Seven's is a carbon copy of Tilith's so people who didn't pull Tilith get access to an ability that bestows status immunity.
Right, I just looked it up, Tilith came out Nov. 11th, whereas Seven came out Jan. 13th.
Seven's is a carbon copy of Tilith's so people who didn't pull Tilith get access to an ability that bestows status immunity.
You disrespected the threshold, use the first turn to debuff him and take like 10%/15% of his health. Then one shot him in the next turn, if you fail you will die.
Happened to me too. Did we cross thresholds too quickly, thus aggregating the damage?
Oh my...
I'm assuming you did the free 10+1 as well?
If so, your experience almost mirrors mine exactly, right down the units, only King was new for me.
Anyone know if her enhanced Ultima chains with TT's? I've got one of each now.
Can anyone tell me what Rikku's TM is specifically good for? Like a trial or something? The chaos grenade only seems good for arena, the esunaga is less useful since I already have Tilith and Ling, and the LB boost just seems 'eh'. I want to spend these 100% worth of moogles but DFina, Queen, and Amelia all look tempting too.
It does.
It seems pretty overrated to me. No way in hell would I waste moogles on it, and she'd be several places back in my TM queue.
Dina's TM is basically MAG+50%. Amelia's TM isn't that big of a deal offensively on Olive but it has a ton of SPR so it's really strong defensively. If the moogles are just burning a hole in your pocket I'd probably do Dina. I'm assuming you have Olive in the first place, otherwise Amelia definitely isn't worth it.
Any strong unit with non elemental attacks and someone to raise the element resistance of your party. He doesn't hit hard as long as he is broken and you have the mitigation up.
Do you have Tilith? I couldn't hit the damn thing for decent damage at all and never found out why, would love to know since I need to do another run. But if you have a decently equipped Tilith at around 4k hp and can regen 45mp a go it can't actually kill you. It's a slog though for sure that way. I think the idea is to follow the element like in FFX, but he removes debuffs every time he shifts so it kinda ruins debuffs completely unless you want to apply them before your turns every round.
I'm spending all of my energy farming the maze until it's over since I have so much shit I need to level now, but after that I think I'm going to do this:
WoL, Tilith, Elza, Fryevia, +Friendvia. Wait until it makes itself weak to Ice and then youarealreadydead.jpg.
Aw shiet. Move over WoL. BASCH IS IN THE HOUSE. Dude is basically Mystair + WoL on steroids.
Gabranth looks crazy as a provoke tank/attacker too. He has a 40% Damage cut that activates on a counter but also a standard 30% and 100% Provoke that leads to a damage skill.
I'm going all in on these, 40k lapis and counting. I can feel the taste of their armor.Aw shiet. Move over WoL. BASCH IS IN THE HOUSE. Dude is basically Mystair + WoL on steroids.
Gabranth looks crazy as a provoke tank/attacker too. He has a 40% Damage cut that activates on a counter but also a standard 30% and 100% Provoke that leads to a damage skill.
Double TidusWell, did my pulls earlier at work; but completely failed at trying to link images. So here we go.
Guaranteed 5*
Delita! I mean, Moonblade could be useful and his enhanced breaks could be good I guess.
1 Vivi away form Firaga!
Then free 11 pull, 20 tickets,3 regular 11 pulls, and 13 Wakkas later...
I'm pretty set on chainers now.
After 6 11 pulls that gave me 0 Rainbows, a 4* ticket that gave me Karl, and countless other tickets that gave me dick all since the Brave Frontier banner started...
I did 1 Lapis refresh and had enough Raid Points to get the 4* Guaranteed ticket reward due to the absurd amount of points that Super Mog Counterattack farming puts out and YOLO'd that motherfuckering ticket.
Wilhelm 6 Star (full pots)
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Defender's Daggers +12ATK+68MAG+35SPR +15%MAG w/Rem
Left Hand: Aegis Shield +53DEF+25SPR+100%Petrify
Head: Grand Helm +45DEF+100%Sleep/Silence/Confuse+20%DEF with Heavy Armor
Body: Assassin's Vest +40DEF+20SPR+100%Poison/Paralyze+10%Evasion
Accessory 1: Arsha's Talisman +20%HP+10%DEF+10%SPR
Accessory 2: Defender's Bracer +3ATK+3MAG+10%DEF+10%SPR
Ability 1: Emperor's Majesty +20%HP/ATK +MP Recovery
Ability 2: Emperor's Majesty +20%HP/ATK +MP Recovery
Ability 3: Emperor's Majesty +20%HP/ATK +MP Recovery
Ability 4: Melody of Life +20%All Elemental Resistance
Pot Stats: HP: 390 MP: 65 ATK: 26 DEF: 34 MAG: 26 SPR: 26
Esper: Golem HP:5500 MP:4300 ATK:3200 DEF:4500 MAG:1600 SPR:1600
Total Stats: HP: 8820 MP: 261 ATK: 304 DEF: 501 MAG: 226 SPR: 321
I read this as ''boy, you'd better pull Gabranth if you want to sustain the damage of the next bosses''プロセキュート - 4 Turn +100% Chance to be Targeted & Self 4 Turn 30% Damage Reduction
Rixa not Dragon armor or the ultros shield?
your current body isn't triggering the bonus 25% defense either
your helm gives another 20% bonus to def if wearing heavy armor
Y see my edit lol. Noticed same thing.
I didnt know Dragon Mail exists. I guess I need to check those Black Keys and generally open Black Key vault. Not fond of doing those Key quests. Luckily Ive done most of them.
Your defense is a few points higher, but mine is full ailment resist with 70% first 3, 40% rest to elements too, another 1200 hp as well. Not sure how fast he cuts through mana, maybe dropping 10% hp up for an emperor's majesty maybe a worthy trade off
YOLO doing it BRBPersonally I'd say ya, she's limited and we'll get more 4* tickets (theres even 1 in the raid point list)
YOLO doing it BRB
Body: Dragon Mail +45DEF+15SPR+30%Fire/Ice/Lightning its there for sure~
I read this as ''boy, you'd better pull Gabranth if you want to sustain the damage of the next bosses''
This is bonkers. Him and Basch are on a level of their own now. I thought they would use a new version of Rain to stabilish a new ground for tankers but I guess I was wrong.
And funny thing is that I can't choose it cause its not in my unit calculator
I have Demon Mail and next is Flame Mail. so Dragon Mail text is missing :/
maybe reload, i just pulled the page up again and boom its between those 2 you just listed
saving everything for gabranth in 2020
Should have 100k lapis and 500 5* tickets by then... you can do it!
Wow, today's Vault is absurdly pointless.
Wow, today's Vault is absurdly pointless.
It's 5 energy for hit and miss stuff, kinda expect the next few days to be similar too since we got 6 star mats and crysts
I got 1 of every Support Cryst. Are crysts random what 4/4 floor cactuars drop?
Does dw affect freyvias frostblitz? Really like her so far.
Will is the best tank in the game.... maybe you should start listening to people who actually play the game.
He is? I just googled him v Cecil and found a lot of people saying WoL and Cecil rendered him pointless or something since WoL can block AoE and apparently Cecil can hit 100% provoke with some item. What I get for trusting a camera as search result lol
What's his advantage then? Just massive hp pool I'm guessing?
Log in. Hit free summon. We got blue, goes gold, then one last step to Wilhelm!
WTF BE my free Orlandeau wasn't even that long ago! I WAS hoping for Tidus when I saw it but I don't have WoL so I will not complain.
Edit: huh I didn't realize he was considered a trash unit. Guess I'll go back to Cecil XD
Did you not see the exchange of posts way up top (or last page) about will and making him a monster tank? 10k hp with almost 600~ def, 250~ spirit, immune to status ailments, 40-70% resists on everything and he has buffs to reduce dmg and hold the attack... he's redonk to say the least... wol will win against targets that use aoe attacks... cecil is a back up healer now
Nah missed them posts but errr 10k? Wow. I did think it was kinda odd seeing people say Cecil wins for Curaja when I honestly never even use it. Will just ask here instead if trying Google next time.
Ok yeah I definitely wrote him off too soon going by posts here lol. My mistake Will. I'm thankful for you again