Man, I have a calc 2 test coming up this week and I can't peel myself away from this. Even after all the times I've played this game, I can't manage to do it. I'm having too much fun.
Glad to hear you're liking it.
Man, I have a calc 2 test coming up this week and I can't peel myself away from this. Even after all the times I've played this game, I can't manage to do it. I'm having too much fun.
If you wanted to backtrack you should have done it right after the boss in the Macalania Woods.
Bahahahahaha!Nightmare material
what does doing the butterfly stuff do?
I just got to the forest after the Thunder Plains. Should I do that butterfly stuff now? :s
If you mean for the celestial weapon stuff you can't do that until you get the airship.I just got to the forest after the Thunder Plains. Should I do that butterfly stuff now? :s
If you mean for the celestial weapon stuff you can't do that until you get the airship.
You sure about being unable to wait?Well it's not like I was excited about doing the butterfly stuff right now anyway :lol Can't want to backtrack to Besaid soon @__@
Spring break this upcoming week here. Get to spend all week playing this <3
I believe somewhere here confirmed that this worked. Not sure thoughWas the question about whether save transferring worked with different region versions?
(Basically Asian Vita version and NA PS3 version)
I'm not even going to try the chocobo race. Or the lighting bolt thing. Or blitzball.
Low/dead battery. Plug that bad boy in.Suspended vita earlier. Went to turn it on and nothing. .. plugged it in and nothing. The playstation light is blinking red. Did something happen![]()
Well I'd rather not fight and probably lose toYou sure about being unable to wait?
Using Manual is goodSo I'm not too far in but frustrated at the same part I quit when I originally played ffx. The first blitzball match I get smoked in and rage quit. I switched to manual is that where I'm making the mistake?
Any strategies to best those cocky Goers? I feel like I'm not even close to scoring![]()
So I'm not too far in but frustrated at the same part I quit when I originally played ffx. The first blitzball match I get smoked in and rage quit. I switched to manual is that where I'm making the mistake?
Any strategies to best those cocky Goers? I feel like I'm not even close to scoring![]()
If you want to backtrack for the Jecht Sphere in Besaid, you need to do it as soon as you beat the Spherimorph boss in Macalania Woods.
I've never gottento useYojimbo- I want to do it this time around, and on one of the hardest optional bosses too. Is there a trick to it?Zanmato
Ah. Brede some charging before it would workLow/dead battery. Plug that bad boy in.
Use him a lot, keep paying 1001+ gil, don't let him die, don't dismiss him right after summoning him and do NOT pay him 0 gil ever.
Guys do you know if the asian version for the Vita has English dub?
I just won the tourney without jecht shot...forgot to equip. I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off first half. Second half I moved all my players to side opposite Tidus, passed him ball, and he ran all the way to goal with only one blocker. I used sphere shot, got a high number, and got my 1 - 0 victory. Sometimes just need a little luck.Did the blitzball thing five times and still haven't won. Tidus even managed to miss with Jecht shot wtfff??!! orz
Gonna try again tomorrow.
I'm kind of regretting choosing expert sphere. :/ Maybe i'm too use to the old sphere.
It's the very first game against the Goer's don't worry about trying to score during the first half.
The main thing you should do in Blitzball is hit triangle and change to manual immediately, automated movement sucks.
Using Letty, Jassu, Botta, and Tidus pass the ball between these four on your side of the field. Players earn experience based on actions performed. So the more you pass the ball around the less chances the opposing team has time with the ball the better your odds will be.
Once Tidus is left 3 or higher he can use the Jecht Shot (if you successfully did the mini game on the S.S Winno on the way to Luca)
The Jecht shot will nullify up to one defending player in front of you. So even if you approach the goalkeeper with two defenders blocking you, you can break one of them use the Jecht Shot to blow through the 2nd defender and more often then not score easily.
After the events in Luca you can recruit free agents, I recommend hiring Wedge (Foward), Jumal (Goalkeeper), and Zalitz (Defender) which all three of these people will make a good replacements for Datto, Keepa, and Botta.
The reason why most people are turned away from Blitzball is because your starting team has some of the worst players given you, the only half way decent members you get are Jassu and Letty, everyone else is pretty much easily replaceable with far superior starting stats.
Key things to know when hire free agents. Defenders should have high attack and decent passing stats, Mid fielder (Letty) should also have a reasonable attack and high passing stat.
Fowards job is generally score so a high shot stat is preferable. Keep these things in mind using the handy charts in the link below to build your ultimate blitz team
You can only go as far as the aftermath at Mushroom rock road(because the debris hasn't cleared up) right after the Spherimorph fight. I know cause I just wasted a bunch of time doing that lol.
Anything I should know before starting FFX for the first time?
Anything I should know before starting FFX for the first time?
Anything I should know before starting FFX for the first time?
If you want to backtrack for the Jecht Sphere in Besaid, you need to do it as soon as you beat the Spherimorph boss in Macalania Woods.
You can only go as far as the aftermath at Mushroom rock road(because the debris hasn't cleared up) right after the Spherimorph fight. I know cause I just wasted a bunch of time doing that lol.