Well, I guess Bahamut will use those then :xYou could have thousands of those and they wouldn't matter shit for 3* espers lol.
Well, I guess Bahamut will use those then :xYou could have thousands of those and they wouldn't matter shit for 3* espers lol.
Okay last question. Start with A2 and not much else or Gilgamesh/Meliadoul/warrior of light/9s? Seems A2 is best unit but other account has more useful dudes.
Go with A2.
It will take so long you get something out of Gilgamesh.
Also A2 is only pullable for one week and few days. Gilgamesh is always in gacha. Trust me, you will pull good shit and A2 will carry you. Greg is only for his TM (no enhancements yet).
Can someone please share a BiS DKC with machine killer?
I suppose there aren't many that awakened him.
I want to see if I can surpass thisI don't have a BiS (only around 630 atk), no machine killer. But on the second turn as finisher with 2 Orlandeau, he hits for around 1.4 million on the raid.
So I think I've begun the process of re-activating my FFBE account through Gumi.
How do I determine the account creation date?
I want to see if I can surpass this
Think I'll share support/healer unit since nobody use Noctis anymore.
Hopefully his buff will come soon enough.
Edit : can get Fohlen to 910 ATK, almost Noctis level and he can chain a bit so I'll put that for now.
Can you check from Google account when have you installed FFBE?
Obviously that can be different acco than the one you started but atleast its something.
Also I do have you on friendlist (Last played 41 days) / Rank 91, cause I did remember you had problems with your account.
Sharing 970 ATK Donkey Kong country with Machina Killer.
I don't see the option to check original install date (I switched devices a few months back). I'll just enter the global release date, since I think I've been playing from day 1.
Is my account name Takuan?
I want to see if I can surpass this
Is Noctis bad?
Nice, you certainly cleared the banner out! What luckDecided I wanted either a 2nd 2B or A2 didn't care which one. Did 2 Multi's. First one was shit with 2 Eve. 2nd one.
So 22 Multi pulls and a 5* ticket - 2 Orlandu, 1 Noctis, 1 Dark Fina, 1 Ace, 1 Seabreeze Fina, 1 2B, 2 A2.
Not. Bad.
Is Noctis bad?
Just finished 2B TM...nice to finally have a new top Katana!
50% for my first 9S. Really think I will just refresh more than I am. I want to maintain my rank and get as many of these TMs for each as I can. I imagine I won't be getting A2 all things considered. My daily was a 3rd Rasler, which should be good for TM farming.
Got a rainbow this morning. Let it sit for a solid 15 minutes, hoping it was finally a 2B. Eventually clicked it and got Orlandu #2. I mean...now I have 2 Dark Veritas and 2 Orlandu, I can probably chain down most things. But...like...fuck.
Decided I wanted either a 2nd 2B or A2 didn't care which one. Did 2 Multi's. First one was shit with 2 Eve. 2nd one.
So 22 Multi pulls and a 5* ticket - 2 Orlandu, 1 Noctis, 1 Dark Fina, 1 Ace, 1 Seabreeze Fina, 1 2B, 2 A2.
Not. Bad.
Hmm true but I also figured the other account had 9s. Guessing A2 is most useful going forward? Thanks!
Is Noctis bad?
Decided I wanted either a 2nd 2B or A2 didn't care which one. Did 2 Multi's. First one was shit with 2 Eve. 2nd one.
So 22 Multi pulls and a 5* ticket - 2 Orlandu, 1 Noctis, 1 Dark Fina, 1 Ace, 1 Seabreeze Fina, 1 2B, 2 A2.
Not. Bad.
Contact your employer and tell them to unflag my account plz lol. Congrats.
On another note, for the gaf crew, I need to thank you for talking me off that ledge last night. Shit was brutal and I did almost delete the app but the kind words were the voice of reason. I'll do daily pulls until the last day and we'll see what happens.
After watching the new DuckTales a second time and dinner done.. try to do this Aigaion shit for real now.
$350 spent, not a single rainbow. I'm done. Contemplating deleting the app to free myself from this.
I'm sorry for posting my pull. I'll keep to myself from now on.
*Well, I do. Dealing with my grandmother's death, being bored at home, then getting a voucher from a business trip AND her life insurance proceeds was the reason. I wasn't hurting for money. It was a windfall. I spent the windfall on this.
I've rerolled so many times. Conclusion: rates in this game are atrocious.
they should fix the damn app performance issues before shitting on everyones exploit parade
As much of a fight as I put up to level Rikku, it was worth it in the end. Dear god, what a hax character she is. LOL.
WoL, 2B, Rikku, Maxwell (ended up staying as my punching bag), and Orlandu. Guest Robo's Lunera (what a badass).
Took him in a few turns total. Built up really quick on Esper gauge this time for some reason. Got the Moogle because in it all I was able to build it up in time right before WoL was going to need some assistance. So it came in handy for the time and Trust Moogle. Stock piled her with HP stuff to get her over 6k HP just in case.
I walk away a happy camper. Thank you so much Robo! Husband is now wishing he could do it. I told him he could use my iPad in mean time to do it. Especially while your Lunera is up. Totally worth it.
Decided I wanted either a 2nd 2B or A2 didn't care which one. Did 2 Multi's. First one was shit with 2 Eve. 2nd one.
So 22 Multi pulls and a 5* ticket - 2 Orlandu, 1 Noctis, 1 Dark Fina, 1 Ace, 1 Seabreeze Fina, 1 2B, 2 A2.
Not. Bad.
To those with 2B set as friend unit, could you please keep them up today? Won't be able to test glitch until I get home from work today, which is still like 7 hours away.
Yaaay! Congrats Muku! I knew you'd get it eventually. I didn't want to dictate where your cactuars go but with your team dying Rikku was the right choice. Girl is a freaking savant at keeping people alive. I'm not sure if I'm friends with your hubby but I'm happy to keep Lunera up for a while, and if he needs a friend request let me know.
Wait, what? Bro what happened? You were staying strong this feels like it's straight out of left field. So sorry man. Please don't be giving Hippo no more money. This guy already has all the rainbows lool.
Which enhancements are the best right now? I haven't touched a single upgrade yet because I want to use resources efficiently.
I would rather prioritize support/counter-trial stuff over pure DPS.
I'm thinking that Marie might be my first.
I could also do Luneth, but he's not really trial team ready anymore.
Which enhancements are the best right now? I haven't touched a single upgrade yet because I want to use resources efficiently.
I would rather prioritize support/counter-trial stuff over pure DPS.
I'm thinking that Marie might be my first.
I could also do Luneth, but he's not really trial team ready anymore.
Contact your employer and tell them to unflag my account plz lol. Congrats.
On another note, for the gaf crew, I need to thank you for talking me off that ledge last night. Shit was brutal and I did almost delete the app but the kind words were the voice of reason. I'll do daily pulls until the last day and we'll see what happens.
*Sigh* Gumi is happy to squash our 2B spear fun but doesn't even mention the issues with A2. Either I'm crazy or they didn't announce maintenance, which means there may still be more announcements and a proper event+banner coming this week.
Who ya got?
This next batch is looking solid all around but there are a bunch of great enhnacements
I haven't enhanced anyone either but I'm eyeing Marie pretty hard myself. Thing is, even if she's godly for the Malboro trial, I'm assuming someone's friend unit will be her all decked out. So, I'm hesitant to even upgrade my own
Luneth does have some strong enhancments if you lack a finisher btw.
Olive is my finisher. Orlandu and/or Fry and Friendvia are chainers. Tilith heals, WoL tanks, Rikku supports. Marie it's elemental.
I guess it's Marie's time to shine.
A2 having high def and hp is a bonus.Very nice! Gratz! I did a few more multis hoping for a 2B. No luck.
Hopefully they'll fix A2's OHC much like they fixed Fry's Frost Flower Blitz; which was borked and unchainable the first week. But regardless, Dash Attack still chains and it opens up two more powerful moves, so in many situations, it may be the better route either way.
I've been thinking about her setup two of her, she really might be better suited to be built tanky instead of dps. Her stats are almost tank-like, she can hit over 12k+ HP with over 600 Defense with her sword and patriotic recalls, she would also go well with Reactive Defense, and Mechanical Heart). ~900ATK with over 10k HP is feasible, and she'll get an extra +467 ATK with her maxed LB; meaning she'll still have over 1,400ATK most of the battle.
Add to that, her OHC which fully heals her, her physical and magic evade, her counter, and her built-in death-avoidance, she's great tanky unit. If her OHC would chain she would be the perfect unit for long battles.
sent.Okay moving forward with a 9s and 2b account. F this rerolling. Need friends! 336292791
Gratz on your 2nd kid.I really want 2B. Went and dipped in a pot that I shouldn't have and it got me nothing so it's back to dailies. With my second kid on the way the whaling is officially over.
Which enhancements are the best right now? I haven't touched a single upgrade yet because I want to use resources efficiently.
I would rather prioritize support/counter-trial stuff over pure DPS.
I'm thinking that Marie might be my first.
I could also do Luneth, but he's not really trial team ready anymore.
A2 having high def and hp is a bonus.
But I don't think it's a good idea to build her as a hybrid dps/tank unit. Specialists will always be better than hybrids. Look at Noctis for example. He can tank, support, buff, revive and deal damage, but he's out of job because he doesn't specialize in any of the roles he's able to do.
Let the supports and tanks handle the survival of each party members and let A2 wreak havoc.
Gratz on your 2nd kid.
No offense, but hopefully your resolve against whaling gets better since it's really kinda weak.
Lol! Don't take it to heart. I was salty too when I saw the pic, but that's just because we were envious as we all got nonsense. We're happy for all of gafs success, it just sucks when people are getting mad luck while we're over here getting Sabin and Galuf.
Don't stop posting though. Whenever you get stuff post it, just make sure you keep posting other stuff too and become a regular. No one really likes drive-bys (I only say this because I haven't seen you round here before but obviously I don't catch every post).
I don't think there is any disagreement with the fact that there are much better units for each role that Noctis can play. He definetely doesn't have space in any ''best possible team'' if we pretend we have every unit in the game available and try any of the available content.There is defiinitely some disagreement on this topic
Support Noctis has been a key player on my team.
I dont think this is the golden rule bonk...
I don't think there is any disagreement with the fact that there are much better units for each role that Noctis can play. He definetely doesn't have space I'm any best possible team if we pretend we have every unit I'm the game available.
How important is a tank in future trials? I've only got Cecil and Snow right now. I don't have WoL or EV and I blew my stash chasing 9s.
Invaluable. There will always be specific team compositions where you can cheese or exploit the trial bosses, but if you don't have those specific units, don't even bother trying anything without a tank appropriately equipped.How important is a tank in future trials? I've only got Cecil and Snow right now. I don't have WoL or EV and I blew my stash chasing 9s.