Uhhhh...Wakka...why do you look like you fell asleep in the tanning bed???!!!
Dude was born and raised on Fantasy Okinawa.
Uhhhh...Wakka...why do you look like you fell asleep in the tanning bed???!!!
Still curious about the European Limited Edition contents if anyone has info.
He's very tan, probably because he's a Blitzball player and lives on an island. You get used to it.
Dude was born and raised on Fantasy Okinawa.
Hey, don't talk shit about my waifu.God Lulu is such a bitch.
Ah, well, in cutscenes, yes, I can see your point there.He looks fine in battle though...
Hey, don't talk shit about my waifu.
In all seriousness, I thought the same thing about her when I first played but just wait. Hang in there. IMO, she gets better.
Unless my delivery gets delayed again, I should have it in under a day. It looks pretty similar to the US edition, with the blue new artwork cover.
He looks fine in battle though...
Totally, so that's why Lulu is tan too???????
Cool, thanks
Fantastic, do post screenshots if possible!
According to this promotional poster it'll be a separate book unlike the US LE:
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it's cross-region saves. I loaded up the NA version of FFX on my Vita, and the JP save isn't recognized. I can't even get into the rest of the Data Transfer menu on the JP FFX Vita game. Here are some screens, if someone can read Japanese and translate the popup message, maybe we can better decipher the issue!
It worked for me? Japanese PS3 version to US Vita version.
Still curious about the European Limited Edition contents if anyone has info.
Because she's got two giant heat sinks on her chest.I'm probably forgetting, but I didn't think Lulu was from Besaid. Besides it's hard to get a tan when wearing a fucking dress with fur linings. The more important question is how has she not died of heat exhaustion
Sorry if this has been addressed already, but is anyone else having issues redeeming their X-2 code on Vita? I've entered it in every place possible (Vita, PS3, PC) and keep getting the "The Prepaid Card code you entered is incorrect or is no longer valid" error. Is it because the store hasn't updated or something?
My Japanese is rusty now, but it pretty much says there was an error. Please try signing in and out of PSN (on other devices?) and try again.You wouldn't happen to read Japanese, would you?
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it's cross-region saves. I loaded up the NA version of FFX on my Vita, and the JP save isn't recognized. I can't even get into the rest of the Data Transfer menu on the JP FFX Vita game. Here are some screens, if someone can read Japanese and translate the popup message, maybe we can better decipher the issue!
Yes, both my Vita and PS3 are on the same PSN ID.
Perhaps a good measure would be to ask what the KH HD LE looked like in Europe, since I've heard it too had a cover/book hybrid.
Same issue. Considering contacting Amazon.
The more important question is how has she not died of heat exhaustion
Feel a little bit better knowing I'm not the only one then. But yeah, I'm kinda worried. Never had a problem like this. Couldn't dig anything up on a quick google search, but the official PlayStation twitter account tweeted this earlier. So, I'm thinking it might be related to that?
Sorry if this has been addressed already, but is anyone else having issues redeeming their X-2 code on Vita? I've entered it in every place possible (Vita, PS3, PC) and keep getting the "The Prepaid Card code you entered is incorrect or is no longer valid" error. Is it because the store hasn't updated or something?
Feel a little bit better knowing I'm not the only one then. But yeah, I'm kinda worried. Never had a problem like this. Couldn't dig anything up on a quick google search, but the official PlayStation twitter account tweeted this earlier. So, I'm thinking it might be related to that?
So beautiful. Let's hope it is a seperate artbook, that's all I'm worried about, I don't want a cover/artbook hybird like America got.
Wat. I can't find those prints in mine, where they be?
From the GameStop camp. My code redeemed fine.I just tried redeeming mine through my browser and it was a no go. Jesus fuck.
So beautiful. Let's hope it is a seperate artbook, that's all I'm worried about, I don't want a cover/artbook hybird like America got.
Bout to indulge.
Watching that starting cutsc-- TIDUS' EYES OH LAWD
Guys, Standard or Expert sphere grid? Never played the international version.
Expert allows for interesting things like mid-game Auron with Rikku's speed and Red Mage Lulu but there are a ton of empty nodes, which means your guys will be a little gimpy until near end game
From the GameStop camp. My code redeemed fine.
Dammit square!
Sorry for the slow reply, but it should be in the front pocket of the art book.
I thought at the end of the game there is no real difference in terms of stat maxing.
Yup. This is why I didn't buy the "limited edition" version of Kingdom Hearts 1.5 either. The book/game case combo is too awkward and large.
Yeah, in terms of stat maxing. He's referring to if you haven't done any stat maxing (a time consuming process) and are just playing through the game normally.
It worked for me? Japanese PS3 version to US Vita version.
Does anyone have a picture of the art cards that come with the vita version?