VII popped my RPG cherry, but VIII was the one I really had a blast with. Sooooo good.
It's not that hard. What I do is run from EVERY random encounter before theYou can beat the game with Squall never gaining a single point of experience.Dollet mission. When you're in Dollet, have Seifer kill Zell and Squall as soon as possible before the first battle ends, that way only Seifer gets experience. Next, give Seifer all the GFs. Solo enough battles with Seifer to make Quetzalcoatl learn Card and level Ifrit enough to get Amm-RF, if you want to get Lionheart on disc one without leveling any permanent character. Later when you get Diabolos after the Dollet Mission, go to the coast by Balamab and fight the fish monsters, but make sure to kill them by Card command. If you Card them, you won't gain any expereince.
FF 14 is in the registry and one of the guys hinted at FF15 possibly being on PC.Is there any evidence that more FF will be coming to Steam? I have a friend who is very interested in this franchise, but is a PC gamer now.
Is there any evidence that more FF will be coming to Steam? I have a friend who is very interested in this franchise, but is a PC gamer now.
Is there any evidence that more FF will be coming to Steam? I have a friend who is very interested in this franchise, but is a PC gamer now.
back in '98 we were stuck with the lesser music, unless you had some kind of crazy Yamaha Synthesizer bullshit (that nobody did).
The only Final Fantasies that ever got PC ports were 7, 8, 11 and 14. Unless they plan on doing some emulation work or taking the effort to get others working native on PC (both highly unlikely) then this will be it.
It's not that hard. What I do is run from EVERY random encounter before theYou can beat the game with Squall never gaining a single point of experience.Dollet mission. When you're in Dollet, have Seifer kill Zell and Squall as soon as possible before the first battle ends, that way only Seifer gets experience. Next, give Seifer all the GFs. Solo enough battles with Seifer to make Quetzalcoatl learn Card and level Ifrit enough to get Amm-RF, if you want to get Lionheart on disc one without leveling any permanent character. Later when you get Diabolos after the Dollet Mission, go to the coast by Balamab and fight the fish monsters, but make sure to kill them by Card command. If you Card them, you won't gain any expereince.
What are they using for efforts like the FF6 umm... remake? That might be easier to port.
Is there any evidence that more FF will be coming to Steam? I have a friend who is very interested in this franchise, but is a PC gamer now.
Best damn FF ever.
Don't be hatin on my man Squall.
Sup?!hey man
None, outside of the MMO's.
Square/Edios made PC ports of 7-8 in 98/99, but they weren't popular for obvious (bad port) reasons. Series hasn't had PC ports since.
Also, Ammo-RF can't be gained unless Ifrit is level 10. Means I'm fucked on getting Lionheart since Squall has to stay level 7 this run for me. >_>
Oh well, makes the game slightly more interesting for me I guess.
Coincidentally, it's like the one for Chrono Cross.FFVIII has some of the best sound FX ever.
Is there any evidence that more FF will be coming to Steam? I have a friend who is very interested in this franchise, but is a PC gamer now.
People always repost it to show off Squall as a dick, but I always felt in context this was an entirely reasonable response to RInoa dicking around in the infirmary
There are a few mods out there to make it look a little better. However, I don't think they will work with the steam version.
As others have mentioned, this is the best final fantasy. The meta game of trying to break the game systems by carding enemies, playing cards, minimizing experience gain, drawing, refining and developing guardian forces is addictive as hell. The main story path is basically just there to be a frame of reference, to reinforce how successful/ridiculous your power gaming has been. The low challenge level of the enemy encounters is not really a problem, because the real problem solving you do in the game has to do with planning and executing your long term power gaming goals.
GFs gain exp even when using card. Ifrit will level up as long as he is junctioned to an active member of your party.None, outside of the MMO's.
Square/Edios made PC ports of 7-8 in 98/99, but they weren't popular for obvious (bad port) reasons. Series hasn't had PC ports since.
Also, Ammo-RF can't be gained unless Ifrit is level 10. Means I'm fucked on getting Lionheart since Squall has to stay level 7 this run for me. >_>
Oh well, makes the game slightly more interesting for me I guess.
The beauty and disaster of FFVIII is that there are so many ways to break that game with minimal effort.
Or, you can be OCD and spend your first three hours drawing level 1 spells.
As far as I can tell, a depressing number of people did the later.
Nope. Magic booster!
Hey folks, I apologise for giving you false information yesterday, I was misinformed on the audio quality of the game. The music is actually still the same as the original PC version and not the same as the PlayStation one. However there should be an update for the audio coming soon, just like we did for the recent Final Fantasy VII PC release. We're always trying to make sure you get information on the blog as quickly as possible - and sometimes errors happen, I'm really sorry if anyone bought the game under the premise that it had PlayStation audio.
Oh my............The best final fantasy.
No digital version will ever match my collectors edition though.
Anyway, I wanted to point out this pic:
People always repost it to show off Squall as a dick, but I always felt in context this was an entirely reasonable response to RInoa dicking around in the infirmary
People shouldn't point out that pic and say that, that pic isn't real.
The best final fantasy.
No digital version will ever match my collectors edition though.
I wouldn't suggest it to anyone for their first time through the game, but once you've already played the main game, it's a cool way to see how much flexibility there is in the game systems.
The best final fantasy.
No digital version will ever match my collectors edition though.
Ok, why does the world map look so bad?
1999 yo