Phew, finally beat the final floor of Shinra and got Sept and not four seconds later my Internet decided to cut out for five minutes. Not sure what would have happen if I had defeated the final boss one turn later after I was cut off from the net but I imagine nothing good.
As I understand it,
1) Flick on Airplane mode at any round with the boss fight
2) Fight as usual, when you win and the loot does/doesn't drop, the game will try to reconnect and pop up a "can't connect, try again?" error message
3) If you don't like the drop, switch out of app and kill the app process.
4) Once the app is closed, turn Airplane mode off.
5) Reopen the app - you will get a message saying you can resume boss fight at beginning of round. Go back into the fight, then Flee (this has to be done to reset the loot drop apparently).
6) Restart the boss fight level from beginning, then turn Airplane Mode back on. This will have a chance at dropping different loot.
7) Rinse and repeat. Once you find a loot drop you like, keep the app live and turn Airplane Mode off, then finish the round as usual.
I've only done this a few times, but it did net me one Black Cowl. I'm trying not to excessively grind, but we'll see.
If you're fast enough, actually, you should be able to bypass the whole airplane mode nonsense -- once you see an orb drop instead of the loot from the boss, you have a very slim window of time to hit pause, then flee manually. This is immensely hard to do if there is no orb drop, though, so the Airplane Mode method just gives you a failproof window of reset opportunity since it pauses before finishing the fight.
Tyro is like the shitty, rename-able self-insert jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none that's pretty much useless.
When Vaan gets added there's gonna be two of them.
White Mage is obviously superior, but Tyro is the only person i can find that can use Dark Attack, and he can use ranged while white mage can't, so there's that too. So he's situational. It just so happens that those situations come up frequently in the Shinra tower, but I'm hoping not so much after.
Btw, when does the light and darkness event start? It hasn't shown up on my list of events yet.
Eight hours from now.White Mage is obviously superior, but Tyro is the only person i can find that can use Dark Attack, and he can use ranged while white mage can't, so there's that too. So he's situational. It just so happens that those situations come up frequently in the Shinra tower, but I'm hoping not so much after.
Btw, when does the light and darkness event start? It hasn't shown up on my list of events yet.
Good lord, Tyro vs Rydia Thundara damage is insane...Rydia = beast mode. Tyro's heals are also p bad. I'm starting to question bringing him to the final two dungeons in Shinra.
I'm on floor 69 of shinra tower. Waiting for stamina. I brought him because of Dark Attack and only Dark Attack. To compensate for his shitty heals, i just S/L every floor until i take little to no damage. So that guarantees I'll get to the boss unscathed, then S/L until blind sticks and shouldn't have to heal much anyway
That's some hardcore shit.
For the two star summons, is Dragon or Chocobo more favorable?
Got a second whip finally so that will be nice. The black cowl, I don't think I got that when I first beat the boss so is it a pretty rare drop in general?
It's the only 3* boss drop so far so yeah, it's safe to assume it's pretty rare. :3
I'm just farming Lesser Power Orbs before the event begins, but the rates are awful when you're specifically chasing certain drops.
I thought the boss drops were auto on the first time through and subsequent were just kind of rare luck. I guess they wanted to make one a total crap shoot.![]()
What's the best place to grind in the Shinra Tower?
I'm just farming Lesser Power Orbs before the event begins, but the rates are awful when you're specifically chasing certain drops.
Is there a finite amount of mythril that you can get without paying? It seems that way since you only get it the first time you beat a level... Makes me not want to risk using it on the relic draw. Used my first 5 mythril and got garbage.
- daily bonus (1 per 5 days)
- events (some stage gives mythril as first time completion bonus)
- special bonus (many f2p games will give out free gem during special occasion like Christmas)
- sorry bonus (for maintenance downtime or screw up etc)
When they events repeat in Japan, can you earn their prizes a second time or does it save your progress?
Where are you farming? You can use this
to get all the locations. What I like to do is pick an area that has at least one other orb type that I'm also interested in, even if it's down the line. That way it's not completely useless if you don't get what you're looking for.
I started this last week and I'm wondering if there is any reason not to use the Relic Draw when I have 5 mithril. My only comparable experience is with Puzzle and Dragons, where you hoarded magic stones until a godfest. Is there a similar strategy with this game or do you use the Relic Draw whenever you can?
If you save up 50 you can pull 11 instead of 10. Definitely worth it. I heard that there might be an increase in 5* items that way, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
If you save up 50 you can pull 11 instead of 10. Definitely worth it. I heard that there might be an increase in 5* items that way, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
I don't think that's worth it. There's no guarantee that that 11th relic will be something you can use, and you'll have an easier time earlier on if you luck out and get some decent relics as soon as you can pull for them. Plus, getting 50 would take forever in the first place.
If you save up 50 you can pull 11 instead of 10. Definitely worth it. I heard that there might be an increase in 5* items that way, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
If you save up 50 you can pull 11 instead of 10. Definitely worth it. I heard that there might be an increase in 5* items that way, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
Thanks! I'm leaning towards taking them when I can get them, since if I can get a few good pieces of equipment early on it should help me advance. Just pulled a 4 star Crystal Armor, that seems pretty good...I don't think that's worth it. There's no guarantee that that 11th relic will be something you can use, and you'll have an easier time earlier on if you luck out and get some decent relics as soon as you can pull for them. Plus, getting 50 would take forever in the first place.
So based on that I think probably floor 46 and 47 are the best, then exit and go back in.
I keep seeing references to the Silver Harp but haven't seen it anywhere. Is it a random pull with mythril?
Don't think I'll end up getting Sephiroth. That 100 Gunner is just too much for me for some reason. His mega wave beam or whatever absolutely wrecked me yesterday. Might have been able to beat him if I used a mythril but didn't think it was worth it. Everyone I've leveled up to fight him ranged is just paper thin. :|
You know what is worth it though? Spending $35 to get 15 seconds of anxious anticipation followed by crushing emptiness and self-loathing... and a feeling that if you do it again you just might get what you're looking for to fill the hole in your life.
You know what is worth it though? Spending $35 to get 15 seconds of anxious anticipation followed by crushing emptiness and self-loathing... and a feeling that if you do it again you just might get what you're looking for to fill the hole in your life.
It's not so bad in this game. Weapons don't have a lot of pull when it comes to those feels. Now, if the game instead put the actual characters in the gacha, it would be such a big problem.
I don't think that's worth it. There's no guarantee that that 11th relic will be something you can use, and you'll have an easier time earlier on if you luck out and get some decent relics as soon as you can pull for them. Plus, getting 50 would take forever in the first place.