Random Painted HIghway
Haha wow. Damn! I invited my phone and ran the tutorial for one mythril.
In case anyone doubted the in-game warning not to abuse the invite system:
The most tragic thing is that the invite system is kinda bad as well (20 mythril max which is like 4 pulls).
This is becoming ridiculous!! How do I beat Anima on the Lightning event? How do you use this "retaliate" strategy? I've been trying for 2 days now to beat this boss and it's not like I'm under leveled, I'm going in with a party of 50-57 level members. I really need to beat this thing today so any help would be great!
1st Round: Guy with Retaliate uses Retaliate, someone uses Boost. Someone uses Armor Break on the first Gear-thingy. If you have it, uses Protectga/Shellga.
2nd Round: Guy with Retaliate uses Advance. Someone uses Armor Break on Anima. Everyone else attacks Retaliate person.
3rd Round+: Re-apply as needed (shouldn't take long).
Remember when elite Baron castle was bloody terrifying with it's mini boss rush? It's funny how trivial it is now.
All the events, quests (bar 5 star crafting) and dungeons done now. Just have to revisit Beatrix round 2 again for mastery. Any recommendations? I was missing something last time and I can't quite put my finger on it.
Yeah, the only thing I'd add is make sure you don't hit the second gear thing, like with blade blitz or quake, retaliate goes after lowest percentage remaining hp, so If that is damaged, your retaliator will hit that instead of anima.
Yeah, it was fun taking in bagain and caignazzo, really simple now!
Good luck with Beatrix round 2, I had to run her dungeon twice to get past climhazard. I tried to be fancy with slow and all that jazz but the second time I went pure dps retaliate. The first time through I wiped out all trash wo quake and valefor without a scratch and failed to get the soul break bars close to one bar for the boss, I used sephiroth with hells gate, garnet defautl, and sazh boon so I was screwing myself by being too efficient. second time either lunatic high or advance will give you what you need, which is hard hitting or speed. I like lunatic in this situation because then garnet can carry valefor instead of protecga. Climhazard sucks, it means auto fail due to the loss of five medals. So little margin for error. Such a challenging boss that I felt the need to go flat out retaliate with two double cutters a double hit and boost with a party of full 65s And I still needed a couple reloads.
Well, if he followed my advice, he'd never use an AoE attack. = P
Yea the last time I ate a Climhazzard right at the end. I think I used sentinel grimore to allow for Valefor so lunatic high might be the way to go. I'd a slightly lower than normal team with me last time too. Will be level 65 Cloud, Vivi, Garnet and Rydia along for the ride. Not sure who else to bring. I might need the breakdowns so maybe Sazh or Wakka, but I've lightnings Blazefire and her soul break was taking chunks off Beatrix last time. I dunno about Rydia either. Have the ice whip so it should be a simple decision but I've only one double cut materia so I'll be missing out with retaliate. I should probably just go physical, but the next highest I have is level 55ish and she'll cut me down then. AGGGGHHH! I won't know if I've made the right decision until I'm standing in front of her again a few billion stamina later.
Remember when elite Baron castle was bloody terrifying with it's mini boss rush? It's funny how trivial it is now.
1st Round: Guy with Retaliate uses Retaliate, someone uses Boost. Someone uses Armor Break on the first Gear-thingy. If you have it, uses Protectga/Shellga.
2nd Round: Guy with Retaliate uses Advance. Someone uses Armor Break on Anima. Everyone else attacks Retaliate person.
3rd Round+: Re-apply as needed (shouldn't take long).
You guys have so many relics...literally the only one I have is Wakka's blitzball, and I've been playing the game since day 1. I must be very unlucky, lol.
Slowly working through my huge backlog of elites. You guys weren't kidding--some of these are surprisingly tough to master.
You guys have so many relics...literally the only one I have is Wakka's blitzball, and I've been playing the game since day 1. I must be very unlucky, lol.
Some of them are plain nasty. That second Beatrix hits like a tank and you've to beat her within the time limit. The IV boss rush from the last update isn't all fluffy bunnies either.
Four fiends is pretty terrible since it's full of random mechanics you can't really control for. If you can get lucky with that stuff it's actually rather easy compared to some boss rushes.
Guess I'll chime in my 5 star natural acquisitions as well.
Zantetsuken ×2 (1 free)
Blitzsword ×3
Danjuro ×3
Golden Spear ×2
Judgment Staff ×2
Vega 42s ×2
Minotaur Plate ×2
Regal Gown ×4
Shark ×1
Flame Sword ×1
Blazefire Saber ×1
Valkyrie ×1
Hunters Rod ×1
Rising Sun ×1
Diamond Pin ×1
Mystery Veil ×1
Genji Shield ×1
Genji Armor ×1
Monk Robe ×1
Adamant Vest ×1
Balamb Garden Uniform ×1
Gold Armlet ×2
Edincoat ×1
Gold Bangle ×1
Sanctum Gloves ×1
Thats not including 4++ either which i have quite a few of too. All in all though i can't complain,missing out on OWA was a major annoyance at the time.
Holy mother of ****!!! Have you spent a couple of thousand by any chance? That's redonkulously above average.
Did a paid 11 pull and have done all the 100 gem banners so far. When I win I often get 4 at once which is great... Until I want something and RNGESUS won't hear my pleas.
Should I keep my major wind orbs for barrage or should I hone valefor?
What is the petrify strat for bryn?
What is the petrify strat for bryn?
It took a boatload of S/Ling, but I got this to work. On the first turn I had Sazh do Magic Breakdown, Vivi do Blizzaga, Cloud do Ret. Then round two was Vivi casting Break on Sazh and Cloud doing Advance. I then had Vivi cast Break on himself, leaving Cloud to alt between Ret and Drain Strike until the boss was downed.You have a team of Cloud, Sazh and another guy(probably Tyro).
You set up advance+retaliate and the other buff you want + exploit the ice weakness.
Then you have Sazh and the other guy cast break on themselves since being petrified doesn't count as being KO'd.
With those two petrified all the attacks will be drawn to Cloud to retaliate.
Use drain strike to keep your health topped from the magic attacks.
It's very gimmicky imo
So what is the chance of getting break to work on the FF1 Tiamat battle? The game suggests it and I made it partially because of the game and partially because of the above strat idea using it, but is the odds of it hitting so low it's not worth banking on?
Edit: Fuck all these knights with the instant kill move
I still have to upgrade my Rune Axe and Moonring Blade to ++, but I will do that with more Gil.
I know a lot of these don't have incredible stats, but I can almost kit out my party in all five stars now, and that's nice. The only thing I don't have is a good wand for Vivi.
After seeing all of the recent list posts, I'm kinda curious what Wazzy's list looks like. Anytime Wazzy would post about pulls in a mobile game I'm playing I'd think "Damn, the Gatcha Gods must love this person".![]()
MwhahahahhaAnd I also had no idea about Wazzy lol.
I sure am! (hi gorl <3) and I'm also trying to get every VIII item I can.I'm always happy to hear about her awesome pulls. (Hi Wazzy!)
She's on the eternal quest for Gunblades. I hope the next FFVIII banners treat her well.
Wazzy stole all of yours. Sorry. = (
Where are you guys getting all of those summon orbs to hone those things anyway? I seemingly never have enough.
Rare relics: