Got my copy!
Gonna start in the weekend though so that I don't have to stop for something.
No, but FFX-2 does.
Isn't the credits option the audio drama that takes place after X-2?
I've never owned a CE of anything, but this thing feels amazing. I expected the art "prints" to be cheap paper, but they seem to be at least on some kind of heavy card-stock.
I'm sure someone's posted some pics already, but here's a few more:
lol @ the al bhed asking you a question in al bhed, and if you answer yes it'es the sphre grid tutorial all over again.
Lol @ the credits option on the main menu spoiling the endings of both games within 20 seconds. Wtf
There's no clear warning anywhere that that's what it is.
Fired up the game just to check out the menu and received a swift punch in the feels by that soundtrack.
Nobuo Uematsu is one of the best composers of our time. The story, the characters, the emotions, heck the Final Fantasy series itself would not have had as big of an impact on gaming culture without Uematsu. Fuck anyone that says otherwise.
I actually clicked it when I first booted up the game and then found out I was unable to leave to the main menu. Had to reboot the game because I was not going to sit through that lol
I'm having second thoughts when it comes to buying this for the vita..............
i mean i beat the game when i was like 14 or 15 like almost 8-9 years ago.
like its an international edition so there is new content, and it would be like similar to me finishing chrono trigger like up to 7-8 times like i did even before that.................
but the thing is.... giving my money to SE? after they treated us soo badly with that triology crap of FF13... i don't know man............ maybe i'll wait and just buy the vita game used or get it from a friend........(i'll definitely buy XV though)
Straight up, I don't rate FFX the game all that highly, but imo FFX does have the best FF soundtrack, which is high praise indeed considering how amazing some of his others are.
Same. I can't believe you can't exit that manually. Oh well, moving on from that. At least it serves as a warning to newcomers.
Man. I love Amazon Prime, but UPS that is associated with that can suck it. lol, might not get it until tomorrow, which is weird.
So what's the difference between the Expert Sphere Grid and the normal one?
But some of the best tracks on the FFX soundtrack are from Hamauzu.
The FFX soundtrack is amazing because it is a collaboration between 3 different composers who all contribute very unique sounding tracks.
These are both solid games and look amazing on Vita. I have no problems giving them money for this when it's done well and on Vita, it's portable FF-X/X-2.
It looks really damn good on the Vita.
I think I'll go standard. I just gotta make sure I don't send Kimahri down Lulu's path like I did so many years before...
You can't buy the game on PSN? Bummer much >.<
Yay! Finally got the games. Since my PS3 is getting repaired, gonna dive into the Vita version right now!!
Yay! Finally got the games. Since my PS3 is getting repaired, gonna dive into the Vita version right now!!
Has PSN updated for PS3 yet?
This is because Amazon is trying to ship stuff to you using Ground shipping instead of 2 day shipping now and just hoping it arrives in 2 days to save money. Oh and Prime prices are going up.Man. I love Amazon Prime, but UPS that is associated with that can suck it. lol, might not get it until tomorrow, which is weird.
I mean on VIta lol