RIP Balthier, well let's hope for next week.
And Penelo don't even give bonus despite new awakening.
Dragon Killer materia (fp unit Shaka tm)
Bahamut's Fang (accessoryspear)
Crimson Blood (spear)
Dragon's Roar (gun)
Draco Spike (rod Increase magic damage against dragons (75%))
Esper :
Only a 7* can save her right now. She will probably be the first one.
And Penelo don't even give bonus despite new awakening.
i'd rather they introduce wardrobes like FFRK with 7*
Daily Chizuru, last day tomorrow before I use tickets.
You get a wakka, you get a wakka, everyone gets a wakka.
Every single day.
Ace equipped with this shit:
Bahamut's Fang
Dragon Killer
Isn't that a spear?
Question, I have like 80 metal gigantuars just sitting around, I'm also just starting and at rank 11 atm and I managed to pull a Tidus but I also have Noctis. Should I jist go ahead and max out Tidus or should I spread around my cactuars to evenly level out my party?
You are aboslutely right, fixed it to post.
Mixed it with Ifrit's Claw.
Can you get dbl killer if you dual wield those 2 Spears?
Also added
Draco Spike (rod Increase magic damage against dragons (75%))
Hmm I think so. Should work with 2 Draco Spikes as well.
I wonder if Draco Spike's magic killer ability works with hybrid skills.
Randomly use:
(30%) Tri-beam Laser: Magic damage (2.8x) with ignore SPR (25%) to all enemies
(30%) Tri-beam Laser: Magic damage (4.2x) with ignore SPR (25%) to all enemies
(30%) Tri-beam Laser: Magic damage (5.6x) with ignore SPR (25%) to all enemies
(10%) Tri-beam Laser: Magic damage (22.5x) with ignore SPR (25%) to all enemies
Decrease fire, lightning, and light resistance (75%) for 3 turns to all enemies
Thank you !!!
Now if you can put up your Ace for like an hour or so later this evening that would be perfect....will clear Macalania once im home then.
Yeah its there and will be for some weeks from now.
I might tweak it littlebit tomorrow after maintenance. Since upcoming event can be good for Ace (Dragon boss = Wild Card + Limit Burst benefit from killer materia).
Of course if I happen to pull Zargawhatever or AsheRasler they might be my friend leaders for the bonus.
PSA: Maintenance tomorrow 6h. Starts 2 hour before game day change (thus my time 09:00 morning).
Oh nice a new event is coming up too ? Guess thats means some new Tickets as well.
btw. Do we have a list of the Top Ability Awakenings or what units benefit most of them ? I want to start farming some of the Crystals needed, just wondering between Lightning, Firion and Chizuru what unit makes most sense to invest in....i think its Firion, i really dont care about Lightning and hate her long-ass attack animation to be honest lol.
btw. Do we have a list of the Top Ability Awakenings or what units benefit most of them ? I want to start farming some of the Crystals needed, just wondering between Lightning, Firion and Chizuru what unit makes most sense to invest in....i think its Firion, i really dont care about Lightning and hate her long-ass attack animation to be honest lol.
Oh nice a new event is coming up too ? Guess thats means some new Tickets as well.
btw. Do we have a list of the Top Ability Awakenings or what units benefit most of them ? I want to start farming some of the Crystals needed, just wondering between Lightning, Firion and Chizuru what unit makes most sense to invest in....i think its Firion, i really dont care about Lightning and hate her long-ass attack animation to be honest lol.
Forget Lightning, she's gone and should be on the bench. Your best bet of those 3 is Firion.
Exviuswiki | Ability Awakening
Reddit | Enhancements.
Reddit has all the future enhancements JP has got til this day. So it is good to check what units will get what (Greg forexample).
Last day for mog king was yesterday... fuck!!!!!!
Last day for mog king was yesterday... fuck!!!!!!
Yeah :-/brave frontier mog king?
Haven't use up my guaranteed 10+1 yet, thinking I should save it until Friday and maybe snatch up some bonus units, or is it a bad idea since the summon pool will be diluted even more?
I thought we had one more day on the mog king exchange. Luckily I did spent like 200K yesterday, but left 18K. Should've checked first and bought more awakening materials.
brave frontier mog king?
What are the relics you can get from the expedition mode even used for ?
Shit...i didnt even get to spend the 40k Crimson Ores i farmed on the last day.....come on.
In the past the items stayed available for like at least a week after a event ended.
Man i swear i have the worst luck with this game right now lol.
Only 20k here, but still need more 6* mats!
Have been out for a couple months so i really could have used those 6* materials for down the line....what a bummer.
The game clearly wants me to rage quit - but i will keep going for this month.
Last day for mog king was yesterday... fuck!!!!!!
Forget Lightning, she's gone and should be on the bench. Your best bet of those 3 is Firion.
Exviuswiki | Ability Awakening
Reddit | Enhancements.
Reddit has all the future enhancements JP has got til this day. So it is good to check what units will get what (Greg forexample).
- Daily - Fozzy Bear
- Day early mog king means I missed out on a purecryst. Was waiting to figure out which one to get.
- GL exclusive Holy rod will be nice for Ace and Rem
- No split banner, the main man Balthier is absent for the time being. Instead we get Zargabaath, a support. I can't wait to whiff on Ashe and pull 3 of him so my elite support and tanking core of Zargabaath, Rikku, and Warrior of Light can support and protect my non-existent damage units.
Was no Split banner confirmed?
Thats a shame if true
It's not confirmed, but who would be the 4* on the second banner? Ashe and Rasler are already both on the Zargabaath banner.
July 27 iircWhen is the cutoff for Kelsus shards?
Im hoping I can 6 star both of them but I missed one daily