Thats great \o/
I did 32 Tickets
10 x 21O !
1 x Eve
2x Seven
And trash.
Then I figured I do one multi. Well I just got my first ever off banner rainbow base 5* (I have gotten Golbez & Snow & Refia as off banner Rainbows).
I think I just won.
No sad that I couldn't get 9S (there is still time) nor A/B.
Now I have 2 Veritases to level up...
125k lapis spent on multis
not a single rainbow
Im depressed
Damn..nice....9x9S - Chaining wont be an issue for you anytime soon lol.Thanks for all who joined me, 210 pulls
39 x 210
9 x 9
4 x eve
3 x a2
a tidus, and a fohlen as well
Have to say, I'm even considering if I want to keep playing or not....
Not expecting Rainbows, but if the future is this. I'm not really sure.
Don't think getting snorted ends the fight, your unit will just come back in a couple of turns.
Okay, I decided to go all in to see how pathetic this shit can get.
77 Normal Tickets, 2 4*, 6 Multi pulls
7 Eves
0 9S
27 Off Banner Golds
FUCK YOU GUMI. I will never spend another cent in this game.
Remember guys, double 4* means about 1/42 odds. And your luck can be bad.
Even Euphoria14's terrible 81 pull drought will happen 14% of the time, or to be about 1 of 7 people.
Manage your resources and expectations accordingly.
Boy, what a eollercoaster of emotions this banner huh? I hope yall stay strong, just don't bother giving money to Gumi again.
I could have bought another PS4 + Nier and it's DLC with the amount of money wasted to not get A2 or even 2B >.>
My drought has been going on for over 2 months though.
Droughts are one thing, this is another. What makes me so upset right is that a unit like 9S is so important for me going forward and they are only in the pool for this banner and then gone.
I just fused what I could and I can't even find TMs in this batch of bad pulls that are even worthwhile.
It's really THAT bad of a pull for 2+ months of saving up, just for this.
Yeah, I don't mean to downplay how much it sucks. Just that this shit isn't all that rare.
Unless people have lots of disposable income, I wouldn't recommend paying for odds like this.
i think i just made one of the most idiotic mistake in the entire history of FFBE.
I use all of my saved up Moogle for 9S before i know that raid summon give 9S TMR Moogle. Rip all my Moogle.
Good lord its a bloodbath in here
Gumi giveth and gumi taketh away
Not im nervous for my pulls!
I need to make a Gatcha game...![]()
Don't give this company any more money. Seriously just save and use it for something else.The rates on this banner are pretty bad (at least for me).
381 pulls. Took me 162 pulls to get my first 9S. Two troll rainbows; Queen and D. Fina in all those pulls, zero banner units. Try my luck at a 4* EX ticket, got A2.
In those 381 pulls I got 79 210s, 5 9Ss, and 9 Eves. From my small sample size, 9Ss are very rare.
Kinda wanted to keep pulling for a 2B, but I don't have enough burst pots to invest in one unit, much less two, meaning any other I pick up will stay in inventory for the near future.
I finally convinced by GF to play this game, and she has finally started to get into this game after playing it sporadically, so the rest of my FFBE budget goes to her I guess. Hopefully she could I least get a 9S (though probably not).
How does A2 compare to Aileen, Tidus, Orlandeau, VotD? Seems like most people are just concerned with 9S.
I had A2 in berserk counter the raid boss for over 400k. No chaining, just buff and special and she's doing 500k~ she definitely hits harder than the units I had prior
You...you lucky son of a gun! Man your rates are just nuts man. Never ceases to amaze me. Congrats on the 2B! Hope ya get A2.16 Multis so far. I have screenshots of all of them which I will link an album to them once I am done. Gonna take a small break from it.
2 Orlandu's
1 Noctis
1 Dark Fina
1 2B
1 Ace - From an EX ticket
Don't give this company any more money. Seriously just save and use it for something else.
I'm okay with the money, but honestly, I'm only going for a few more units, the biggest one being Ayaka, and maybe Prishe, and I might even skip Onion Knight as the last thing I need is chainers right now. And I won't pull for a very long time outside of some TMR units until rainbow rates go up, or if they have a really cool collab banner.
The biggest problem for me is how Gumi releases units, I seriously can't find time to use them. I've gotten DV and FV last week and I haven't used them once. DF is still not even awakened. I have 4 Tidus just doing expeditions. There are all great units, but the way they are releasing these units mean there is no point chasing them. Onion Knight is suppose to be soon (in JP schedule it would be next week).
They really need to break these banners up and match the units better with content.
How fast does her HP drop while in berserk?
Do you have an extremely popular IP to link it with?
Shintoki no!! I know the frustration man, my pulls have been absolute bullshit as well, but you can't lose your head with this nonsense game.
That being said I feel like quitting too atm. But I know(hope) it will pass.
Wow, great pulls. Your first Fry as well?Decided to use one of the tickets I got from the raid and got a 2nd 9S.
So that's two 9S's, A2, and Fry this morning, all with just 27 tickets and one 11 pull.
It's a good day for me.
Sorry it hasn't gone so well for others!
Decided to use one of the tickets I got from the raid and got a 2nd 9S.
So that's two 9S's, A2, and Fry this morning, all with just 27 tickets and one 11 pull.
It's a good day for me.
Sorry it hasn't gone so well for others!