Thanks for the OT! Love this game! The only phone game I almost always play with headphones on!
I already "finished" the current story content, it doesn't take long. But now I'm leveling up the rest of my characters, upgrading my gear, and doing the new daily activities.
wow. First time I see that the "user" reviews for a mobile game are high
Before going World Wide (03-25-2015, 01:46 PM, Canada Only):
5 star - 916
4 star - 170
3 star - 45
2 star - 20
1 star - 31
After going World Wide (Now):
5 star - 4551
4 star - 795
3 star - 162
2 star - 52
1 star - 95
One of the best reviewed games I've seen, I'd say. It's the real deal.
Also, about the Buster Sword launch event:
From 8:00 PM 3/11 PST (4:00 AM 3/12 UTC) to 5:59 PM 3/31 PST (1:59 AM 4/1 UTC) this 5 Star Buster Sword (VII) has an increased Star5 drop rate relative to other 5Star equipment, and, after this period, it will decrease to a lower 5Star drop rate.
Also posting what I posted from the other thread:
This seems to always be happening to me... and I better stop testing it since I just lost a 5/5 Max Lvl 2 star weapon...
If you Upgrade a weapon fully, to "Lv CAP", and then do the same thing for the same type of weapon, the previous "Lv CAP" weapon of that type is lost!
- I had a 5/5 Lv CAP 2-Star Wind Spear (V)
- I upgraded a 1/3 1-Star Wind Spear (V) by feeding it two more of the same 1-Star spear
- My 5/5 Lv CAP 2-Star spear was lost!! Replaced by the new 3/3 Lv CAP 1-Star spear...
It appears I can only hold 1 Lv CAP item of each type at once... any previous is lost after creating a new one. Even of different Star levels.
My buddy with the same Galaxy S3 phone says this hasn't happened to him yet, but I wonder if he may be mistaken... it keeps happening to me over and over.
I'm gonna grind a basic item and retest this... to see if it still happens... has anyone else encountered this yet? My buddy just tried it on his phone, but it didn't happen to him... however the two identical items (both 3/3 Lv Cap) were actively equipped. That may block the unwanted delete...
Edit: Looks like this is now fixed! Maybe they saw my 1 Star review and corrected it on the server end... time to flip that back to a 5 Star