Hours Left
We'll probably still get Onion Onight too, with the job class characters.Glad they used Luneth and the others from FF3 instead of the shitty Onion Knight like in Dissidia and Theatrhythm.
Also, Onion Knight > all
We'll probably still get Onion Onight too, with the job class characters.Glad they used Luneth and the others from FF3 instead of the shitty Onion Knight like in Dissidia and Theatrhythm.
Anybody know which level is the flying boss?
Yeah this is nuts. Cloud + Buster Sword = instakill anything.
I wish I drew one.
Sucks that such a good weapon has to be drawn randomly and get lucky.
It's not so much the Buster Sword. Take any FFVII weapon into the event dungeon, level it to max, and you'll do 80% of the damage the Buster Sword does.
People vastly underestimate how much damage attuned weapons do. A three star attuned weapon will outdamage a five star not-attuned weapon.
I don't have any FFVII weapons though. If I did, this wouldn't be an issue. XD
I hope there is VII weapons along the way in these floors. Could definitely use one or two.
I've done like no prep leading up to this event. How screwed am I?![]()
Too bad there aren't any ranged ffvii weapons.
Once I get Tifa. Is it worth it leveling her and having her in the party for the rest of the floors?
So wheres that Masamune? I saw saving Mithril even though I probably won't get Sephiroth.
A week is alot of time to progress though, especially at the rate Stamina recovers here. I think I can get pretty far. Is Thursday the dungeon that might give me Lesser Lightning Orbs on the side?
Nope. She is melee.
What floors do the whole ranged only bosses happen?
And does that mean Cloud would be worthless too?![]()
He won't be able to attack 2 of the last 3 bosses.
TIFA get!
So there's a boss in the new challenge that can only be hit by ranged attacks? None of my current party members can used ranged weapons except I assume Tyro. Rydia has her magic. But that probably won't be enough.
time to bring in the Bard and Ranger
i hope you've been leveling them
I've played enough Final Fantasy to know not to bother to use the Bard.
So what party level should you be to at least attempt at getting tifa?
It was the game steering you in the right direction.lol I accidentally used Growth Eggs on the Bard instead of the Ranger.
So how does one raise the stamina cap?
And I'm sad I missed the Buster Sword.![]()
Ah, thanks. Are they random or do you get them from certain bosses?Every 5 Stamina crystals raises your cap
Check the rewards of each stage.Ah, thanks. Are they random or do you get them from certain bosses?
Downloaded it.
This is without exaggeration the first and only mobile game of any kind whatsoever that I have attempted to play. Literally ever.
Got through the tutorial. Got a Falchion, a Growth Egg, and... downloaded Tidus and Warrior. Cool. So I guess there's no story aside from a framing device and it's all fight-oriented. Not usually my cup of tea but the goddamn Squaresoft characters and goddamn beautiful soundtrack may just keep me around for a bit. Gotta be up in five hours but I'll log some time on the bus tomorrow maybe. Gotta hear more of dat music.
Actually, I just realized I have a 3* Whip that is ranged too. I'll give Tyro that instead of the Harp