What do you get for backtracking to besaid for all the j-spheres?
Tidus: ''I knew you were bad news the moment we met.''
Seymour: ''Oh, my sincerest apologies''
Tidus: ''SEYMOUR!''
It gets me every single time.
Tidus: ''I knew you were bad news the moment we met.''
Seymour: ''Oh, my sincerest apologies''
Tidus: ''SEYMOUR!''
It gets me every single time.
Tidus: ''I knew you were bad news the moment we met.''
Seymour: ''Oh, my sincerest apologies''
Tidus: ''SEYMOUR!''
It gets me every single time.
Heh, I guess I'll try it out.Well, the idea is you score like 3 goals (and even then it's 3 goals instead of just 1 just to feed Brother more experience) and then hang out at your goal and each match will be shorter.
Clasko left the company of two hot capable women to go farm chocobos.
Call me weeaboo, I really couldn't stand her NA voice acting.
(Of course, I doubt anyone could)
I'm losing faith.
I realized I am grinding blitzball, to get wakkas celestial, so that attack reels can deal over 20k, so I can barely squeeze out a victory against one eye, so I can then grind my ass off and somehow get strong enough to capture every monster and unlock tonberry, so I can grind to power up my characters, so I can then grind more spheres to fill those slots, so I can stand a chance for when I beat my head against the wall against the dark aeons.
What the fuck am I doing.
I should just move on to x-2
"I've been getting a lot of business the past week or so, it seems."
As a first time player, are there any tips/things i should be on the look out for so i dont miss a good weapon, side quest, etc? i.e my friend told me something about bargaining with a boss to get him on your team; something i would have never known to look out for
You're talking about Chocolina? God, she was the worst. Like at everything. Her dialogue and voice... D:
This scene...
I have tried over and over to get him to kill one eye. After 20 reloads I gave up.You rang?
I have tried over and over to get him to kill one eye. After 20 reloads I gave up.
I only have 400k. I don't think I'm at a point were I can farm serious Gil.
That's actually related to the picture right above your post. And no, you don't bargain with him in a boss fight, it's a completely separate scene.
While avoiding spoilers, one thing you don't want to miss because it's a PITA to get it later is when they tell you of additional bonuses with 'destruction spheres' in a puzzle quite early on in the game, by all that is holy GET THAT BONUS. Reload if you have to to redo the puzzle, because otherwise it will either mean 1) a long trek back to get it or 2) locked out by a superboss.
got to home
"an annoying sound! an annoying sound! an annoying sound! an annoying sound! an annoying sound!"
somebody programmed that in, listened to it, and was like "yeah, they'd probably just have a loud annoying message playing over and over on a loudspeaker, so this is okay."
Is there any easier way to sync the game saves to the cloud other than resetting the game, skipping the intro and going to the save transfer thing at the title screen?
Such a pain.
About to start playing Blitzball since I'm done with most of the other tedious mini games (Chocobo, Lightning, Butterflies). Who should I recruit? Totally clueless with Blitzball
Try to go for Echos of 3. You can hit 50 in about 10 turns doing that. Echo Bonuses, fuck yeah.I made it to the Sphere Break tournament and lost toShinra.
I didn't feel like replaying the whole thing so I'll try again tomorrow.
Any tips? Going from a quota of 20 to 50 feels a bit like overkill.
Awww yeah, finally got a ribbon. I feel like it has little use so late in the game, though.
That was answered in the last few pages.
Get Tidus' Jecht Shot, Wedge (In front of the Stadium in Luca) as Forward with Tidus,Brother (Airship) as Midfield, Ropp (Mi'hen Agency I think) as defender.
That's enough (even too much), but you can add Jumal (Luca plazza) as a goalie just to be sure.
This team may not be so good on higher levels, but you can just reset then (and you'll probably have to to make Wakka's overdrive appear).
grinding?Omega Ruins
What is Split's guide, if you don't mind my asking? Does anybody have another other guides they wouldn't mind sharing? I'd totally appreciate it.Just got the airship.
I was just reading Split's guide and he recommends forward: Linna, defense: Ropp, Balgerda or Kyou, goalie: Duren or Nimrook. Do people agree or disagree?
Are we talking about the ones in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth? If we are I found them all the path to right of the first intersection that leads to a green room. Didn't take me that long to find them. At least I don't think it did. I was watching TV while I did it lolHunting Tonberry's is about as fun as I remember...
3 after two hours.