you mean it's not noctis chizuru zidane?
I would hope for no more Chizuru and Zidane. I do definitely want Noctis though. :3
you mean it's not noctis chizuru zidane?
If it doesn't have Gilgamesh I won't do a single pull on it. It won't of course because of fuggin Noctis..ruining everything.
you mean it's not noctis chizuru zidane?
You mean the Delita, Hope, Shadow banner?
This made me just die a little on the inside.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if people just trolled the ballot and GUMI followed through with it?! lul.
I'm sure we had quite a few troll votes. I am pretty sure I remember Valentus saying he did that.
I'd like Delita on my main. But not that bad.
Of course, the funny thing about the voting is that the players couldn't see the votes tallied this time around.
So when the "winners" are announced, the players have to assume that Gumi is telling the truth about who won or not (and the numbers Gumi reports, if any).
For all we know, the entire vote could have been a giant ruse and the banner was pre-determined all along.
Of course, the funny thing about the voting is that the players couldn't see the votes tallied this time around.
So when the "winners" are announced, the players have to assume that Gumi is telling the truth about who won or not (and the numbers Gumi reports, if any).
For all we know, the entire vote could have been a giant ruse and the banner was pre-determined all along.
Gumi is not that evil ... I hope
Lyrian with the truth!
However it IS easier to draw those crazy awesome monsters, just a lot more likely to draw shit too. And everyone "saves for player choice". I never once got a top tier monster during PC, did pretty well outside of there though..
Increasing 5* base odds to 10% would make it insanely better for pulls. Because the current " never ever, once in a blue moon" is unsustainable as F2P, P&D is fairly sustainable (though not as good as record keeper)
Lyrian with the truth!
However it IS easier to draw those crazy awesome monsters, just a lot more likely to draw shit too. And everyone "saves for player choice". I never once got a top tier monster during PC, did pretty well outside of there though..
Increasing 5* base odds to 10% would make it insanely better for pulls. Because the current " never ever, once in a blue moon" is unsustainable as F2P, P&D is fairly sustainable (though not as good as record keeper)
Personally, Gumi is doing the Player's Choice completely wrong to be effective. If they truly want to be evil, they need to look at how GungHo does Player's Choice for PAD.
PAD's Player Choice is a masterclass in being evil, because GungHo doesn't have to do a thing to be evil. The playerbase will screw themselves out of the best banner of the half-year all by themselves if allowed complete control over the vote.
GungHo's deliciously evil rules go like this:
-- Voting is handled via Facebook and is completely wide open for all to see.
-- The top 20 units of the vote, regardless of rarity, form the Player's Choice banner.
-- The normal 30% banner hit rate (just like FFBE) does not apply to the Player's Choice banner.
-- Instead, all qualifying units appear at 5x their normal draw rate (FFBE equivalent: natural draw rate on the Rare Summon banner).
What happens in reality is this:
-- Everyone knows who the top 5-8 units will be hands down. But, what about 15th place? 18th place? If this was FFBE, would you vote in fan favorites? Useful 4*s? TM units? Everyone has a different answer to this and the result (due to the law of averages) says that 10th to 20th place tends to be dead even in voting in the final hours. Cue absolute madness, backdoor dealings for uncast votes, fake Facebook accounts, etc., in the final hours.
-- The end result is almost always (in FFBE terms): 10-12 rainbows and 8-10 golds. While this looks awesome on paper, the reality is that 5x a 0.15% base draw rate still equals an very small draw rate. When all 20 units tend to have a very low draw rate, the result is that the sum of all their boosted drop rates ends up in the 10 to 15% range.
So instead of the normal banner distribution of 30% hit / 70% miss, you end up with a banner with a 85-90% miss rate. But of course, if you happen to land in that 10-15% on a draw...
Yup, PAD's Player Choice banners are the most deliciously evil trap I've ever seen in a gacha game, because all of the playerbase falls right into it. GungHo just shrugs and says "Not our fault you got greedy and voted for a banner with 12 rainbows on it, so 90% of your pulls are Shadows, Lanis, and Bediles. Better luck next time in 6 months" (when the process repeats all over again because after 5 years, players never ever learn).
but not until 6* base units are released.
I was around for both of those, but my memory sucks so I forgot the exact details of what happened. Can I get a recap, please?The only 2 times i think gumi really scammed people here are in the zidane banner and the trenchoid gears drop rate of FF13 banner... and in both cases gumi corrected it the next week after.
O man I am not looking forward to that day. I would like to think I would have quit by then but I know I'll still be here.
I was thinking the other day how I'm caught in the trap. Even if I wanted to quit I would struggle to do so because I would think of all the time (and to a lesser extent money) I've invested into this game and I would think to myself "how can I quit?" But the longer I don't quit the more time I will have invested and the harder it will be to quit. It's just a cycle.
I guess at the end of the day I should just quit when I'm not enjoying the game anymore regardless of how much time I've put in. I've never played any MMO-esque game before so I have no experience leaving a game in which you've literally invested months or years grinding out gear and obtaining loot.
I think I chose Ramza/Gilgamesh, Chizuru and zidane in the poll. Would really like to have Ramza on on GL, would just make me feel more secure about future.
2 months into GL version, finished up my first TM party of cecil, shine, shine, noctis, zidane today. Finally got a somewhat decent carry unit for myself. The 65% dodge is an unintentional yet pleasant side-effect, lol.
Yup, PAD's Player Choice banners are the most deliciously evil trap I've ever seen in a gacha game, because all of the playerbase falls right into it. GungHo just shrugs and says "Not our fault you got greedy and voted for a banner with 12 rainbows on it, so 90% of your pulls are Shadows, Lanis, and Bediles. Better luck next time in 6 months" (when the process repeats all over again because after 5 years, players never ever learn).
Now Alim in japan are doing tematic banners... like "DPS banner", "Healer banner" and "support banner", where you can get only a unit of that type (the lists are up in reddit) and the great of this is the unit you draw you get it in her max lvl of its base rarity (if you get a base 3, you get it lvl 40, if you draw a gold, you get it at lvl 60, and lvl 80 if you get a rainbow)
Also, the tematic banners in brave frontier are a common thing too... fire unit banner, water unit, wind unit... you get it.
Also gumi does very frecuently a limited pool of units banner (a banner of only 16 units for example and for 6 gems (the normal price is 5) you can get only one of those 16 units, not other than those 16)...
The only 2 times i think gumi really scammed people here are in the zidane banner and the trenchoid gears drop rate of FF13 banner... and in both cases gumi corrected it the next week after.
Gosh gatcha games are the worst, really. Especially after reading your explanation on this case. I hope I'll catch up on the content, and will able to play casually, too much invest for what you get if you F2P.
O man I am not looking forward to that day. I would like to think I would have quit by then but I know I'll still be here.
I was thinking the other day how I'm caught in the trap. Even if I wanted to quit I would struggle to do so because I would think of all the time (and to a lesser extent money) I've invested into this game and I would think to myself "how can I quit?" But the longer I don't quit the more time I will have invested and the harder it will be to quit. It's just a cycle.
I guess at the end of the day I should just quit when I'm not enjoying the game anymore regardless of how much time I've put in. I've never played any MMO-esque game before so I have no experience leaving a game in which you've literally invested months or years grinding out gear and obtaining loot.
What was the correction for the Zidane banner screwups? I don't remember anything like that?
They're going to troll us with an early April Fools mebbe.
Gumi: Here are the winners for the Player's Choice votes "Noctis, Chizuru and Zidane"
Players: Hooray. Noctis, finally! And Zidane for that sweet sweet DW. Chizuru's BM can go aloong with that Noctis and Zidane that I'm sure I'm going to pull in 10 pulls.
Gumi: Since our fans always wants to be surprised, we will also include the losers in the voting. Delita, Hope and Shadow will join Noctis and co in the Player's Choice Banner on the 31st of March! Enjoy!
This is why I'm glad no money has been invested into this, so it'd be easier for me.
I thought same thing about WoW for long time. Then months ago I just stopped paying for it and playing. I don't feel bad about it either. Things I still miss and enjoyed, but at same time, I don't like their recent expansions.
At some point, everyone burns out, unless they realize that they can "go casual". In other words, they don't need to chase the newest and shiniest units each week and can accept that don't have to clear absolutely everything on Day 1 of its release.
Understanding that you can play the game "your way" and not the "dev's way" goes a long way to avoiding burnout and the driving need to chase every little breadcrumb that is released.
Woo! Rank 90 and now I finally join the 100 NRG club! It's such a nice round number, but if Gumi want's to ruin it by giving everyone that 30 nrg expansion I could probably forgive them.
Understanding that you can play the game "your way" and not the "dev's way" goes a long way to avoiding burnout and the driving need to chase every little breadcrumb that is released.
Many are already hitting this point here because macro'ing has accelerated account advancement far faster than Gumi anticipated. Most here can coast on their stacked Noctii, Olives, or other 5* DPS units for quite awhile before actually needing to catch back up with the meta.
Code:Weapons: Dagger, Sword, Bow, Whip, Projectile Armor: Hat, Clothes Role in a Party: Damage Dealer, Debuffer
Code:Pros: + Excellent ATK, very good HP/DEF + Good variety of weapons + Very powerfull Dark Skill + Can inflict status ailments + Into Darkness' attack animation is really easy to finish chain
Code:Cons: - Only good weapons for swords, and some cases in bow - Needs debuffs to do decent damage - Without debuffs and fighting non-dark weakness enemy, shine's damage is low - Status ailments are only to 1 enemy
HP: 3965 - A
MP: 222 - B
ATK: 171 - S
DEF: 155 - A
MAG: 140 - C
SPR: 147 - C
Damage Skills: A
Support Skills: D
Buff Skills: D
Debuff Skills: A
Limit Break: B
Summary: Watch my video of Shine 6 stars
Shine is a really good cheap unit. She is stellar against dark weakness bosses, and if you combine her with cupid Artemios and Cupid Luna, that trio can do really good damage.
Her "into darkness" skill is really good and her most powerfull skill. Also she has some of the biggest DEF debuffs in the game (only outclassed by ling's 45% def break) and very good dark debuff... and both effects in a only skill!
She's not S tier good, but so far, with nine, are in the top of A-Class units
Code:Weapons: Dagger, Spear Armor: Hat, Clothes Role in a Party: Damage Dealer
Code:Pros: + Highest Base 4 star damage dealer unit in the game at 03/05/2017 + Incredible HP/ATK/DEF
Code:Cons: -Very low weapon selection -His really high HP/DEF doesnt mean much because he will be out of the game great part of time -His best (and probably the only one you will use) skill puts your party with only 5 members most of time, and that could be a problem facing difficult bosses -Very poor MP
HP: 4096 - S
MP: 213 - C
ATK: 186 - SS
DEF: 160 - S
MAG: 135 - D
SPR: 135 - D
Damage Skills: S
Support Skills: D
Buff Skills: D
Debuff Skills: D
Limit Break: A
Summary: Watch my video of Nine 6 stars
Nine is a unit with base 5 star stats, and damage levels of a base 5 star units. He is one of the best golds you can draw if you are searching for a damage dealer. Whats the problem then? His best skill takes 3 turns to activate. And those 3 turns the unit is out of the game, leaving your party to only 5 members during those 3 turns. And if you dont have a plan, or cant handle the enemy with more chances of targeting a key unit, you might have trouble.
It doesnt matter that Nine has a stellar HP and DEF, because he will be in the air most of the time. You cant use him to cover, to provoke, or even a sacrifical pawn... Nine will jump, land in 3 turns, deal his massive damage, and jump again. He wont be an active member of the fight.
Thats the big drawback of Nine. And thats why he is an A, and not a S... And only because his damage is massive, he is not a B.
Code:Weapons: Dagger, Sword, G.Sword Armor: Hat, Clothes Role in a Party: Damage Dealer, Healer, Mage?
Code:Pros: + Good ATK/DEF, very good HP + Can cover the role of DPS and do curaja when is needed + In a mage party, she can chain thundaga with other mages for elemental chaining, and also do curaja in moments of danger + Has one of the highest +ATK% modifiers in the game + Her skills Devastate is the best barrage-type skill in the game so far
Code:Cons: - Because low SPR/MAG, her curaja is Cecil-level... even a bit lower - Her magic skills are only testimonial because of last point - Without berserk activated, her damage is really low, even with her great ATK - Cant equip katanas or heavy armor to increase more her ATK with materias
HP: 3972 - A
MP: 209 - D
ATK: 178 - S
DEF: 151 - A
MAG: 149 - C
SPR: 147 - C
Damage Skills: B
Support Skills: B
Buff Skills: C
Debuff Skills: D
Limit Break: A
Summary: Watch my video of Queen 6 stars
Queen wants to do many things but all things she do are half way... Its a really weird unit... She is a base 5 star but feels like a base 4 star. The good thing is that is a unique unit that can do phys damage and has curaja in her arsenal. Also she can get +200% attack and use devastate and kill almost any enemy possible... the problem is that to activate Berserk you need to do much things and its a little tedious and elaborate... also it doesnt guarantees you victory because queens phys skills are not that good to use berserk to the max.
Of the base 5 star units, queen is in the low of the totem along with Dark Knight Cecil. Her TM is stellar by the way. one of the best TM for a attack unit.
Code:Weapons: Hammer (what), Gun Armor: Hat, Clothes, L.Armor Role in a Party: Damage Dealer
Code:Pros: + Insane ATK + Insane Damaging Skills + Insane LB + Free Insane damage skill in turn 3 (that can be recasted if Olive is resurrected) + Innate resistance to Paralysis and Confuse + The best chain finisher of the game for a long time
Code:Cons: - Her ATK increase skills forces you to use a gun and doublehanded - Very poor HP/MP, making her a little fragile - With her TM (that unleash her max. power) Olive is useless against thunder resist enemies (unless you spent 1 turn to add fire element to weapon to herself and cast imperil... and even with that the damage will reduce greatly)
HP: 3686 - C
MP: 215 - C
ATK: 190 - SS
DEF: 150 - A
MAG: 132 - D
SPR: 128 - D
Damage Skills: SS
Support Skills: D
Buff Skills: C
Debuff Skills: C
Limit Break: SS
Summary: Watch my video of Olive 6 star
So after all the hype of the "new unit" gone, we can do a more adequate review of Olive...
She can do insane ammounts of damage even without her TM or doublehanded. She can doo 500% damage FOR FREE in turn 3, she can add fire element to her weapons, and she has the best chain finisher skill in the game and in the upcoming banners for a couple months. Also, her LB does insane amount of damge, and she has fast LB fill!. This is the second SS lb this rating has since Cecil's LB.
So, why then Olive isnt SSS level like Noctis?
Well, for start, Noctis is a unit that can do EVERYTHING, and everything he does, does it stellar. Full Raise, Stop, Status Ailments, Heal MP, Break stats of the opponent, buff ATK/MAG of your allies.... and do insane damage too.
Ok, so Olive needs to do all this to also be SSS?
Thats a little unfair for Olive. she doesnt need to do all this to be SSS (orlandu is basically a Holy Explosion living thing and he is SSS), but even with all those insane stats, there are some flaws in olive:
- If we dont use chaining, Gilgamesh can still do more damage in total than Olive. And thats why Dual Weild is still better than doublehanded.
- Olive's TM is a thunder element weapon. So for thunder resist enemies, she is useless.
- Finally, she has very low HP and MP (that can be compensated with her auto refresh) so without good HP gear, can be more vulnerable.
Even then, if noctis is pick 1 for reroll, olive is pick 2 for sure, and is by far the best SS unit of the batch. She is amazing and is one of the strongest unit of the crew.
Noctis might as well be the most pulled 5* in the game, I don't think he will be chosen.
If this community is so rational and worried about min/maxing everything, to the point of choosing Zidane and Chorizo again, the best guess for 5* is Ramza for being top tier and having one of the best TMs in the game.
What was the correction for the Zidane banner screwups? I don't remember anything like that? Also, the Fencer and Tilith banners were equally atrocious.
With your rating of Olive, I'm tempted to use my meager stockpile of 5 tickets on that banner while it's here. I know the chances are abysmally low, but I guess it's worth the chance.
Edit: Alas, I went for it. Got my 2nd WoL and trash blues. Oh well. Worth a shot.
Not sure if anyone know's or had tried this, but with the arena change letting you do the battle even if you crash etc... The actions of your opponent changes. I had a crippling first round and said wtf closed memu... reopened it and while the opponent went first again, completely different move set. Hopefully between this and the battle continuing after a crash, everyone who hasn't obtained 100 wins has no reason not to now.
Guess I'm not pulling anymore this banner.
Remember that banner was Zidane, Amarant, Kuja, Lani, Vivi
Vivi and lani being "low tier 3 star units" had a drop rate of 25% (12,5% each) and the rest of the 5% of the 30% banner pulls shared between zidane, amarant and Kuja, being 1,66% each, almost rainbow-unit drop rate.
In the next banner of 7 units (garnet, freya and the other 5), gumi fixed that and make the 26% of the blue banner rate shared evenly between the 6 units (4,33% each... still horrible but better) and the other 4% in garnet.
Thanks for the evals Valentus very useful as always. I'm finding Nine to be overall a fairly great unit for my squad, and I don't even have any good weapons for him. His clean sweep skill is also solid for crowd control. But I agree with your overall rating and limitations for him.