Square-Enix announced FFX for Vita before the system even came out. Since the two games they published at launch, they've only published one other game (in Japan only) and FFX HD for the system. SE's support for Vita is definitely in question.
Did the vita version do well enough? You can't find it in any store, at least where I live. It may not even be on PS3 when they make it so it might not show up on Vita.Why wouldn't it?
Square-Enix announced FFX for Vita before the system even came out. Since the two games they published at launch, they've only published one other game (in Japan only) and FFX HD for the system. SE's support for Vita is definitely in question.
Is there a good trophy guide anywhere? Also, can you get some of the Al Bhed primers that are missed? Like the one I missed on the boat in the beginning of the game.
You don't really beed a trophy guide as long as you get the few permanently missable primers since that is the only missable trophy and all the rest you can do after you get to post game. So you might want to just look at a primer location guide at least once you hit the desert area (that is when the 3 missable primers start to come into play). Also you might want to make sure you get the destruction sphere treasure in Besaid Temple or you might need to Zanmato the Dark Aeon that appears there later. That one is not missable tho so not a huge deal.Is there a good trophy guide anywhere? Also, can you get some of the Al Bhed primers that are missed? Like the one I missed on the boat in the beginning of the game.
Man I need to stop accidentally bumping into dark aeons.
You want someone with Bribe for post-game stuff.
No it isn't, a game is a minimum of 6 minutes. The clock runs at double speed. You can easily do it in under 4 hours if you're going get one goal -> swim behind goalie and sit there.
Spent an hour in the Omega Ruins capturing stuff and was walking back to the save point. Forgot to re-equip my First Strike weapon after one battle, and of course I hit a Great Malboro in the next one. 10 steps from the save point. Game over.
Is the Bribe amount relative to item drops? I gave exactly 10x the max HP and kept bribing 1gil to get ghost to leave. He gave me 16 Mega Phoenix but it was supposed to be 40.
Can anyone tell me what the best way is to remodel the sphere grid?
I read that the best way to start is by putting your characters in a corner.
But from there is it better to replace everything that's not +4? Or is is better to make like sections(1 section for str only, 1 section for def, ...)? I'm kinda confused because if you replace every node that's not +4 then you'll have to take the same path over and over for each attribute.
Thanks in advance.
Is the Bribe amount relative to item drops? I gave exactly 10x the max HP and kept bribing 1gil to get ghost to leave. He gave me 16 Mega Phoenix but it was supposed to be 40.
any tips on doing lulu's spell spam overdrive on vita?
im scared that ill break this shit if i try my usual stick twirl technique i use on normal controllers.
40 is the nominal number at 20x max HP.
10x max HP is the minimal amount that makes bribe work.
The number of items you get is random, from 50% below to 50% above the nominal number. So if you bribe him for 20x max HP, you'll get from 20 to 60 items.
The more you pay, the higher the nominal number, but the "sweet spot" is 20x max HP. Bribe less and your item/gil is lower, Bribe more and your item/gil is also lower(on average).
Guides are almost all universally based on the original Japanese version, where Bribe was black and white. Bribe 20x hp or more and you get X items, guaranteed. Every version since has done the "curve".
The Fiend Arena in the Creature Creator in FFX-2 is a great way to learn Blue Bullet abilities for the Gun Mage.
Some monsters are restricted to certain chapters, such as the Protochimera for example.
However in the Arena, I can just pick a test battle. Go down the list for a group with the fiend I'm looking for and use it to get the abilities I need.
NG+ may not even be required if you can get all of the Blue Magic this way,
This is the exact info I needed, thanks! I guess I should just max it out whenever I can afford it.
You don't need all Blue Bullet abilities for the platinum.
The Fiend Arena in the Creature Creator in FFX-2 is a great way to learn Blue Bullet abilities for the Gun Mage.
Some monsters are restricted to certain chapters, such as the Protochimera for example.
However in the Arena, I can just pick a test battle. Go down the list for a group with the fiend I'm looking for and use it to get the abilities I need.
NG+ may not even be required if you can get all of the Blue Magic this way,
I never said anything about getting platinum.
Some of the Blue Bullet abilities have very useful utility and are practical in combat. Skills such as Absorb which is basically a combined Osmosis and Drain.
Mighty Guard is also useful for some of the optional boss fights. Storm Cannon also is useful doing non-elemental magic damage that ignores defense to the entire enemy party based on the casters level times 30, which makes it basically a more effective version of Dark Knight's Darkness skill without the health drain and faster recovery time.
Also Blue Bullet skills cannot be nullified by silence, so basically Absorb + Storm Cannon can be spammed endlessly.
I thought you were referring to getting the platinum because of your NG+ comment, my bad.
I guess Great Malboros in Omega Ruins has First Strike. Initiative has never ever failed to guard me against ambushes except against those specific Malboros.
Great Malboros don't have First Strike, they just always ambush regardless of Initiative.
Never had that issue with Great Malboros (Inside Sin). I capped all 10 of them there. I always just passed Tidus' turn to Yuna, summon Valefor, spam Sonic Wings then dismiss for the capping blow. Tidus always has Capture+Initiative.
Huh. You're right, I just looked it up and they're only guaranteed the ambush in the Omega Ruins. Could've sworn the couple I encountered in Inside Sin also ambushed me, but I must be misremembering.
Huh. You're right, I just looked it up and they're only guaranteed the ambush in the Omega Ruins. Could've sworn the couple I encountered in Inside Sin also ambushed me, but I must be misremembering.
I just put Confuseproof + Stoneproof on one character when walking around in the Omega Ruins. That protects against the Greater Malboros as well as the Demonoliths. For the Greater Malboros, just Esuna everyone and then keep using Delay Buster on them and they won't have a chance to hit you again.
With First Strike and your opening attack is Delay Buster on a Great Malboro in the Omega Ruins.
The Great Malboro has an automatic counter of this munch and spit out attack, basically giving up his chance to use Bad Breath.
From that point on you can just pick him apart with good old fashion quick hits or standard attacks, by the time his turn comes around again, he won't get the chance to use Bad Breath because he'll be pretty much dead.