Would be nice to get Yuna USB, and would shoot her up to my best or second best healer.
That's not on either X banner unless u mean LD.
Would be nice to get Yuna USB, and would shoot her up to my best or second best healer.
Can't even beat the XII CM. Two 99s and the rest 80. You can't beat shit without haste in this game.
... Whale for Reks BSB?![]()
Can't even beat the XII CM. Two 99s and the rest 80. You can't beat shit without haste in this game.
That's not on either X banner unless u mean LD.
Was fixing to go look, thanks for being a dream killer!
Can't even beat the XII CM. Two 99s and the rest 80. You can't beat shit without haste in this game.
Bright side is that there are a ton of RW options with Hastega added in. You might try it again when the X banner drops and a hundred Rikku USB's pop up.
Personally, I've just come to accept that the major orbs aren't worth the hassle for realms I've got shit synergy for.
I could try something other than wall. Don't think that will work though.
Can't even beat the XII CM. Two 99s and the rest 80. You can't beat shit without haste in this game.
Maybe my setup can help. No native BSB/USB/SSB used and only one SB used.
Pawn Among Kings - U++ CM
Basch - N/A
Fran - Shatterheart (SB AoE -50% Atk/Mag)
Ashe - N/A
Larsa - N/A
Penelo - N/A
RW - Vessel of Fate (OK BSB)
I have Basch and Ashe's BSB. But they were never going to do super amounts of damage to be worth using here and Basch is way too busy constantly dispelling with Banishing Strike. Larsa and Penelo basically spam heals and Ashe and Fran do all the damage. Ashe was the one to RW, so she could take advantage of the +20% stats, and she was doing max damage with Chain Firaga/Meltdown when Shell wasn't on Cid.
FB/PB on Cid at all times and just PB on the adds was enough to keep me alive. Threw in a Shatterheart near the end for extra measure.
Thanks for the advice everyone. I'll try again but my team is basically the 5 I already have leveled up(99 Ashe, 99 Vaan, 80s Basch, Fran, Penelo) with Balthier a bit behind(59?). If I could throw in another healer, that'd be great, but everyone else is level 1.
Not a big deal. Not the first or last CM I missed. IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX and XIII are my best synergy realms. I should give up on the rest of the game trying to pull for items from them because it will take like 5 draws from each, to get a full-fledged team. III, X and Tactics are half decent I guess. Need a lot of work with them.
I could try something other than wall. Don't think that will work though.
Thanks for the advice everyone. I'll try again but my team is basically the 5 I already have leveled up(99 Ashe, 99 Vaan, 80s Basch, Fran, Penelo) with Balthier a bit behind(59?). If I could throw in another healer, that'd be great, but everyone else is level 1.
Not a big deal. Not the first or last CM I missed. IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX and XIII are my best synergy realms. I should give up on the rest of the game trying to pull for items from them because it will take like 5 draws from each, to get a full-fledged team. III, X and Tactics are half decent I guess. Need a lot of work with them.
WarAdept, define "Scrapped Together" ... you still have story dungeons to do?
A lot of my posts are my set ups for CMs using fairly crappy SBs/none at all. Hell, my above post could of been a no SB run if I didn't use Shatterheart. I know that people in the past have basically copied what I've done and been able to beat the fights, so I'm happy that they are of use.
Just requires some decent hones.
Haven't done Awakening Cloud event, Cid XIV event, MP fights or the last 2 DUs. There are only specific days I actually do content. Need to maximise my Orb gains.
Aside from the orbfest distraction, the specific days thing, is it based on your real life getting in the way of these silly games? Or is there some super ffrk-nerd strategy I should dial into?
I currently do everything the second it's out. It's because I only play two phone games these days and I mean, like thats it for all of my gaming time. I bought FF9 for my iphone 7 last night so hopefully that fills up my free time. Plus I need to take a hard look at FF12 remaster for my ps4. It's one of my favorites but I've beat it 3 times, including recently on an emulator in 2014. I just can't stomach buying a game and then not finishing it.
FFX - 1/11 - Rikku BSB
Not the USB, but I've had worse 1/11s. How do I leverage this with Tidus (BSB, OSB) and Yuffie (BSB) for a water team?
FFX - 1/11 - Rikku BSB
Not the USB, but I've had worse 1/11s. How do I leverage this with Tidus (BSB, OSB) and Yuffie (BSB) for a water team?
FFX - 1/11 - Rikku BSB
Not the USB, but I've had worse 1/11s. How do I leverage this with Tidus (BSB, OSB) and Yuffie (BSB) for a water team?
No idea what to save for. Wouldn't work out anyways. I'm always trigger happy hence my horrible roll today when I passed 50. I should probably roll for V since my gear there is horrible (Krile SSB FTW!)
EDIT: Rikku USB RWs are probably going to have a pretty big quality gulf since I think the only MND weapon she can equip is Garnet's BSB1 dagger.
If you want to look way far out (5~ months), there is the stacked Marche/Montblanc banner 1:
Agrias USB (Improved Cleansing Strike)
Marche USB (Holy damage via knight ability spam)
Ramza USB
Ramza BSB2 (Improved Shout)
Agrias BSB
Meliadoul BSB (3 stacking ATK debuffs)
Ramza LM (Start with full ATB & instant cast 1)
Did a couple of pulls that worked out pretty well, including a 5/11... wound up with both USBs, Paine BSB, and some dupe SSBs. I don't have either Rikku or Lulu's BSB, so the question is what abilities to pair with the USBs. For Lulu I guess I'll be honing Abyssal Shards and/or Chain Blizzara. Rikku I don't know... She really seems like a "jack of all trades, master of none" character. No way to build meter. Dancer is getting buffed in a few months right?
If you want to look way far out (5~ months), there is the stacked Marche/Montblanc banner 1:
Agrias USB (Improved Cleansing Strike)
Marche USB (Holy damage via knight ability spam)
Ramza USB
Ramza BSB2 (Improved Shout)
Agrias BSB
Meliadoul BSB (3 stacking ATK debuffs)
Ramza LM (Start with full ATB & instant cast 1)
Probably the go to method now is to hit elemental weaknesses. She has Shooter and Machinist access along with Thief. Shooter is only 4*, the others she has 5*.
Her Sharpshooter should go to 5* with a bunch of other characters' when we get the Sharpshooter buff, which should be very soon.
JP only just got the fire/ice Machinist skills so those will be awhile.
The medica is completely useless, but because it does NAT damage, it actually has its uses for damage against certain bosses that have high counter rates for physical and/or magic damage, or bosses with strange immunity I just tried Tiny Bee for the first time since I got it and its fame is totally deserved, what a piece of trash lol
What the hell is the multiplier with the second command? It was healing for 700 hps a pop, it's a complete disaster xD
4/11 - 4 Cid Glasses SSB (I mean really?)