Man Called Aerodynamics
I barely use favorites now, but I'm a big believer in tailoring a team for each individual fight rather than using one-size-fits-all teams.
I barely use favorites now, but I'm a big believer in tailoring a team for each individual fight rather than using one-size-fits-all teams.
I actually just thought of a good use for all the favorite slots. I have so many SBs I don't even know what they all are anymore. En-holy? Ummm... atk/mag buff? Ummm
So I could save favorites for every buff/debuff id and just load it full of people with tht exact buff/debuff.
I'd never even bother assembling one of these parties, it would be strictly to keep track of who has what
Are you anti excel? On top of that, I took a pic of it blown up on my phone. So it's not like I need to load a spreadsheet.
I mean not a bad idea, but loading a photo on your phone from your gallery seems easier.
The fact that you asked if I'm anti excel shows how little you know about me. I'm probably the biggest excel nerd that ever lived. It's kinda overkill though if all you wanna do is make a list, and it's a bit less convenient because editing/ reading spreadsheets sucks on a phone
Well cpp how would I know you? Hence why I'm confused that you wouldn't use it. Of course all I know about you is that you apparently like Trump, live in the Bay area, and can afford to spend more money on FFRK than I can.
I don't open/edit/browse spread sheets on a phone.
I have it blown up on my 55inch tv, then I take a photo of it with my iphone. I did that for my Relic-Element List and my Buff ID codes list.
Hitting home button, Camera, photos (or just going straight to photos) is like 5 full seconds.
Here is an example:
Edit: I'm a big excel guru, I have much fancier things I use at home, or made for the military in the past. I never did learn Access though, and I wish I had.
That's too much for me. I see what relics break down different stats and assume they stack. Job done.
Edit: I'm a big excel guru, I have much fancier things I use at home, or made for the military in the past. I never did learn Access though, and I wish I had.
I also wish I had pulled my fingernails out and then used them to stab the festering bleeding pools of flesh where my fingernails used to be.
Oh wait, no I don't.
(PS: I will not be out-nerded when it comes to Excel. We can go at it if you like)
I've never come into this thread expecting to find an Excel debate before.
Though in retrospect it's obvious really.
So this orbfest just went from "better than dailies" to "GOATfest". First of all, we're at 43 stamina / major orb, which is ~20% better than dailies. Yay! Especially combined with gil + exp.
But I'll let you in on a little secret. Those waves of 5 mini-cactuars? When they drop greaters, it's only ever one type. Which type depends on what stage you're on. In Phase 1, stage 1 = summon, stage 2 = ice, stage 3 = earth.
What does this mean? Well it means if you want ice orbs, you can just farm stage 2 and this will happen
Because greaters make up such a large percentage of overall winnings, it makes a big difference.
If you want a specific kind of orb, then normally you'd have a 1/3 chance to get it, so 43 stamina / major would normally be about 129 stamina / major of the type you want.
But if you're farming the same stage over and over, your orbs will be skewed to a ratio of about 50/25/25 toward the kind you a farming. So now instead of 1 earth, 1 ice, 1 summon, you would have .75 earth, .75 ice, 1.5 summon, which is only 86 stamina / major of the type you want.
Dividing by 3, this is equivalent to if the orbfest were 28.67 stamina / major with all types being equal, which is what we're used to.
So, TL;DR - Assuming you value 1 specific type of orb, this fest is equivalent to a 28.67 stamina / major fest
Whats better Orbfest or FF9 Alexanadra Castle.