There's another lucky draw tonight? So much for saving mythrilthough it does seem to be coming thick and fast at the moment...
What is the VIII - XI - XII equivalent of 1/11 Tiny Bee again?
lol dropped a Fire Crystal from the U battle
I have one question, Celes BSB command 1 is fire/holy, if I use it on U+ Lich, will both exploit fire weakness and exploit holy weakness target scores be met?
The only two things I have on this entire banner are Squall's OSB and Rinoa's SSB. I'm in dire need for better synergy in both VIII and XII so I will be super happy with anything as dupes are unlikely.
Got Vaan and Balthier's BSSBs, are either good? FFXII shaping up to be a strong realm for me. Also got Laguna and Seifer SSBs.
Want some VIII lady stuff this V-day.
I'm so sorry guys.
When half the people get 0/11 it heralds me getting a completely normal pull.
Was super disappointed at the start got.
Fran ssb which was a dupe.
Gab ssb which is ehh and I don't need ff12 sword synergy.
Zell bssb, who the heck uses monks?
Went to the forum to see what the bssb attacks did and to my shock. Zell bssb is arguably the best physical bssb in the game. Instant entry, interrupt, crit buff stacks well with the low ATk soft cap and the commands are basically free quick attacks, and easily stackable atk buff.
Super excited to get him going.
Now they need to fix Samurai...Yeah, monk BSB are amazing for damage potential and using fire within a monk can become self sustainable. They are far from the suckfest they used to be.