Do we know specifically when 2nd anniversary fest is? I just remembered that I'm out of the country the entire last week of march, might not have internet access @.@. Would be pretty annoying if I missed the entire thing
So, let's say I get a code and "friend" a RW... how do I get him/her to appear on the RW selection screen before entering a dungeon? Anything other than refreshing constantly until it appears?
I'm going to be content with a single 11 pull on FFT banner 1; Cid's stuff (especially his OSB) is really good along with Mustadio's gun, but looking at it I agree with the sentiment in hindsight since it went up in JP that it's a bit of a trap banner as Cid's stuff in particular is really good, but most everything else on there is so-so. It's not bad or anything but nothing super outstanding, and Agrias' BSB is still a BSB but it's considered one of the worst.
On the other hand most folks probably don't have much FFT synergy (unless you whaled/saved hard on the last FFT banner for Shout) so it's probably still worth pulling on, especially if you're concerned about needing a medica or relics in general for CM purposes which is a big part of why I'm pulling on it. But I think people might be a liiiiitle too hyped up for it, especially since Cid's stuff recurs later on better banners albeit not for 2-3 months IIRC.
I'm lttp on the ff9 event too whats the cheese tactic for the cid mission?
RW Cid raines bring along two mages (I used Kuja and Garnet). Command 2 then command 1 (dark magic which they are weak too) absolutely melts them. Take steiner down first. The +def from RW also helps a lot.I'm lttp on the ff9 event too whats the cheese tactic for the cid mission?
RW Cid raines bring along two mages (I used Kuja and Garnet). Command 2 then command 1 (dark magic which they are weak too) absolutely melts them. Take steiner down first. The +def from RW also helps a lot.
White mage mako might with medica of any kind (use when beatrix does the scripted 1 HP move...if your mages are strong enough you'll only see one of these)
Support for breakdowns (can put in back row if you're worried about damage). 5 th party member I went with Zidaine back row with draw fire (was taking a few hundred).
I ran into a pickle where command 2 use and support was enough to get Breatrix down below 80% HP so she used the 1 HP move when Stiener was still about and my white mage was not on standby to use medica.
Another thing to watch out for is some of their moves can cause sap. Sap+1HP=bad time.
I'm pretty sure reflect doesn't work on Burst skills.How do you get rid of reflect with this build?
Or survive ultimate climhazard fuck 8k to everyone
So I'm seeing conflicting reports on bursting down steiner or beatrix first?
Steiner first, then deal with Beatrix and her 2x Climhazzard's at your own pace
Steiner has to go down asap before he uses his signature attacks, CM parties will get overwhelmed the longer both are alive
I'm a bit torn on pulling on FFX Banner 2. I'd really love Rikku or Lulu's burst, or a Paine relic. But I already have Jecht BSB, Lulu's moogle, and Yuna's rod, and tbh winding up with duplicates of any of those would be painful. High risk, high reward...
Triple checking all IX stuff is mastered. I get paranoid that I haven't done something just before the event ends.
Looks like Orlandu/Gaff this week (Thurs/Fri, depending on where you are).
Do it
I can't help atm (mid-dungeon and out of stamina), but how do people join specific rooms? I only ever see the ability to create numbered rooms but not search for them.Hosting the new raid, room 7166 if anyone wants to join.
I can't help atm (mid-dungeon and out of stamina), but how do people join specific rooms? I only ever see the ability to create numbered rooms but not search for them.
Also got Machinations. I have no real team to take advantage of it but I won't turn down a BSB.
Ultima raids down on first try and both were pretty fun.
My group was terrible nobody brought imperil holy to boost 200% damage to 200% damage with Beatrix
Yeah Ramza/OK help a lot. I always bring my Y'sh to make sure my groups have one.I liked them too although all of my non-Ramza/Y'sh groups were failures.
I did so much dmg on my Pecil/Hope attempt too![]()
Yeah Ramza/OK help a lot. I always bring my Y'sh to make sure my groups have one.
That's honestly the best possible, and future proof, relic. Congrats!Today's 100 Gem Pull