Oh god damnit! Tfw you send your team TM farming for half your NRG and come back to realise you didn't swap teams first.
You were supposed to run Ace forever. What shall we do now guys?!?!?!?!?
Seriously though, congrats on the Tidus.
That body is suppose to make you enter key farming modeahhh well, force isn't a bad place holder until then. It's not gonna run away or anything~
Wish I could Tm farm T.T I saw a thread last night on Reddit saying a lot of people have banned Ip's for (whatever reason), it's also everywhere not just 1 location. I can play on another network or without wifi /facepalm
People... as I just got my first good chainer this week... well... anybody have a guide explaining how to do it??
I... never learned... XD
People... as I just got my first good chainer this week... well... anybody have a guide explaining how to do it??
I... never learned... XD
People... as I just got my first good chainer this week... well... anybody have a guide explaining how to do it??
I... never learned... XD
Go here. This is for JP (so the skill names are sometimes "off") and it is a bit outdated, but it generally will get you started.
What you are looking for are units and skills that have the same number in the "Avg F" column and ideally, the same number in the "Hits" column. The closer they are, the more chainable they are.
When you find a good match, queue up their skills and launch them as close together as humanly possible. You should see the "chain" numbers flying on the screen. If you have two units that are using the same elemental weapons, you will also see "elemental chain" numbers on screen. If you time it PERFECTLY, you can also get "spark chains" going.
I'm pretty new to the chaining scene myself, but I think that's all right. Anyone else please feel free to correct.
Fire off both units as fast as possible. Have them in the same row.
lucky you, theres a training dummy to practice at the north end of mog land~
Go here. This is for JP (so the skill names are sometimes "off") and it is a bit outdated, but it generally will get you started.
What you are looking for are units and skills that have the same number in the "Avg F" column and ideally, the same number in the "Hits" column. The closer they are, the more chainable they are.
When you find a good match, queue up their skills and launch them as close together as humanly possible. You should see the "chain" numbers flying on the screen. If you have two units that are using the same elemental weapons, you will also see "elemental chain" numbers on screen. If you time it PERFECTLY, you can also get "spark chains" going.
I'm pretty new to the chaining scene myself, but I think that's all right. Anyone else please feel free to correct.
I just realize that the vault of today was not just a bunch of worthless metal cactii
Im super pissed right now
So what's the hardest Trial to be solo'd so far?
Did someone say they could Solo Ultros?
Free daily: Russel
10+1: Beach Fina, Amelia
5000 lapis: Orlandeau (guaranteed 5), Olive, Sozhe
Also pulled Wakka and Rikku with tickets. This mornings free pull was a second Orlandu.
So now I need to level all these units and figure out a new team.
Current team is Chizuru, Freyvia, Cecil, Exdeath, Reifa.
V can solo it, you have to pay attention for sure. I don't know if anyone can solo Echidna though, it's a different beast :/
Please send a ticket, me and Kouriozan already did that and we hope at very least to receive a justification.
This didn't happen yesterday so it must be a bug.
When we have inmunity to charm, i will solo it too.
I put one in too. Missing out on a support T5 really sucks, I'm gonna need a boatload of those things for my units.Im now doing it. Justice for us 3!!!!
I'm like one of five people here who didn't get shit from the 5k pull and the free 10+1. Everyone's going on about their Aileens, and Frys, and stuff and I'm here like Oh wow a 3rd lightning. Feels bad man, feels bad. I just wanted Dark Fina or another Trance Terra :-(
Gumi plz! Seriously though, I need to start stacking for 2B, Ashe, and Akaya. I would have liked Tidus because his kit is great and his animation, especially that LB are cool but alas I don't need him and wasted 11k lapis chasing the rainbow and was unsuccessful.
I really hope FFXII is next week. I'd like to pick up Ashe and Rasler before going all in on Tidus.
Count me in as one of those five. I got Emperor who will probably sit on the bench until he gets his enhancements, then continue to sit on the bench since better units will have been released by then.
Is he only really good for his TMR?
Next lowest would be Delita, but his TM is the best Sword in the game and will be for quite some time.
It annoys me Tidus isn't using Brotherhood in his sprite.
It annoys me Tidus isn't using Brotherhood in his sprite.
About the only 5* unit you can't get some miles out of is Lightning. Some TMs can make her serviceable, but her kit and TM are both bottom tier.
I feel like I can't make Fohlen good and I was already told he's weaker than a base 3* so I'm also disappointed by my guaranted 5*.I'm like one of five people here who didn't get shit from the 5k pull and the free 10+1. Everyone's going on about their Aileens, and Frys, and stuff and I'm here like Oh wow a 3rd lightning. Feels bad man, feels bad. I just wanted Dark Fina or another Trance Terra :-(
Gumi plz! Seriously though, I need to start stacking for 2B, Ashe, and Akaya. I would have liked Tidus because his kit is great and his animation, especially that LB are cool but alas I don't need him and wasted 11k lapis chasing the rainbow and was unsuccessful.
It annoys me Tidus isn't using Brotherhood in his sprite.
Maybe its reserved for his 7* form which comes like in 2020.
I was expecting Caladbolg, myself.
I will argue that Lightning does have a niche position and that's being a unit that can get to 100% evasion and still be manageable. With her enhancements and gear at this time obtainable, she can get 40% magic evasion... although I'm not quite sure yet if theirs a trial that its useful on.
Now if it's your second... or third? I do feel bad for whoever
Which one of you is this lol?
inb4 she becomes the first 7* and dominates the meta for half a year again
Curious so I checked Altema and... WHAT
How can Fohlen be ranked higher than Prompto/Aranea when the later both sound way better, I am going to use google translation and try to understand.
He was 92 before enhancements.That's pretty interesting. I wonder if his enchantments were bananas.
Finally! I got Tidus with my guaranteed 5*. My attacking group was *very* weak prior to this, so I'm really happy.
I usually use Exdeath, Chizuru, and sometimes Rem...who's better to replace with Tidus? I can't get Exdeath's MAG up that high due to his equip kit...plus he tends to die a lot anyway. Probably him...
Sure if I get my 2 Onion Knight I'll do some testing.
She is not manageable by any means, she hits like a wet napkin to anything released this year onwards. I tried to think about a way to sugar coat her but there really isn't, maybe put golem on her with 100% evasion and keep provoking the entire fight?
The number of 3* base character that are better than her keeps increasing, it's straight up pathetic.inb4 she becomes the first 7* and dominates the meta for half a year again