You don't need to save before the last game of a league to reset to change the prizes. Once you complete a league it allows you to quit back to the airship without seeing the main blitzball menu, so do that then save. Check, if it's not what you want, reset the game and check again. The prizes don't get set for the leagues until you check them.
I couldn't get easily past Nimrook ever, it was somewhat easier after resetting as he had no goalie skills yet, or couldn't equip those, that was such a relief!
My team was different, though: Tidus, some ronso I don't remember name lol, Kiyri, Lina, Ropp, Wedge and I had no real goalie, after resetting I got Jumal, and it was so much better at once!
I swap Datto back in for games against the Psyches early on, because he has Nap Shot. The goal not being to score, but to put Nimrook to sleep.
I get the ball to a Nap Shot player and shoot from anywhere. I'll shoot from my own goalie with a Nap shot if it'll let me.
Tonberry trick is making me run out of power spherex ect :lol.
Is there a fast way to get a bunch of those outside of just extract power/whatever farming?
Where did you grind?Spent all of chapter 3 mastering Lady Luck for all the girls using the Treasure Hunt garment grid. Now everyone is between level 58 - 60, got 450k gil, and a ton of items. Feels good.
I just had the dressphere on for the whole chapter and everyone had it mastered by the end. But if you want to grind, anywhere is good really, just put on the Lure Bracer, and continuously mug (with Treasure Hunt garment grid) for quick AP. AP Egg accessory really helps too.Where did you grind?
Ahh, I see. I think I missed that Garment Grid. Noooo.I just had the dressphere on for the whole chapter and everyone had it mastered by the end. But if you want to grind, anywhere is good really, just put on the Lure Bracer, and continuously mug (with Treasure Hunt garment grid) for quick AP. AP Egg accessory really helps too.
Now I'm looking forward to starting FFX-2. I've only ever played it for a few hours on PS2. Any helpful tips for a beginner that doesn't care about 100% or trophies?
Sit back, have fun and experiment with job combinations. Visit each area each chapter, you'll find something new each time. You might want to look at a guide just so you don't miss certain dresspheres though, some of them are missable. Mascot is tough to get, basically requires 100% so don't worry about that one.
I believe you can still get it in chapter 5. I believe you need to use an entry coin and a border coin both with the Item trait, and hope for Treasure Hunt.Ahh, I see. I think I missed that Garment Grid. Noooo.
Nirvana comes with 1 MP cost, so I say yes. 1 MP Holy all day erry day.Is it worth getting Yuna's Nirvana? Does it take a while?
The only celestial I have is Rikku's Godhand.. not going to even try the difficult ones.
Is it worth getting Yuna's Nirvana? Does it take a while?
The only celestial I have is Rikku's Godhand.. not going to even try the difficult ones.
Kimahri's made me angry. Fuck butterflies for serious.You can pretty much get all of them easily save Wakka, Lulu, and Tidus. The rest have some hoops to jump through but nothing that will make you put your controller into the wall.
Kimahri's made me angry. Fuck butterflies for serious.
Kimahri's is the only one I didn't bother to get. After all the frustrating mini-games and mind numbing grinding, catching butterflies seemed terribly daunting.
Do I need to use wakka in blitzball to get aurochs reels and the sigil to show?
No, you need to have won 450 battles with Wakka in the party to get Aurochs to show. You need all of his Overdrives for the Sigil to show.
So is the concensus that break HP limit ain't worth it? I rarely see anyone mention that for late game armor.
Nirvana comes with 1 MP cost, so I say yes. 1 MP Holy all day erry day.
You beat the chocobo trainer with a time of 00.0 AND dodged 200 lightning bolts, but are unwilling to catch 7 butterflies?
Do you have to get all 200 lightning dodges without leaving the screen / saving?
Eff. I forgot how much harder Shinra is. Quota of 100 with 20 turns...I believe you can still get it in chapter 5. I believe you need to use an entry coin and a border coin both with the Item trait, and hope for Treasure Hunt.
Kimahri's made me angry. Fuck butterflies for serious.
Ridiculous. Hope you don't get any 1s and are able to get the garment grid.Eff. I forgot how much harder Shinra is. Quota of 100 with 20 turns...
I lost (as expected), reloaded, checked my Garment Grids on a whim... Aaand it was there. I must have gotten it when I beat him in Chapter 3.Ridiculous. Hope you don't get any 1s and are able to get the garment grid.
What's the best way to get Wings of Discovery?
What's the best place for grinding AP to max out the sphere grid?
Do Double AP and Triple AP stack?
Is it feasible to get Double AP and Triple AP on all 7 characters, or is it easy enough to max out the sphere grids without it? 350 Wings of Discovery seems kind of daunting.
No, but she has to be in the party when the fiend dies to get double the gil. If you kill a Mimic, then switch Rikku in, kill the last fiend, then you only get 50k.I think the answer to this question is "yes" but does Rikku have to get the killing blow in order for Gillionaire to take effect?
No, but she has to be in the party when the fiend dies to get double the gil. If you kill a Mimic, then switch Rikku in, kill the last fiend, then you only get 50k.
FINALLY my party is strong enough to take on Earth Eater farming. No more skipping on every luck node I come across.
For the Sphere Grid completion trophy, do you also have to fill in all empty nodes?
Also, is there a way to farm blue spheres or yellow spheres? (The ones that fill empty nodes, and the ones that have special effects like teleporting, etc)
I finally just beat the 5 chest chobo race. I felt so stupid when I finally found the trick to it.
There is a specific path I read about several places and it never worked. No matter how fast I went I was about a half second out. I finally figured out how to take a different path right at the very end and save over a second.