WKN was a pretty solid unit for where we were at. The issue was, people simply didn't roll. So even here, we have like 1 or 2 people with him and no one ever got around to tinkering with him.
Ling was announced with a great kit, disappointment set in when people found out it was only one turn. Then they realized that was her purpose, she adjusts to whatever you needed on turn basis. Making her incredible.
Thinking about it, they probably should put out enhancements for those units sometime.
Y no new annoucements gumi![]()
They ran away with the anniversary money.
Same reason announcement came out late on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.
Holiday weeks, messages have always been delayed till Wednesday(Once Thursday)They realised 2.0 is beyond fixing and made a quick getaway lmao.
Thanksgiving is on a Thursday so if that were true we would have got a notification about maintenance, after maintenance lol. The other two are universal holidays which makes sense, but 4th of July is just another day for anyone outside of the states.
If Gumi is based in the states and they've been doing maintenance and sending notifications at 1am this whole time I'd be impressed. Guess it would give reason as to why there always used to be extended maintenance, I couldn't function at that time lol.
WKN was a pretty solid unit for where we were at. The issue was, people simply didn't roll. So even here, we have like 1 or 2 people with him and no one ever got around to tinkering with him.
Ling was announced with a great kit, disappointment set in when people found out it was only one turn. Then they realized that was her purpose, she adjusts to whatever you needed on turn basis. Making her incredible.
Thinking about it, they probably should put out enhancements for those units sometime.
OMGAWD I forgot it was Canada's Big Brother's Bday today! Happy BDay 'Murica!
May all your pulls be Red, White and Blue... No golds.
Woot, finally all crafting trophies done! Thank god for crafting multiple items at the same time!
Hmm, still missing one trophy for the unobtainable ring.
Also Gumi, take all the time you want for that Onion Knight banner, I need all the lapis/tickets I can get.
Holiday weeks, messages have always been delayed till Wednesday(Once Thursday)
Maintenance is also done at similar times with PAD, so I assume its the norm.
Already did items before thanks to those early global exclusive grind exploration events.Got the 120 relics as well today! Did some pot leveling too. WOL is maxed in HP and DEF now.
Really curious what's planned for announcements. Let's hope we hear something soon!
What'd you do for the crafting stuff? I've been setting my gift as crysts so I can do Potions for item crafting, but I'm just curious about the others? And if there's a more efficient way?
Woot, finally all crafting trophies done! Thank god for crafting multiple items at the same time!
Hmm, still missing one trophy for the unobtainable ring.
Also Gumi, take all the time you want for that Onion Knight banner, I need all the lapis/tickets I can get.
Awesome thanks for the tips.Already did items before thanks to those early global exclusive grind exploration events.
Weapon : leather whip
Ability : poisona
Was setting water cryst as friend gift, it's pretty fast to craft if you macro tm farm.
Before water cryst I had light one to craft cures but I need water for other stuff.
Man, only 11 pages until OT5. This has gone quickly. My time as OP is nearly over. Even before the anniversary I thought the thread was moving at a good pace. I hope it continues in OT5.
Ah fair enough. Well hopefully we'll here something tomorrow. Should be FF12 right? Or is that later in the month?
Finally got an answer from the support, they know and are looking into it (and are sorry it took this long)
And a second one on email saying I don't need to send multiple tickets x)
Looks like French team don't send generic answer?
Hey Gumi, where is my 4th of July Independence Day gift?
I want a Sparkler accessory. Grants 100% "Freedom!" from all attacks. 100% physical/magic evade units incoming!
Only have 3 trophies until 70.
Summoning - 5/10k
Item Whiz - 250/10k lol I don't use items. These 2 should be easy though when I decide to do them.
I'm also in the 6k/10k range on both Arena battle trophies so I may just wait to get those in 4-5 months instead of doing the summon one because screw all that. I will never farm the ring most likely anyway.
It will either be FFXII or Story Event. FFXII will come either this week or next. Question is, do they want to milk the FFX banner more or not?
Of course, it could just be no new banner like they do every now and then too. So it will either be Lunera, FFXII, or nothing!
So much this. Many still haven't figured it out and still are locked onto the JP meta. For all of its crap, Gumi has delivered very well on the Global Exclusive units (except that first Halloween batch, and WKN could only do so much given the power levels of the came at the time) in demonstrating that non-JP-meta classes can be strong.
Dancers suck? Here's Ling!
Need a finisher better than Luneth? Hi, Olive.
Hybrids are the abomination of the FFBE universe? Fryevia sends her love.
Chaining meta, you say? Elza laughs at the mere concept of needing "a chaining meta".
Oh, hey... isn't there a new Global Exclusive Judge coming potentially this week?
But because Gumi did promise that all the of the base non-collab JP units will eventually make it here, people still focus on what is known to be coming as the only possible meta in the game ("if it worked on JP, it MUST work on Global, right????).
-- daily: Shantotto
-- expeditions: done for the week, a couple days early! And sitting on 285 relics. Love this extra dimension to the game.
-- wait how do you craft multiples at once? What are you crafting for the trophy?
Decided that I'm going to build up my Lightning because, well, just because.
Thinking I could make a decent evasion build with her for arena.
Kiyomori - 10%
Assassin's Vest - 10%
Lucky Bangles - 10%
Yda's TM - 10%
Quick Assault - 10%
With her innate 30% that will bring her to 80%. What else is good that is easily accessible? I have stuff with 5%, but that won't cut it.
Seems like Freyvia she can get 100/30 Physical/Magic evade.
Edit - Actually seems 100/40 is possible due to Moogle Cape.
Never really took the time to build an arena team. Just slapped one together with 3x Chiziru, Ling and Rem. Seems to work well.
-- daily: Shantotto
-- expeditions: done for the week, a couple days early! And sitting on 285 relics. Love this extra dimension to the game.
-- wait how do you craft multiples at once? What are you crafting for the trophy?
I mean, can you blame them? Knowing what's coming is a fantastic advantage. Gumi have shown they won't nerf popular JP meta characters (and may even buff them) so saving for the latest JP hotness is rarely a bad idea. Global exclusives can dominate the top-tier meta, but if you can't plan for them (and sometimes you don't even know how good they are until their banner is gone) you're clearly going to get fewer people pulling for them.
I mean, can you blame them? Knowing what's coming is a fantastic advantage. Gumi have shown they won't nerf popular JP meta characters (and may even buff them) so saving for the latest JP hotness is rarely a bad idea. Global exclusives can dominate the top-tier meta, but if you can't plan for them (and sometimes you don't even know how good they are until their banner is gone) you're clearly going to get fewer people pulling for them.
To a certain point, I can't.
You are right when you say that people are latching onto what they know what works from JP. And, as you also correctly assert, Global Exclusives are a giant unknown until at least their release, as often not realized until their banner is already gone. I kind of remember the whole last second craze for Ling once people figured her out on the second week of her banner.
On the other hand, most Global-meta chasers are still experiencing tunnel vision in regard to JP meta units. Case in point, the current community-based TMR farming priority list that's all the rage on Reddit at the moment.
In a nutshell, the TL;DR = Elemental-less DW sources, BiS Orlandeau weapon ATK materias and weapons, almost everything else is complete garbage.
Okay, that's a bit over-generalizing there, but the bias there is migraine-inducing eye rolling. Farm 110+ ATK weapons, but only swords ever unless the weapon is critical for a specific unit to operate well (Sparky for Olive, Artisan for Aileen, etc.). Never farm a killer materia, ever. "X" materia is coming is 4 to 9 months from now on Y unit, so why even bother with Z materia, because it's already precognatively known to be obsolete.
It's a case of people not wanting to see the forest through the trees. And now that the "holy trinity" of 6* WoL, Tilith, and Rikku are here on Global, it's going to be next to impossible for any guide for future trials to be anything but "this is exactly how JP did it", outside of any Global Exclusive Curveballs on trials (like Gilgamesh) needing adjusted strategies.
So you mean like JPN players have to do every single banner.
Folks can figure out how good a unit is by looking at their skill set. It's not really hard.
Folks can figure out how good a unit is by looking at their skill set. It's not really hard.
Yeah, kinda slap in the face:
* Here have 6* WoL
-> Oo I have shiny WoL finally maxxed at 100
* Few days later pulls another top tier tank.
Yeah lol,
quite the kick in the nuts.
But i looked into Wilhelm...and he is actually a pretty nice unit. Would it be feasible or useful to run him and WoL in a team, with both focusing on different tasks ? I mean its not like i run more than 1-2 damage dealers + 1 healer anyway.
Also i need to keep going and keep my logins this month for that other multipull...maybe i will have more luck then.
We haven't hit any hard trials with our newly awakened WoL, but I am totally planning on using both of them. WoL as my enemy breaker and Wilhelm as my team buffer.
WoL has 45% breaks which is going to replace Ling on my go to Team as my primary breaker.
So I'm looking at my AAA team consisting of,
Tilith Healer
Wilhem Main Tank
Rikku Support
WoL Tank, Healer, Breaker
Orlandu Damage
If I need another damage unit besides a friend unit I'll probably not use WoL. But we'll see.
Aigaion will be fun, and should be the next trial to release in like 2 weeks maybe?
Oh, Ultros released first week of June, would be scary if Aigaion is this thursday, I wanna see it for fun.
How do you beat the Boss in Macalania Wood ?
Just got bodied nothing i do seems to damage him.
I had all non elemental damage against that boss. I know it changes its elemental weakness and immunity as you fight, so taking the lazy route, I used a team that wouldn't bother with it. Equip non elemental weapons and use non elemental spells and you should be alright.
Swordbreaker and First Strike are bot 5%. Then you need 10% from somewhere.
How do you beat the Boss in Macalania Wood ?
Just got bodied nothing i do seems to damage him.
Yeah lol,
quite the kick in the nuts.
But i looked into Wilhelm...and he is actually a pretty nice unit. Would it be feasible or useful to run him and WoL in a team, with both focusing on different tasks ? I mean its not like i run more than 1-2 damage dealers + 1 healer anyway.
Also i need to keep going and keep my logins this month for that other multipull...maybe i will have more luck then.
We haven't hit any hard trials with our newly awakened WoL, but I am totally planning on using both of them. WoL as my enemy breaker and Wilhelm as my team buffer.
WoL has 45% breaks which is going to replace Ling on my go to Team as my primary breaker.
So I'm looking at my AAA team consisting of,
Tilith Healer
Wilhem Main Tank
Rikku Support
WoL Tank, Healer, Breaker
Orlandu Damage
If I need another damage unit besides a friend unit I'll probably not use WoL. But we'll see.
This sounds actually pretty cool - thanks for kinda restoring my hype for the future again. Ill use instead Refia instead of Tilith....but if i can pull one of the Top Tier Damage Dealers down the line could have a quite solid team.
]To a point, but it can be difficult to tell just from skill descriptions, particularly for chainers. Orlandu and Fohlen both have 7-hit moves, but one of them dominates the rankings and the other only recently climbed back up with enhancements. The difference between their moves is a lot more than the imperil that's missing from Fohlen's. Frame data isn't well documented and it can be tough to understand it even if you have it.
If you're talking about Altema rankings, you should take them with a grain of salt. It's affected by voting and who uses what unit rather than an objective standard. Famitsu is the opposite where they look at the units in a vacuum. Excellent units often get overlooked or not get graded properly because of the userbase.
Duke, a dragoon that was released awhile ago, is basically an Ice version of Eileen (prior to enhancements anyway) with even more versatility than Aileen had because he can give himself different elements yet he's rated lower than Nyx, and fucking Gilgamesh. lol. So there are definitely problems with those rankings. The one thing with Duke was that he was released after enhancements for some powerful units like Eileen but that shouldn't affect his ranking compared to the non-enhanced ones.
Fohlen has always been a strong unit and he's been overlooked. He still is a step down from Orlandu though. It's not because his imperil or his frame data but because his attacks are all wind element. That means he doesn't have the versatility of someone that doesn't have an element attached to and can't be used on an enemy that resists wind.
But this is also due to people who want an absolute guide book to follow. Basically they do not want to have to think for themselves. They want to be told who they should pull, how to equip, what to do during a trial, etc.
The irony is not lost on me. I wish Gumi had pushed to make global even more different. Playing JP and not knowing what is coming is probably a much more up and down experience with higher highs and lower lows. Getting the good units is more serendipitous, but going all in for something that is outclassed in a month isn't fun. Meanwhile global just has a constant level of slight irritation with the schedule shenanigans and seeming inferiority to JP. That said, knowing even a little about what is coming (and we know more than a little) is such a huge advantage that we really can't not analyse the info we have.
I think global needs another exclusive 4* base that really screws with the meta. Xon was our last (edit: shit, forgot about Zyrus, he's ok I guess) and he has his uses but he didn't change the game like Ling did. Stuff like Fry is great, but as a 5* with particular gear requirements she's whale bait. A 4* a lot of people could get that flips the script on the meta would be wonderful. Like, introduce a kick-ass blue mage in global first and blow everybody's minds. Maybe a calculator-type character, or someone who uses mime abilities.
Before you guys congratulate yourselves too much on how perceptive you are at the "GL meta" being different from JP's, make sure you aren't players who pulled GL exclusive 5* units vs. the players who didn't. Because if you didn't pull Ling (4* limited) or Fryevia (5*) or Elza (5* limited) or (maybe) Olive (5*) then the substantive difference right now between JP is no Enhanced Ramza, dodge tanking and that's largely about it.
Posted in discord. Here is my bis wol
Posted in discord. Here is my bis wol
He is bugged, he shouldn't be dispelling his weakness every time. At the moment you can only beat him with neutral damage.The fuck with Spherimorph, when he uses Water magic, I hit him with Thunder magic and resist it. When he uses Fire I used Ice and resist it 🤔 I remember he was annoying in the OG game but damn, there is some bug or something...