I pulled two Dark Veritas, 2B and A2 before pulling a single 9S, this simulator is fucking kidding me.
I pulled two Dark Veritas, 2B and A2 before pulling a single 9S, this simulator is fucking kidding me.
What do people think of Gumi changing the gold rates without touching the rainbow rates? Say, 1/3rd of golds are on-banner instead of 1/4th and gold rates are upped to 25%. So one on-banner gold has an 8.3% chance (9S would have a 4.2% chance, Tilith would have had 2.8%). Would you rather have that soon than a 3% rainbow chance much later?
Getting ready to tackle the Gilgamesh trial once I get Rain maxed. Which is the better tank to use, Cecil or WoL? My Golem is only level 15 so I can't give cecil provoke yet...and so far every fight I've watched used Cecil. My cecil does have a level 20 LB tho.
or kaiser shield, which on the provoke tank i feel would be better, allowing you to have a better accessory in place
Just for fun I made a Frustration Ranking for the status ailments in the game:
1) Stop, Charm, Snort
2) Instant death
3) Confusion
4) Paralyze, Stone
5) Sleep
6) Silence, Poison
Well, that's what I think anyway.
Just for fun I made a Frustration Ranking for the status ailments in the game:
1) Stop, Charm, Snort
2) Instant death
3) Confusion
4) Paralyze, Stone
5) Sleep
6) Silence, Poison
Well, that's what I think anyway.
So what's the next big and tricky Trial now that the Robot is over with? Is it the Moon one?
Just thinking what to prepare for haha.
Haha I know right...trying to figure out if I myself want to put money into this nonsense.Reddit's is even more of a dumpster fire than normal today. Made two bags of popcorn on a casual drive-by after work and wasn't even trying.
So.... what's going on today in Exvius-GAFland?
Reddit's is even more of a dumpster fire than normal today. Made two bags of popcorn on a casual drive-by after work and wasn't even trying.
So.... what's going on today in Exvius-GAFland?
Not that this matters much, but I did single pulls on the simulator until I got 3 9S. On my 260th pull I got the 3rd one. It took over 100 to get the first one. However, in that same time frame I pulled 4 rainbows. Naked D. Fina, Trance Terra, A2 and Wilhelm. Insane if that thing is close to actual rates.
The next couple of months should be Nier, OK, 2nd Veritas, Prishe, Ayaka (with the leading man), FF15, Cloud. Not even counting some GE units that will probably come. Prepare your butts and your wallets.
Three weeks of double 5* banners are taking its toll, especially as the DK/DF banner is followed by Nier. High desirability units hidden behind ever more-difficult RNG is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way.
Speaking of dumpster fire on reddit, saw a guy complaining about DH sucking and being replaced by TDH thus say the enhancement to Dark Veritas worthless. Oh boy, these folks don't understand it's a balancing issue. Some characters getting DH over TDH is entirely because their base mods are much stronger than some characters and giving them access to do so with a 2H weapon would be nuts.
2 more tickets from story event. Took me 2 times to beat Rain with that damn limit burst. 2 Fryevia doing too much damage so I had to switch it up. Another fine story event with really great rewards.
[JP] seriously, wtf. Just pulled a dupe Prishe with a single ticket! Come on!
Rain goes equally berserk if you kill Lasswell.Doesn't Lasswell go all berserk if you kill Rain first? I've always just killed Lasswell first after breaking them with WoL and NulAll with Rikku.
Rain goes equally berserk if you kill Lasswell.
It would be good to have someone to pair with your Orlandu but I wouldn't say you absolutely need him.Kinda stumped on what to save for since i have a good selection of meta units
DV would be nice, but do i want to go for him over upcoming Nier, OK, Ayeka, Cloud?
Out of the 5 rainbows I've had, only 2 were on banner lol.Daily. Straight-up Rainbow. Dark Fina dupe. FML.
It's the fucking off-banner shit that slays me. THAT is what needs to change.
Eve looks like straight up trash, including the TMR.
This is a pure troll gold through and through, isn't it?
Edit - My god, even this "Summer Bundle" sucks. 400 Lapis for a ticket, 50 energy, Phoenix down, magic key and a metal
A2 ATK 153
2B ATK 279?
Wrong stats? Max out 2B/ Vanilla A2?
hmmmmm something is different here
hmmmmm something is different here