I honestly quite enjoyed it. It doesn't seem to suffer from any of the problems I had with FF4 TAY so far. I really want the other chapters.Was hoping to play through it this weekend, but who knows when they'll get the update up?
I have faith it will be much better than FFIV TAY. While it has a pay per chapter structure, both teams are supposed to go through different stories and dungeons and acquire different jobs. As such, it shouldn't reuse the same dungeons again and again like FFIV TAY and you still boost your 8 heroes through the whole game. Since you can change jobs, you should be able to easily tackle difficulty spikes too.
My main issue with FFIV TAY was that most of the characters chapters were horrible and clearly done with making quick bucks in mind. The game opens up with the crystals chapter but the rest were really painful. You had chapters like Edward's where you have to go through the same dungeon 3 times with a character you know you won't be playing as in the end because he's awful.
TAY also had balancing issues and that really dumb moon phase system. Some bosses in the last dungeon are almost impossible to beat unless you waste cottages to change the moon phase to your advantage. Outside of that, many chapters have you without a white mage and you had to spam potion and spider silks to have a chance to beat the bosses.
The fact that you play as the same heroes through the whole game and the presence of a job system should make this more enjoyable for me.