Picked up Ultima Blade on 3-pull.
As I said before got her shield on previous 3-pull. Beatrix is rockin it. My first holy sword, finally.
I felt it in me and went against you..
I felt it in me and went against you..
Single 10+1 pull..
Vanille bsb, eiko usb..
This game is frigging more generous than ffbe, for god's sake..
I felt it in me and went against you..
Single 10+1 pull..
Vanille bsb, eiko usb..
This game is frigging more generous than ffbe, for god's sake..
The two lower ones are comparable to other bosses of the same difficulty. It's only the "Infinity" one that's intentionally ridiculous.
Yeah, those were a cakewalk thankfully. I'm not even going to try the super hard one.You only need last stand for boundless, the hardest difficulty.
Dammit. Still no decent healer item bssb/Usb for me. My best is vanilles ether heal. It's not bad, but lacking even a basic healer bssb is hurting with the harder content. Back to 4 mythril. Saving up for Clouds USB so unless there's a banner with multiple healer items again soon.
Penelo 1 has her USB/BSB on it (which are okay) and Penelo 2 has Larsa's BSB (which is excellent).
Vaan got smoked right at the end, but it didn't matter. Nemesis killed himself with a reflected Ultimate Etheral Cannon against Vanille.
Heya, new player here. just stared playing on friday and really enjoying the game so far!
Thanks to all the free mytrhill I did a few 11 pulls on the phase 3 and 4 banner, as well as on that keeper's banner.
Not really sure if I should be content with my haul or reroll for something better, while I am still early into the game (and playing it f2p).
Best stuff I got are:
Durandal (XII) Ashe OSB,
Zeromus Shard (IV) Golbez BSB,
2x Eternal Staff (III) Onion K. SSB,
Fire Lash (V) Krile SSB,
Sirius (VIII) Laguna SSB,
Excalibur (V) Bartz SSB,
Book of Memories (?),
Genji Gloves (FFT) Ramza SSB
and one Evoker's Doublet (XIV) Alphinaud SSB
I guess the best Banners are already gone for now so it might be best to horde the remaining mythrill and play along with what I got? Putting Ashe, Ramza and maybe Golbez/ Bartz in my Team?
Advice would be greatly appreciated![]()
This thread is scrolling so fast right now due to anniversary stuff going on, if you're a new player and have a specific question or two, put it on one line, or a list or something.
There's a bunch of people here who have been playing for 1-2 years and will help if they see it.
as a new player, should I also try to pull on the ff ix banner for beatrix? i did an impulse pull here and got quina ssb and freiya ssb...
and atm my party is:
tyro 22/50 --> crappy 4* sword
beatrix 23/50 --> zantesuken
orlandu 49/50 --> saintly exalibur osb
cloud 39/50 --> gold sword
ashe 48/50 --> durandal osb
i've got also
yuna ssb
vanille bsb
eiko usb
should i be able to continue in the rose of may event? Finished the normal event, but i'm not sure how i will fare in the elite, and up to what point
I'm interested in the reward of the elite part, but I wonder If i'll be able to progress... Should I level the other guys? tyro//beatrix//cloud??
Or should i get one of the gals for whom I dropped the ssb//bsb/usb?
then halp me XD
just a few post higher![]()
Please tell me we can safely farm all motes to fully dive OK during his event. I have his BSB and he is at level 95, but there is absolutely no use for him in his actual state.
Haha! Boundless Nemesis Mastered! And only on my second real try! I did S/L a bunch to start with to learn how to deal with his initial same three move opening salvo, but once I figured out how to deal with it, that's when the real fight began.
I'm so relieved too. I had planned my pulls for the past few months to get Nemesis appropriate gear but didn't have as much luck as I'd hoped, but it turns out I had just enough.
Vaan got smoked right at the end, but it didn't matter. Nemesis killed himself with a reflected Ultimate Etheral Cannon against Vanille.
I haven't seen anyone on the Global wiki with exactly this team makeup either, so that's pretty cool.
Well holy shit. Did the 100gem pull from banner 5 this morning, and got Eiko's Ultra burst. Pretty damn cool, even though I typically never take healers with me for content.
and what is your usual setup?
I always have at least one cleric,. sometimes 2.
I run:
- P. Cecil with Curaja r4 and Banishing Strike (only have his SSB, almost never gets to use it.)
- Keeper with Magic Breakdown and usually a condition satisfying skill, like elemental damage/poison/slowga, etc. I have every one of his SB's, so he's mostly using his Burst these days, or Wall when I really need it. Just got the Ultra but I don't see myself using it much personally.
- Ramza with Full Break r3 and some other breakdown, usually depending on what I'm fighting. He's got Shout, Stone Throw, and Tailwind, so he does have some utility. I plan to replace him with OK once I get his support 5* motes.
Last two spots are physical damage dealers, highly dependent on realm synergy or element. If everything is neutral, I go with Zack BSB for imperil wind, and Luneth for wind BSB. Combined they basically eat everything. If there's a holy weakness, I have Firion and Warrior of Light's BSB. Lightning elements are Lightning and Kain BSBs, the other stuff I just basically use the wind stuff, since I think it's the only Imperil I have, and they're both level 99.
I plan on branching out some once I get OK in the picture and can use some of the mage BSBs I have without gimping the damage. Still never ever take a healer though. I almost always take Y'sh or Vanille burst RW's with me when I do anything over difficulty 120. I like healing to be quick and not have to worry about building meter for it.
Did a final 100 gem pull before going back to hoard mode and lo and behold i pull Eiko's USB.
together with Y'shtola's BSB my healer game is on point .
Saved up 15 Million gil from orbfest... but then I spent it all on a 8* Cloud Guise (VII), a 2nd 8* Heroic Shield (III), 8* Bomb Core (IV), 8* Onion Sword (III), 8* Excalibur (VI), and a 2nd 8* Platinum Sword (FFT).
I figured 9* items won't be around until the end of the year and don't need 18 million saved.
Thank you. And yep, it was Deployment Tactics.Grats! RW Deployment Tactic? My team might be same as yours or maybe Relm instead of Eiko. I have almost all the healers BSB.
Vaan got smoked right at the end, but it didn't matter. Nemesis killed himself with a reflected Ultimate Etheral Cannon against Vanille.
I haven't seen anyone on the Global wiki with exactly this team makeup either, so that's pretty cool.
You scoundrel.Twinsies.
Mote Dungeons come back. What do I need to know farming Onion Motes? Drop rate? How many expected to obtain easier from 3 event?