so 9S is just shy of a billion? As in a billion to 1 chance to actually get him in 100 pulls(over 100 puls with 0 9S here)nine nines... 9s confirmed D: !
Well there you go. OHC will be fixed.
Reminder: Today is the last day to redeem your King Mog white orbs.
Says your full.
I love the brief moments of respite between Mog King events where I have time to TM grind or take care of old stuff that I missed. In this case, last night I ran the Rain/Fina/Lassie challenges.
I gotta say, they were way more fun than they had any right to be. It was really cool being forced to use certain units to complete them, but it's almost entirely a TM check, to see if you've gotten enough good TMs to do it.
Still, I had more fun with those 3 missions than I have since beating Gilgamesh. The equipment is actually really nice too, especially if you're a new player. I'll admit, I did it for the tickets for the Nier banner though.
didn't get anything good with them.
This game is just brutal with 2B and me right now. I'm up to 18 Virtuous Contract TM moogles, and no sign of 2B. To compare, I've only got about 6 moogles that have not been VC. They're really throwing this in my face.
Mechanical Heart and Earth Veritas are a beautiful thing to see. He goes from 1.5k to 10.4 HP sometimes, it's nuts lol. About to finish up some LB TM's for him in Kelsus TM and my second Jack TM. Also have the skull TM to work on that gives LB per turn and MP per turn which he is in dire need of.
They are beyond clueless. Some people still think they are evil business geniuses that carefully plan every single banner to extract every single cent out of the players good faith.Only Gumi gives enhancements to Marie and then puts Trance Terra on the Malboro banner.
The same Gumi that made a DKC/Luneth banner for their enhancements and now puts enhancements on a limited unit and doesn't take the chance to make it available again.
*insert why meme here*
They are beyond clueless. Some people still think they are evil business geniuses that carefully plan every single banner to extract every single cent out of the players good faith.
No, they are fucking dumbassses that sometimes get lucky with their decisions but most of the time have no idea what they are doing. This banner is even more offensive than the other one, it doesn't even make sense thematically.
So in my $500 effort to pull for 2B I pulled a Dark Fina (white whale has finally be caught) and a Wilhelm. Both were from the 5* tickets from Ex points lol.......
Guess Gumi gives me what I want months later after the units are released as this has happened with Fry, Rem,and now DF. If only Nier wasn't limited I'm sure I'd get 2B/A2 down the line lol. Well DF will enjoy the whip from the new trial this Friday. Have 2 Ribbons and one Discernment done so this should be easy.
Besides getting an older device, any tips on getting the 2B glitch to proc? Is it just using the spear ability?
Make sure she is either 100 with innate dual wield or something that gives her DW if she isn't. 2 weapons, believe they need to be non elemental. Low attack. 700 or below works for sure. Use spear thing. Profit.
Ok thanks, now I just need to find a friend unit with that setup.
I can put mine up if you have a device capable of doing it right now.
Since we have had 3 different status ailment items/materia in game for such a long time I have no doubts that Malboro is going to have some ailments that are not stopped by them. Stop/Charm/Berserk. Maybe not all 3, maybe only 1 but it makes no sense to make a new trial, and have it instantly trivialized by things we have had since well...forever. Pretty sure Kefka was the first or 2nd banner after regular launch. Also I am sorry for your luck. I just bought a discounted itunes card on ebay, and I am going to do 3 multi pulls for a 2nd 2B....maybe. I probably shouldn't......but I probably will.
Unfortunately I don't have an older device. I'm trying with Muku's 2b right now, but it just appears to be doing normal damage? I don't get the 1 damage or the crazy damage.
I'm hoping they do this as I'd like a challenge and not just steam roll content like we've been doing. Never been more disappointed in chasing a unit but we all know to not chase rainbows yet many of us still foolishly do. I just ended up on the wrong side of the fence this time around. Good luck on the attempt at another bro.
all these Veritas Banner and Nier Banner are FREAKING TRAP!!
just take a look at this
Well there you go. OHC will be fixed.
Mechanical Heart and Earth Veritas are a beautiful thing to see. He goes from 1.5k to 10.4 HP sometimes, it's nuts lol. About to finish up some LB TM's for him in Kelsus TM and my second Jack TM. Also have the skull TM to work on that gives LB per turn and MP per turn which he is in dire need of.
Last night's pulls: 15 tickets
Notable pickups - Zidane (second ever), Amelia (only gold, dupe), Rainbow -> Dark Fina!
Even though Dark Fina has been power creeped hard, 2 rainbows in 2 days is still great!
Still no 9S. 200 tickets to go.
I mean, Trance Terra is nice, but the physical chainers are generally better, Soleil is strong but only after enhancements, and WoL, currently, is comparable to VoE. 9S is more valuable than either of those 4*s and is limited, and therefore a priority. The 3*s are irrelevant unless you are trying to get a Ribbon via merges.
Marie should really be the 5* on this banner.
Great news!
I can put mine up if you have a device capable of doing it right now.
Unfortunately it only works on older devices, sorry I should have put that in my other post I assumed you already knew that part. Older androids 4.2? or lower I think. Phone or Tablet. iphone 5s/c seem to work and older ipads work as well.
Thanks, I actually decided not to do it, I instead foolishly used an EX 5* ticket and got ~DRUMROLL~ my 7th fucking Orlandu! YAY!......
Can I borrow yours to do it? My Friend code is 016 649 107
I'm sure you will pull either A2 or 2B and a minimum of 3 9S with that stash, precongrats lol.
My number is 101,021,140.
I would definitely absolutely appreciate it.
Wasn't Marlboro abilities already datamined last week? There is no stop, berserk nor charm ailments.
Don't bother with Garnet, you will build the esper bar regardless. Only bring her if you want to use the bug and kill him in one turn.I'm torn if I want to try the Aigiaon fight with the 2B glitch. On one hand, it's a free and easy win, on the other I was excited to actually try to beat him with my team. On the 3rd hand, I don't have a native Fry so it might take a long ass time, and using the glitch could be big time savings.
Is it possible to get Garnet up to a high enough HP to survive long enough to build esper gauge, or is that futile? I have several 30% HP materia at this point, but they're all on other units.
I'm torn if I want to try the Aigiaon fight with the 2B glitch. On one hand, it's a free and easy win, on the other I was excited to actually try to beat him with my team. On the 3rd hand, I don't have a native Fry so it might take a long ass time, and using the glitch could be big time savings.
Is it possible to get Garnet up to a high enough HP to survive long enough to build esper gauge, or is that futile? I have several 30% HP materia at this point, but they're all on other units.
Don't bother with Garnet, you will build the esper bar regardless. Only bring her if you want to use the bug and kill him in one turn.
I see it this way. If you can build a team that lasts long enough to max an esper gauge then you've mostly solved the fight already. The only difference with using the spear glitch is you're saving yourself 2-6 hours of boredom.
Somebody brought Garnet and Tidus and maxed her LB in the first turn with entrust. If you've got them you could try that.