By now I've got a wide variety of chain units to pick from and have also kinda just moved on to being more interested in TDH stuff.
OK has always seemed like a very bland unit to me, bland sprite, bland no-nonsense skillset, bland TM reward. It's all practical and he is prob still one of the better units for story events with his LB aoe def break, but I'd much rather be using other units.
Current banner unit is CG Lid who has a massive, useful, full break and is perfect for TDH setup, was hoping I'd get that.
My Tm farming has been going all whack since the update again. I found it asking me to "please log in again", in the Tactics Love banner, and the app completely closed. lol?
Is there a new error screen or something?
Fohlen 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Crimson Blood +128ATK+Dragon Killer
Left Hand: Gungnir +90ATK
Head: Imperial Helm +18ATK+15DEF+15%Fire
Body: Crimson Slayer +52DEF+25%Fire +30%ATK With Fist Weapon
Accessory 1: Genji Glove +10%ATK/MAG & Dual Wield
Accessory 2: Champion's Belt +30ATK/DEF & 20%ATK/DEF w/ Fist weapon
Ability 1: Quick Assault +30%ATK +10%Evasion
Ability 2: Quick Assault +30%ATK +10%Evasion
Ability 3: Quick Assault +30%ATK +10%Evasion
Ability 4: ATK +30% +30%ATK
Pot Stats: HP: 450 MP: 75 ATK: 30 DEF: 30 MAG: 30 SPR: 30
Esper: Diabolos HP:4300 MP:6000 ATK:1500 DEF:2300 MAG:5300 SPR:3100
Total Stats: HP: 5776 MP: 313 ATK: 823 DEF: 315 MAG: 212 SPR: 183
Crit Rate: 10% P. Evasion: 60% M. Evasion: 0% P. Counter: 20% M. Counter: 0%
Mine is this exact build but only 787 ATK, not sure why.
You going to pull again before the banner ends? Grats though you still had a heck of a haul it looked like.
:: salutes :: GLORY!! TO MANKIND!!Yeah, man. It's great, but sucks at the same time. Ugh. Gonna try again in a couple of days after I build up some stock again.
Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch, I don't blame you one bit. Even though I'm new at this I can admit that Gumi is really good at grabbing our wallets. Good luck out there Chinner, and I'm happy that someone is making their escape with their lives...and wallets.For Nier, I did over 130 pulls (5 10+1 pull and over 70 tickets) and I got 1 9s, 2 Eves and plenty of trash.
Went hunting for 2B, got 2nd A2, which I'm okay with since they can chain together.
For those of you not in the discord group, I'm taking my leave from Exvius. Aka, my rage quit post.
For over a year now I've been part of this community, although I've never been a prominent member (although I know I have a rep for having bad luck). Its been a great community and everybody had been welcoming and supportive, but reading everyone's constant successes just makes me feel down. I'm happy so many of you are getting the units that you want, but Gumi know how to play this social aspect up and apply pressure to those missing out, and I'm just finding it shitty.
I do enjoy the mechanics and gameplay of FFBE, which I actually find to be deep. It also camouflages the fact that it's a gatcha game well enough, but the RNG and price of lapris have just ruined it for me. It's too expensive and too unfair. My luck peaked last December, and for anybody who had me on their friends list I've been rocking Noctis as my companion unit ever since. He's done well to be fair. Since then, every attempt I have made to get a chainer (5* or not) has been near disaster on every occasion, only saved by my TMRs which had kept my team competitive.
To clarify, I'm not a whale and at the best of times a small fish - probably spent just over £100 over the year playing - so I always tried to keep reasonable expectations like not pulling for 5*s. Yet, with recent developments pulling for 4*s seems near pointless.
For Nier, I did over 130 pulls (5 10+1 pull and over 70 tickets) and I got 1 9s, 2 Eves and plenty of trash. Admittedly I had fooled my self into thinking I had a chance of getting 2B or A2, and I'm finding myself actually pretty annoyed and upset that I failed to pull either. Both are quirky characters with interesting play mechanics which I would have liked to have in my team. Instead, they have now been added to my growing list of failed unit attempts. (I would probably stay if I could actually get one of them lol).
I've subsequently deleted all versions of this app, and I have drawn 2 conclusions from today. Firstly, I am surprised at how disappointed I am in not managing to pull one of the 5* units Nd how attached I am to this game. Secondly, I am addicted to this game, despite thinking I was not. Don't fool yourselves, Gumi had been successfully conditioninf us into this state by making our involvement of this app into our routine, and them a reliance by rewarding those who check in consistency. It's a little fucked up, although I realise this is the gacha game genre.
So I probably won't be posting here again. As mentioned, alot of you are cool, so if you want to keep loose contact on Switch, Stream, PSN or twitter just pm me.
TLDR: I won't be offended if you add this post to a compilation of rage posts.
For those of you not in the discord group, I'm taking my leave from Exvius. Aka, my rage quit post.
By now I've got a wide variety of chain units to pick from and have also kinda just moved on to being more interested in TDH stuff.
OK has always seemed like a very bland unit to me, bland sprite, bland no-nonsense skillset, bland TM reward. It's all practical and he is prob still one of the better units for story events with his LB aoe def break, but I'd much rather be using other units.
Current banner unit is CG Lid who has a massive, useful, full break and is perfect for TDH setup, was hoping I'd get that.
Need some help on who you guys think I should put on my team or what to work for. I pulled Fryevia during the anniversary period and was working on stuff for her and most likely still will. Here's what I got
WoL (really my only tank, but he's good so I'm happy)
Y'shtola (my only decent healer)
Gear is 100% my biggest problem but I've been tmr farming nonstop to get what I can. Reberta's was done awhile ago and I have an excalibur / Dual wield / bowie knife. Aileen and Fryevia's are both at 50% and have Chizuru going for blade mastery and its around 30. I have all the stuff needed to make Fry great it will just take time. Just curious what others think I should make my team because I really have NO clue on who to put on there.
Damn Chinner, the official rage quit post. I know you said it in discord this morning but wasn't sure if you would see it through. Sad to see another regular leave. But as I said in discord just post in the thread anyways, like fuck it lol! NFL starts in like 4 weeks and me Hippo Muku Squall etc will probably be flooding the thread with nonsense anyways lmao. We always go off topic here so even if you don't play there's always something to talk about. And once Exvius GAF always Exvius GAF!
For those of you not in the discord group, I'm taking my leave from Exvius. Aka, my rage quit post.
Damn Chinner, the official rage quit post. I know you said it in discord this morning but wasn't sure if you would see it through. Sad to see another regular leave. But as I said in discord just post in the thread anyways, like fuck it lol! NFL starts in like 4 weeks and me Hippo Muku Squall etc will probably be flooding the thread with nonsense anyways lmao. We always go off topic here so even if you don't play there's always something to talk about. And once Exvius GAF always Exvius GAF!
I'm a bit frustrated with A2, her immense attack doesn't really make up for the amount of set up she needs to work above the level of our other chainers.
NFL stuff goes into NFL thread if you're gonna go off-topic a lot. A little bit is fine but it shouldn't be going for long periods.
For those of you not in the discord group, I'm taking my leave from Exvius. Aka, my rage quit post.
Yeah I was looking at using all I had for him but constant feedback from Japan (= he's pretty bad) bummed me out and I'll just skip it.
They could certainly stand to increase the banner gold rate and allow old blues to retire to the friend summon pool
Maybe have a Unit pool cap
Or A separate banner to pull for outdated units
I dunno
I'm honestly not surprised to see people quit now.
They could certainly stand to increase the banner gold rate
Yea these are some great points. Giving up my account is just, not something I can do right now. I'd rather gradually lose interest, or slowly watch as the game dies. Its tougher when you put money into it.For me personally it's difficult. Not because I'm addicted. It's more the fact of how much time I've invested into this game. It's hard to just let all of that go. I've never played an mmo or something similar so I've never put this much time and effort into a video game before.
What doesn't help is time limited units and gear. I know that if I quit and decide to come back there will be things that I will never be able to obtain. And in a game that's all about optimizing that's just frustrating. I play JP and every guide for a boss is like "I used 9s' TM" and I'm just here like I can never have that in JP so what do I do now? I don't want to be in that situation in GL when I'm a day one player.
But I said this when I joined the thread: once they announce 7*s I'm out. It's why I'm not putting more money into the game because it feels like we're getting close.
What's his issue?
He was the one chainer I was saving tickets for (I'm hurting real bad for a 6 star strong chainer). Isn't he 2nd place on Altema?
Well, no A2 or 2B, but I think it was a good roll anyway:
I still haven't seen a single trust moogle from the raid coin banner.
The rates have dropped considerably. So much for free TMs. Gonna have to put in work :/
Well, no A2 or 2B, but I think it was a good roll anyway:
(JP) Threw a hail mary 10+1 at the CG Lid banner, and got her! Noice!
Just curious, are you spending money on that version too? Because you seem to be playing it enough to get a lot of pulls.
That's a great pull. You should be proud.
Hellllllll no. You just get way more Lapis in that version lol.
"Proud" might be a bit strong, since this is the first time I've spent money on the game outside of the really good bundles.(Speaking of, aren't those coming around again in a week or two?)
Yeah, though, it's a really nice roll. Was gonna be happy to get 1 9S, much less 3 and Aileen. Gonna have to farm the hell out of the raid to TM up all three of them 9S.
JPN gives more lapis because people spend less money there.
That should be a signal to everyone on Global.
Once their wallets are hit, Gumi will change.