. I hope they do a remaster, I would love to play the game again. I think I have 3 copies of the game -___-
I originally purchased the Japanese version because we didn't know if it was coming to the states. Bought a copy when it was finally localized. Purchased a second copy because I wanted to play it and my other copies were at my parents home.
Don't get me wrong, I WANT to play it. It's the only game in the series I haven't played/beat. I'll preorder it day1 if it gets rereleased for the Ps4 or even if it's a steam release. I am not buying a $70-100~ used console, to get a $20~ game to play it.
Well, have you considered purchasing a used console and buying a used or new copy of the game. After completing the game, sell them both on craigslist and get your money back? Potential $10-$20 loss or gain, either way there's no big loss.