How strong are OSBs in Magi fights without an EnElement to go with them? I only 3 OSBs so far: Orlandeau, Squall and Gilgamesh. Gilga is rarely used and NE, but would the Old Man and Squall still be useful for Entrust parties with no EnHoly, EnLightning or EnIce?
Orlandeau / Squall
Entrust Wrath Bot Shouting Ramza
Entrust Wrath Bot 2
Healer 1
Healer 2
I can use USB Relm, USB/BSB Aerith or BSB Vanille for the healers.
I also have Imperilers, but are they better than an Entruster for these fights? I could use SSB Laguna for Ice, BSB Laguna for Lightning and BSB Beatrix BSB for Holy.
VIII Torment is Tuesday.
Wasn't able to kill Golem today, so I decided to try later with maxed out ATK+, MAG+, and Wind+ Magicites.
In other news, I'm trying to decide who to use my MC3 on. At the moment, I'm split between 3 choices:
Snow (BSB1, Physical Last Stand and additional member to Ice team to Join Reynn and Shantoto)
Gladiolus (BSB, Knight with a lot of hit potential)
Curilla (USB, Stackable buff with Radiant Shield, Can Heal if needed. Also have LMR)
I also have some Healer BSBs (Arc, Lenna, Selphie) but I'm good on healers for now
I use Gladiolus a lot but I also have his Last Stand (I spammed that in a winning Nemesis pt a few days ago). The BSB entry dmg is kind of weak on it's own vs bosses since it is AoE and +earth equipment is a bit hard to come by, but his Record Dives are good or above average and the BSB commands hit pretty hard.
I will probably be biased against Snow since he's my least favorite character in any FF so no comment.
Curilla's USB seems really, really strong but I am debating her sustainability for longer fights with no BSB commands if you don't have it.
I basically have everything of Curilla's except the BSB. I also have Ramza's USB so Curilla isn't my only source of that buff
Okay. I cannot even make a dent in Magicite dungeons. I thought a Fire team (Terra OSB, OK, Locke/Balthier for imperils, Relm BSB for healing) could make a dent in Sealion. Nope. I did maybe 10-20% worth of damage.
Can't do a damn thing against Fenrir either, even with Lulu and double healers.
I realize -- in theory -- how one's supposed to beat these things, but I cannot put it into practice.
(I feel like so many things are relic-checks now, and every character has to be "fully dived" even though motes are sparse.)
Okay. I cannot even make a dent in Magicite dungeons. I thought a Fire team (Terra OSB, OK, Locke/Balthier for imperils, Relm BSB for healing) could make a dent in Sealion. Nope. I did maybe 10-20% worth of damage.
Can't do a damn thing against Fenrir either, even with Lulu and double healers.
I realize -- in theory -- how one's supposed to beat these things, but I cannot put it into practice.
(I feel like so many things are relic-checks now, and every character has to be "fully dived" even though motes are sparse.)
What has worked for me is entrusting an OSB character using two supporters, wrathing and entrusting. I make it a point to use those OSBs I either have an enelement for, or a relic materia that gives me the "start the round with the power of... "
Also, once you finish one, just repeat the same dungeon since you know you can beat it, to get more magicites and break their level caps. It all starts to snowball after you can clear 1, due to getting the magicites. Just try your best enelemented OSB!
Huh. My OSBs are...
Terra (no en-Fire)
Bartz (no en-anything)
Agrias (the OG waifu, she's got an en-Holy AND a Holy imperil)
Noctis (nope for en-element)
Gladiolus (same)
Greg (same...)
Rinoa (nope, no en-anything)
Edgar (does en-poison exist?)
For BSBs...
Pecil (en-Holy...)
Refia (en-Fire)
Minfilia (en-Holy........)
Cloud (en-Wind)
Luneth (en-Wind)
Steiner (en-Fire)
Gladiolous (en-Earth)
Auron (en-Fire)
Garland (en-Dark...?)
Cid-FF7 (en-Wind)
Vivi (en-Fire)
Yuffie (en-Water)
Alphinaud (en-Wind)
As you can see, there isn't any overlap among en-element BSBs and OSBs, save for Holy.
What are the RMs that are "start the round with the power of...?" In theory, I SHOULD be able to melt Holy. My Holy team is stacked, as is my physical Wind team, but there's no Holy yet.
Okay. I cannot even make a dent in Magicite dungeons. I thought a Fire team (Terra OSB, OK, Locke/Balthier for imperils, Relm BSB for healing) could make a dent in Sealion. Nope. I did maybe 10-20% worth of damage.
Can't do a damn thing against Fenrir either, even with Lulu and double healers.
I realize -- in theory -- how one's supposed to beat these things, but I cannot put it into practice.
(I feel like so many things are relic-checks now, and every character has to be "fully dived" even though motes are sparse.)
don't ask how i failed the water check
Fenrir is a frustrating fight, down to the RNG of his blink timing. Either everything goes smoothly... or he blinks Celes' BSB2 entry three times in a row.![]()
I think the ones that should be at the top of the tier list are those who can do every single torment CM mission, no matter what realm they are.
I got to try out old forgotten toys here of Edward BSB and Orlandu SSB. The latter impressed me. Two turns CT0 is great in these fights. CT0 while Cloud USB is active, sure why not? Plus Lich was nice with the AI patterns not slowing Edward or putting Orlandu to sleep.All the extra battles of the XI event done, the JS in particular was a breeze and now I finally got Ysh LD.