Not even gonna bother with this stage of the event. Have 0 need for upgrade materials right now, and I don't have the storage space for them.
Holy shit!
After months of getting only 3* and 4* from my 100 gem pulls and never a single 5*... It finally happened. My very first 5* from the 100 gem pull!
Oh my god! That is soo cool! I have no idea if I'll ever use Mog, but the SB I'd pretty cool! Couple it with SG and you can be sitting pretty damn good in hard battles.
I think I'm gonna do a 3-pull on tonight's banner and an 11-pull on the banner with the Vega. I guarantee you I won't be getting any character specific relics though,I'll get two White Robes instead
Seymour & Anima felt easier than in the Yuna event even without the RS. Can't say for sure whether they actually are weaker, though.
Haha yeah, I've been extremely lucky this time around. I now have five unique SBs so that is pretty cool. Too bad Mog is completely useless right now. No access to rods or staves.Someone is on a roll! Congratulations!
Now you go back in time and shut up mister 2 Lullaby Rods and Scarf!![]()
Kind of:Seymour & Anima felt easier than in the Yuna event even without the RS. Can't say for sure whether they actually are weaker, though.
Is the interface really that bad for you when it comes to selling selling materials? Unless the 3 mythril you get (assuming 4/3/4/3/4 spend) will have to spent on space to sell the things (protip, the same can be done on the 4th round).Same here. I could get the mithrils, but I don't even feel they're worth the headache that will result from having to handle these materials :lol:
I did a similar thing. I used sleep instead as I could apply that to already sleeping targets near the end of the battle (most other debuffs overwrite themselves if they are already applied* so I assume is the same).Mastered Rinoa++ with the sleeping gas thing. Damn that was rough. Had Quistis throwing Comets at them with Sleep Buster in case not all of them were sleeped with the soul break.
Break strike is shit. 15% chance of petrify vs. the 25% break normally has.Also, wow. I can't master the Seymour battle to save my life! How are you guys doing it? I tried Runic, but I can't really insta-KO the guards as Break Strike always (ALWAYS) fail to inflict Petrify so I can't kill everything fast enough
Pressure point works (I wanted double cut access for advance+retaliateI don't have Deathand I'd prefer not to craft it. I might try Pressure Point instead and bring Carbuncle along
Seymour & Anima felt easier than in the Yuna event even without the RS. Can't say for sure whether they actually are weaker, though.
Chances are if you take Oblivion you're losing 2 damage medals and 1 action medal anyway.
Same here, again. I'm doing 2 pulls per SB phase and no luck so far.Decided to just rip the band-aid off quickly and get the relic draws done straight away.
2 useless 3* items again
Another pull another 3* just another Record Keeper day
I can't get past Anima, she uses Pain and insta-kills a party member every single time without fail.
I'm using Status Reels + mental break and trying to burst her down as fast as possible, but she only needs to attack once and my run is ruined :/
Thanks for your input. I definitely agree with your points. Personally I'm really looking forward to us getting Mog's buff so he's actually usable. Tight now he's worse than god damn Kimahri because he can only equip daggers and Spears, yet he has 0 physical based skills. Heroic Harmony + Sentinel's Grimoire/AN Hastega RW sounds incredible.Mog's has a very limited use as a RW to be honest. The only time it makes more sense than SG is:
1) You have an SG, so you want to stack mitigation (in many cases Boon/LH still wins out because of the DPS increase even with less mitigation)
2) Boss dispels buffs with abilities like Pyramid lol
Hymn of the Fayth is one of the strongest healing RWs right now. In normal cases, SG would always be superior to healing because of damage taken medal mechanics, but the regen factor is not something to sneeze at.
Another pull another 3* just another Record Keeper day
I can't get past Anima, she uses Pain and insta-kills a party member every single time without fail.
I'm using Status Reels + mental break and trying to burst her down as fast as possible, but she only needs to attack once and my run is ruined :/
I didn't realize how the tablets worked. Should I be saving them up or is it basically always 1 to get the forbidden reward?
I was a little ambivalent with the pull, I'm taking it that I should be pretty pumped for the armors? Didn't even think about that, makes sense though.If I hadn't pulled a 5* armor today (e.g. I still had 2 5* armor total) I would have shot you with a baseball bat for that pull.
So what would you guys prefer for me to put up as my RW? I think these are my best options:
Yuna's Hymn of the Fayth (AoE heal and heavy regen to all allies)
Mog's Heroic Harmony (Lowers attack and magic of all targets by 30%)
My other SBs are Squall, Fran and Lightning which aren't as good as those two
I do have the AoE Sleep SB, but I don't think it's as useful in general. It seems to be the most useful against a certain few bosses, but I'm not completely sure on that. But I guess all my SBs are niche in one way or anotherDon't you have the Sleeping Gas SB as well? I find that more useful than any of those tbh. I never use healing SB's, i only used mitigation (SG) in the Blue Dragon++ Edgar event, and the rest aren't worth using except Lightning in XIII realms.
Try putting Sky Pirate's Pride on your support and Magic/Power break Anima before it acts. Yes, it's a pain in the ass.
On a side note, what type of attack even is Pain? I hit her with a power breakdown before and she still managed to do 4000+ damage with it
There really isn't much random chance involved since their attacks are relatively easy to mitigate. It's mostly just a check on how honed your abilities are.
BTW, Tellah's event comes out the ninth, right? Isn't that the same day as the last Forbidden event? If so, will that have the bonus on its pull? [IMG]
Tellah's event is released the ninth, but the last forbidden event will be released the 12th.
Also, we have yet to see the confirmation that we will get the gacha improvement.[/QUOTE]
What are the exact gasha improvements anyways?
What are the exact gasha improvements anyways?