It's not like there are other units that do more damage than her AoE Frost Flash. Maybe Reberta, but I'm skeptical.Real question though. Is Fry even going to be that great in this trial since you need to AoE the little ones down?
It's not like there are other units that do more damage than her AoE Frost Flash. Maybe Reberta, but I'm skeptical.Real question though. Is Fry even going to be that great in this trial since you need to AoE the little ones down?
Fuck. A2 that good now? Please don't tell me this.
Fuck. A2 that good now? Please don't tell me this.
Fuck. A2 that good now? Please don't tell me this.
10 more fucking 11 pulls later,
Fuck you Gumi. Fuck you Exvius. Fuck you brain. Fuck you addiction. Fuck you me.
The thirst is real. And really hard to deny. At least you got her, but damn, sorry it took so much :/
No wonder why they are adding microtransactions to literally every game. Even games like Shadows of Mordor.
Did Gumi finally release a trial nobody can do on the first day? I doubt it but it looks like this is the closest they've gotten yet. Problem is they fell down on the rewards side. People wanted to beat Aigaon because the rewards are a huge boost to a lot of characters. The Marlboro rewards are not BiS for anyone except maybe the materia, and all it's going to do is add 20% hp. If Gumi wants me to hotly anticipate some berserk-mitigating new unit that will finally crack this trial they failed.
Fuck you Gumi. Fuck you Exvius. Fuck you brain. Fuck you addiction. Fuck you me.
Do it, fuck money, you would probably waste it with other pointless stuff like food or study anyway.
Do it, fuck money, you would probably waste it with other pointless stuff like food or study anyway.Congrats!! I'm really resisting myself from caving in for 2B, but it's sooooooo hard.
Problem is they fell down on the rewards side. People wanted to beat Aigaon because the rewards are a huge boost to a lot of characters.
Do it, fuck money, you would probably waste it with other pointless stuff like food or study anyway.
A lot of characters? The only top tier unit that could make use of those rewards when the trial released was Aileen lol. Rikku as well if you missed her weapon from the event.
Don't forget that we also got the equip fist materia. Which makes any unit a powerhouse when paired with Robot Arm and Fist Mastery. Not to mention World Destroyer is also great.
Compare that with Malboro's reward and we can all see how underwhelming Malboro rewards are lol.
I'm personally not touching Malboro yet, coz I don't feel the need to beat it asap unlike Aigaion.
Good news is, you guys will actually keep sharing A2 now that she is a monster chainer of catastrophic damage potential. The fact she can equip a fuck ton of elemental weapons most of which we have free Imperils with 9S make her leagues above any unit even on JP side IMO. Global won the dps war, fuck your TDH stacking.
Don't forget that we also got the equip fist materia. Which makes any unit a powerhouse when paired with Robot Arm and Fist Mastery. Not to mention World Destroyer is also great.
What is the final damage?
What is the final damage?
As for everyone here, as it's been said time and time again; don't ever chase rainbow units. Yes, it's possible to pull what you want immediately, but those odds are astronomically low. Don't ever bet on those odds. If you are prepared to whale, and I mean WHALE, then brute force is the only way to get what you want. But wtf kinda life is that? On this Nier banner alone I had to use about 250,000 lapis to finally pull A2. That is fucking crazy. I'm a fucking idiot and one day I'll hopefully forget my stupidity. Now I'm gonna go max a2 out and put her on a team with my 4 2bs and wreck this Malboro trial in one turn.
yeah right, you pull and pull and pull and you're never going to get ahead of the game. Theyll make another unit to chase that you "need". Secret is, we never actually need anything.
Those who forget the history of their own stupidity are doomed to repeat it.
As for everyone here, as it's been said time and time again; don't ever chase rainbow units. Yes, it's possible to pull what you want immediately, but those odds are astronomically low. Don't ever bet on those odds. If you are prepared to whale, and I mean WHALE, then brute force is the only way to get what you want. But wtf kinda life is that? On this Nier banner alone I had to use about 250,000 lapis to finally pull A2. That is fucking crazy. I'm a fucking idiot and one day I'll hopefully forget my stupidity. Now I'm gonna go max a2 out and put her on a team with my 4 2bs and wreck this Malboro trial in one turn.
yeah right, you pull and pull and pull and you're never going to get ahead of the game. Theyll make another unit to chase that you "need". Secret is, we never actually need anything.
That's 1386 american dollars worth of the most expensive lapis bundle. Of course that can be mitigated by american players that have access to the Amazon Coins.How much is that in dollar terms?
How much is that in dollar terms?
About $1000. I use Amazon coins. Now I'm $2000 deep into Exvius.
Why would you do this to yourself? Just because she is the best dps unit?
You know full well that she will be outshined sooner or later. It's a never ending cycle.
Yeah I totally realize that. It was more like a fit of rage that I just had to have her even if she's gonna not be used. Almost like a trophy. Her being on a limited time banner also pushed me though. If she could be pulled down the line I wouldn't have cared nearly (Nier-ly) as much.
This mobile game is like an experiment delving into my inner most monster. The addictions, the longing for having it all, the gross negligence of real world values. It's pretty fascinating when I really psycho analyze myself.
Yeah I totally realize that. It was more like a fit of rage that I just had to have her even if she's gonna not be used. Almost like a trophy. Her being on a limited time banner also pushed me though. If she could be pulled down the line I wouldn't have cared nearly (Nier-ly) as much.
This mobile game is like an experiment delving into my inner most monster. The addictions, the longing for having it all, the gross negligence of real world values. It's pretty fascinating when I really psycho analyze myself.
It's odd, I feel like I'm in a state of nirvana at the moment.
What I've learned from my days of Brave Frontier and dumping hundreds if not well over a thousand into it, that you should only pull if your current units are no longer viable enough to complete current content.
You'll never have it all unless you constantly throw money at the game. Also judging by past Gumi decisions, you can expect many more "limited units" to come. In Brave Frontier it's literally a new "limited" unit every month.
You're going to end up regretting this big time if you keep going.
I didn't go quite as deep, but yea I spent more than i was allotting myself on this banner. Fucking limited units man.
The worst part is that this teaches Gumi the wrong (but I guess right for them) lessons. Build multiple 4* and 5* dual banners with limited units, and you get more money. Too bad the community (including myself) isn't strong enough to just protest and not buy lapis during stuff like this.
What I've learned from my days of Brave Frontier and dumping hundreds if not well over a thousand into it, that you should only pull if your current units are no longer viable enough to complete current content.
You'll never have it all unless you constantly throw money at the game. Also judging by past Gumi decisions, you can expect many more "limited units" to come. In Brave Frontier it's literally a new "limited" unit every month.
You're going to end up regretting this big time if you keep going.
This topic makes me want to give Nier another shot. I got through 2B's side then raged on 9S.
Prepare your butts for the inevitable Kingdom Hearts banner.
As for everyone here, as it's been said time and time again; don't ever chase rainbow units. Yes, it's possible to pull what you want immediately, but those odds are astronomically low. Don't ever bet on those odds. If you are prepared to whale, and I mean WHALE, then brute force is the only way to get what you want. But wtf kinda life is that? On this Nier banner alone I had to use about 250,000 lapis to finally pull A2. That is fucking crazy. I'm a fucking idiot and one day I'll hopefully forget my stupidity. Now I'm gonna go max a2 out and put her on a team with my 4 2bs and wreck this Malboro trial in one turn.
yeah right, you pull and pull and pull and you're never going to get ahead of the game. Theyll make another unit to chase that you "need". Secret is, we never actually need anything.
About $1000. I use Amazon coins. Now I'm $2000 deep into Exvius.
Prepare your butts for the inevitable Kingdom Hearts banner.
Truth bomb right there.
I didn't go quite as deep, but yea I spent more than i was allotting myself on this banner. Fucking limited units man.
The worst part is that this teaches Gumi the wrong (but I guess right for them) lessons. Build multiple 4* and 5* dual banners with limited units, and you get more money. Too bad the community (including myself) isn't strong enough to just protest and not buy lapis during stuff like this.
I'm already terrified of Bravely Default banner. I love those games.
The most Important thing is, you enjoy playing this game. I stopped counting on how much money I've spent on this game, as it doesn't serve any purpose.
I've spent over $10k on CoC and never regretted it as I've enjoyed that game immensely. My irl friends and I eventually stopped playing after 3 yrs and moved on to some other games.
Wow. I'm racking my brain but what is CoC?
As for everyone here, as it's been said time and time again; don't ever chase rainbow units. Yes, it's possible to pull what you want immediately, but those odds are astronomically low. Don't ever bet on those odds. If you are prepared to whale, and I mean WHALE, then brute force is the only way to get what you want. But wtf kinda life is that? On this Nier banner alone I had to use about 250,000 lapis to finally pull A2. That is fucking crazy. I'm a fucking idiot and one day I'll hopefully forget my stupidity. Now I'm gonna go max a2 out and put her on a team with my 4 2bs and wreck this Malboro trial in one turn.
yeah right, you pull and pull and pull and you're never going to get ahead of the game. Theyll make another unit to chase that you "need". Secret is, we never actually need anything.