Sounds of both worlds. Man im happy that i logged in every for this month - will def. use that 10+1 ticket while Nier Banner is up.
I guess its Gumi's target for those new player that started with Anniversary. Nice units for newbie's & casual players. Except Rosa but casual's & Newbies prolly wont know unless they hang around some forum.
Cecil - Good Tank
Exdeath - Ez to get great mage
Refia - Dat healer with Chocobo
Rosa - Cause there has to be troll
Donkey Kong Country & Lameth to troll people with 2x5* banner.
Ultros and Typhon ELT is pretty rough - I still haven't beaten it, but I've been thinking about it a bunch. I don't know that any special setup will help a lot besides having a beefy (preferably provoke) tank, but here's what I expect you'll want (based this mostly on the wiki, but also on my tries of it)
-elemental resist buff (earth and water more, but possibly fire and wind while you're at it if it's easier to do CoD or Marie's all-elements one)
-ATK break for Ultros (e.g. Crush Weapon)
-Some way to dispel breaks on your party (e.g. Bushido)
-don't use fire, lightning, ice (trigger special retaliation)
-some way to do wind damage (prevents Typhon from snorting party members if you use it when he takes a breath)
-probably Demon Killer on DPS to take down Typhon as fast as possible in round 2
Typhon's attack will often one-shot anyone who isn't a pretty beefy tank, and you'll get dispelled every few turns so make sure you have a good way to reapply especially the defense buffs.
In round 2 you'll want to kill Typhon first.
I have zero lapis to whale for Brave Default, unfortunately(((
Basch fucked me real good on his banner.
I'm curious about those who weren't expressly mentioned in terms of enhancements.
Not expecting anything for Refia, but Rosa is a prime canidate for a stealth enhancement buff. Gumi has been quite good at giving those 4* bases still locked at 5* max extra love.
Rosa JP Enhancements for reference said:せいしんは Bless +1 20 AoE ~10 MP Heal w/ 0.1x Mod split over 3 Turns & AoE ~1150 HP Heal w/ 8x Mod split over 3 Turns 60000 Healing 10 5 1 - -
せいしんは Bless +2 20 AoE ~20 MP Heal w/ 0.4x Mod split over 3 Turns & AoE ~1725 HP Heal w/ 12x Mod split over 3 Turns 60000 Healing 15 8 2 1 -
ねらいうち Sharpshot +1 6 Critical Hit 150% ST 1 Hit Physical Attack 30000 Power 8 3 - - -
ねらいうち Sharpshot +2 6 Critical Hit 200% ST 1 Hit Physical Attack 30000 Power 12 5 1 - -
Hmm WoL could handle the breaks for me and both he and Refia has Embolden so I could reapply that buff as needed. None of my units are using weapons of those elements so I'm good there but the question is if I'd need Marie in or if Rikku's hyper null would be sufficient. I'd prefer not to have to put in Fina just to do Wind attacks so I'll have to see if I have a wind element weapon that I could throw on any of the non-dps units to cancel that attack. It at least sounds like I have the tools to get this done, now it's just a matter of figuring out if I'm strong enough and employing the strategy correctly. Thanks, that wind tip in particular is useful info.
Refia JP enhancements for reference said:アレイズ Arise +1 14 ST Revive with 100% HP 500000 White 15 10 8 2 1
アレイズ Arise +2 5 ST Revive with 100% HP 500000 White 23 15 12 4 2
カズスのお守り Talisman of Kazus +1 -- +100% Silence / Paralyze / Confuse / Petrify Resist & Recover 5 MP per 5 steps 250000 Support 15 8 5 1 -
カズスのお守り Talisman of Kazus +2 -- +100% Silence / Paralyze / Confuse / Petrify Resist & Recover 5 MP per 5 steps & Recover 5% MP per Turn 250000 Support 23 12 8 2 1
勇気づける Encourage +1 42 AoE 5 Turn +45% ATK/DEF 250000 Support 15 8 5 1 -
勇気づける Encourage +2 42 AoE 5 Turn +45% ATK/DEF & AoE ~1150 HP Heal w/ 8x Mod split over 5 Turns 250000 Support 23 12 8 2 1
What if you wait til tomorrow and enhance Refia. Her Embolden gets healing and Refia also gets 5% MP refresh as +2.
Also. Rosa is still 5* in JP. Maybe Gumi stealth updates it to 6* some day?
I really hope those are buffed in Global.
Luneth has some interesting ability awakenings. Might be the first time I seriously look at wanting to update a character. Luneth is also my first 5*, still has a spot on team, and is just awesome.
Any JP players able to put Titan as their companion esper for the story event?
I can put Titan on my character. I'll swap to Tidus or something unless you want to use Jake, lol.
Somebody help me out here.
What is the best DPS unit to bring to the Robot Trial IF I have to use Friend Unit for Rem?
Those are the only notable ones I really have. I think I can afford to bring two of them, but not sure if they'll work together. I have no copies.
JP Stats said:Main Body
HP: 10000000 | MP: 100000 | -50% Ice +50% Lightning/Wind +100% Light/Dark Status Immunity
Left Arm
HP: 4000000 | MP : 60000 | -50% Lightning +50% Ice/Wind +100% Light/Dark Status Immunity
Right Arm
HP: 4000000 | MP : 60000 | -50% Wind +50% Ice/Lightning +100% Light/Dark Status Immunity
Left Arm said:If hit by a Thunder attack, Left Arm will instead use レフトアームが誘爆した - 300% AoE 1 Hit Physical Attack. (likely to kill you).
Can't say anything about Orlandu (maybe with Fire weapon?)If hit by a water attack on the thresholds, Main Body will use a weaker version of the attack instead 世界崩壊 - 500% AoE 1 Hit Hybrid Attack.
If Main Body is hit by Water 3 times, Main Body will use 超電磁爆発 - 500% AoE 1 Hit Thunder/Water Magic Attack.
Aileen has machine killer so she should be the best unit for this trial.
* Olive can't use Sparky
* Aileen has innate Machine Killer.
* Water is nogo in trial, assuming it works like in JP (after 3 water attacks you get hard retaliate).
Can't say anything about Orlandu (maybe with Fire weapon?)
It's been a long, long time since a FF4 banner occured. Rosa is surely due for a 6* when that happens.
Luneth was also my original 5* base, and only finally got retired during the anniversary. Still not sold on Advance, but his other upgrades will be quite solid.
I asked last week, but is it max 3 times you can use the water attack on the body or just don't hit 3 times in a row?you definitely want to use water on the trial
Just not every turn
The retaliate is still weaker than eating 1000% hybrid. I saw in one video that they used water on threshold 70 and 30 and ate the big attack on 50% since they had AoE reraise up
Just be smart about it
you definitely want to use water on the trial
Just not every turn
The retaliate is still weaker than eating 1000% hybrid. I saw in one video that they used water on threshold 70 and 30 and ate the big attack on 50% since they had AoE reraise up
Just be smart about it
Also, finally got around to looking at Ace's. WTF @ that +2 MAG 40% one. X_X Holy shit. Maybe I should get that for him and just replace DKC or something with Ace. Even though TT stole most of his gear, he's still pretty high in Mag still and could probably blow shit up better than DKC. Ugh... DKC. only reason I'm glad alt got him is to work on Deathbringer.
Ace is handy:
Enhanced MP recovery applies to the whole party
Enhanced Tri-laser can do mega damage *and* does -75% on three resists (fire/light/lightning)
Enhanced devotion means he can LB more often and gets +40% mag. Not huge, but a good improvement to his passive.
Since enhancements he's a constant in my party. If nothing else his tri-laser debuffs light res better than Divine Ruination itself.
I've not used him too much, but I dunno, never felt impressed by Tri-laser. And debuffing light resistance doesn't mean much for my current team, sadly. Maybe it might if I replaced Garland with maybe Cupid Artemios again? He has been my previous light pewpewer.
But, I guess to be fair.. it might be worth looking into. No one on alt really has caught my eye for using Power crysts on. I think Devotion might be first though. I'm wondering though if I bring in Ace if I should bring back Cupid Artemios though. Right now Garland + DKC for the dark res down and dark damage. But going back to light could be beneficial now since I've actually got Delita using Excalibur since I've used Cupid Art in my group.
It's been since.. a little after Ace's banner since I've used him. Is Cut Cards still worth having on him?
Talk to Rixa, his Ace is one of the most insane Ace I've ever seen. Kind of disgusting the damage it can put out lol.
Talk to Rixa, his Ace is one of the most insane Ace I've ever seen. Kind of disgusting the damage it can put out lol.
I concur.
Important question, will the Raven Manteau be available with this new story update?
Too far >.>If all the remaining black keys are in Pharm 1st part then yes.
Otherwise here's an english guide based on the Japanese version to get it
Quick edit, looks like Black Key 1 is on the last season 1 continent, so it's still far away.
Ace would have to be my second in command for magic users. So he won't have the best stuff. TT is queen of that now. Not even sure my alt has a Karl, tbh. ;_; I'm going to have to look into him after I get TT set up.
Rixa, what do you use for fourth slot then?
Also, would TT's Trust be a must for Ace?
Ace is mostly ability based, so he's actually a lot better with dual wield than dualcast. Wild Card especially, since it gains the effect of any equipped Killer abilities and hits twice if you're dual-wielding.
Ace would have to be my second in command for magic users. So he won't have the best stuff. TT is queen of that now. Not even sure my alt has a Karl, tbh. ;_; I'm going to have to look into him after I get TT set up.
Rixa, what do you use for fourth slot then?
Also, would TT's Trust be a must for Ace?
Edit: TBH my team doesn't really have mana issues right now. They're a rag tag team though. Currently using Garland, DKC, Fohlen, Delita, and TT.
Ace 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Draco Spike +30ATK+101MAG+Dracoslayer
Left Hand: Draco Spike +30ATK+101MAG+Dracoslayer
Head: Creepy Mask +15MP+15DEF+30MAG
Body: Siren's Robe +30DEF+40MAG/SPR+100%Sleep/Silence
Accessory 1: Earrings +3DEF+20%MAG
Accessory 2: Magistral Crest +30%MAG+30%SPR
Ability 1: Dual Wield Equip two single handed weapons
Ability 2: Seal of Destruction +20%ATK +20%MAG +10%HP
Ability 3: Seal of Destruction +20%ATK +20%MAG +10%HP
Ability 4: Seal of Destruction +20%ATK +20%MAG +10%HP
Pot Stats: HP: 450 MP: 75 ATK: 30 DEF: 30 MAG: 30 SPR: 30
Esper: Diabolos HP:4680 MP:6170 ATK:1640 DEF:2390 MAG:5460 SPR:3250
Total Stats: HP: 5181 MP: 329 ATK: 314 DEF: 219 MAG: 822 SPR: 305
Ace 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Draco Spike +30ATK+101MAG+Dracoslayer
Left Hand: Draco Spike +30ATK+101MAG+Dracoslayer
Head: Creepy Mask +15MP+15DEF+30MAG
Body: Siren's Robe +30DEF+40MAG/SPR+100%Sleep/Silence
Accessory 1: Genji Glove +10%ATK/MAG & Dual Wield
Accessory 2: Magistral Crest +30%MAG+30%SPR
Ability 1: MAG +30% +30%MAG
Ability 2: MAG +30% +30%MAG
Ability 3: MAG +30% +30%MAG
Ability 4: Rod Mastery +50%MAG w/ Rod
Pot Stats: HP: 450 MP: 75 ATK: 30 DEF: 30 MAG: 30 SPR: 30
Esper: Diabolos HP:4680 MP:6170 ATK:1640 DEF:2390 MAG:5460 SPR:3250
Total Stats: HP: 3996 MP: 329 ATK: 240 DEF: 216 MAG: 946 SPR: 305
Since my only Genji Glove is at DKC 4th slot is Dual Wield and no Rod mastery in this build (Maybe I should ditch SoD and slap RM its ~50 mag more).
My BiS is this:
With 2x Mateus Malices I could get MAG to 1002. But I have 0 Emperor's (Chilly we miss you).
Realistically what's my chances in this new boss tomorrow? I have a 900+ ATK Orlandeau, Rikku, Tillith (70~ mp regen), Willhelm (8k hp, 400~ DEF, SPR) and then whoever would fill that last slot best. The only one there with high end TM's is Orlandeau so I'm assuming it would be wise to stay away from it for now?
Realistically what's my chances in this new boss tomorrow? I have a 900+ ATK Orlandeau, Rikku, Tillith (70~ mp regen), Willhelm (8k hp, 400~ DEF, SPR) and then whoever would fill that last slot best. The only one there with high end TM's is Orlandeau so I'm assuming it would be wise to stay away from it for now?