I'm sure there's a reason they re-opened only the FFVII torment.
Don't ask me what it is.
Same reason as last time obviously
I'm sure there's a reason they re-opened only the FFVII torment.
Don't ask me what it is.
Wtf U+ boss is a dick with it's Silencega spam. Both Larsa and Penelo are wearing Moderate Silence Resist and it has gone through 4 times in a row.
Very tempted to bring Affliction Break instead of Mug Bloodlust on Vaan if this continues.
Well I was sitting on 60 some mythril, and I really wanted that Gabranth BSB, and had nothing else on the banner. Figured it was worth a pull.
Got 6/11, probably my highest # ever. 3 Gabranth helms, 2 Fran SSB bows, and stupid Penelo Ultra.
Where's that Falk face when you need it.
Damn it. I beat FF7 D250 Torment but I missed mastery because I forgot to silence an add.
Strategy was Cloud and Luneth with their BSBs for damage, Celes w/ Indomitable Blade for absorbing single target spells, and everyone wearing Instant KO resist accessories.
Wasn't there supposed to be a new torment this time?
10 minutes until my almost non-existent X and FFT synergy stays non-existent! I have so much stuff from V, I know what to expect! Seriously, just give me a Lulu's Robe pretty pretty please...
I'll still do a single pull on one of the FFX banners (I need to look at them again but I think I had decided on the first one) but unless I have terrible luck and get a dupe on those (I have one item on each) that should give me at least some sort of baseline not super awful FFX synergy. Hopefully?
I'll take it.
Just the 2 relics I wanted the most... Grats!
Was just goofing, it's a pretty great pull for me.
Unless you were jonesing after a Defender for some reason.
How good is Rapha's BSB? I see it's good for a Lightning vulnerability
1/11 Auron's BSB1.
Not bad for 25 mythril. Really bad for 11 draw.
Worst OSB is probably still Vaan's or Lann's. Tyro's is also pretty bad but has that rare 609 buff attached.
Gilgamesh's isn't great but its buff condition is really easy to hit, so it'll be better than most elemental physical OSBs that aren't hitting a weakness.
2 rainbow! 3 disco!
Ramza USB (nice!)
Agrias OSB (ok... would prefer TG but still good)
Greg OSB (worst OSB?)
Ramza BSB (dupe)
Greb SSB (thx +10 ATK)
High in quantity, low in quality(except Ramza USB)